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School of the Damned

Chapter Four: Open the Door to the Unknown

-Ashley's POV-

I was lost. My parents and I had arrived at the school early this morning, with a silent car ride and wordless goodbyes. Now, I was dashing around all over the place to orientate myself around the building and get to know where my classes were so that I wasn’t late to everything on Monday. On my way back to the main office to ask for directions or a map or something, I wasn’t watching where I was going and crashed into someone, knocking myself over onto the floor.
“Woah, hey there, are you ok?” He asked, lending me a hand to help me up. I nodded, speechless when I saw him, though I was most focused on his eyes. They were blue. So, so blue. Black, piercing irises lost in an oceanic pale sea, rimmed with a darker edge. The most beautiful eyes I’d ever seen.
“Uh, yeah, yeah. I’m fine,” I stuttered, managing to speak at last and scolding myself for staring at him. He had scene-style black hair that reached his shoulders, pale skin, and was wearing all black. Huh. Wonder what he’s doing here, I thought. “Sorry I ran into you.”
“It’s fine,” he responded. “What’s your name?”
“Ashley. What’s yours?”
“Andy. By any chance do you know where the left wing boys dormitory is?” Yes! That was the one I was in! Thankfully, I had managed to locate it earlier.
“Oh, yeah, that’s the one I have, too. It’s the only thing I have found, though. This place is so huge,” I rambled as I lead him down the hall and to a staircase in the back. “It’s up there,” I added, expecting him to say something like oh, thanks, see you later, but he said something different instead.
“Thanks. Mind showing me around a little more after I put my stuff away?”
“Yeah, I don’t mind. I don’t know where 99% of these classes are, so I guess we’ll look together,” I agreed, hoping I wasn’t being annoying or bothersome in any way, as I usually felt I was.
“Sounds like a plan.” He started up the bland, grey stairwell, but stopped once he realized I wasn’t following. “You coming?”
“Oh I was going to wait down here for you, but I’ll join you,” I stated awkwardly.
“You’re new too, right?” Andy asked as we made our way up.
“Yeah,” I replied. “If I may, um, you don’t really seem like the typical type to attend Catholic school. What are you doing here?” Andy laughed.
“Well, this is a funny story,” he started, though it was cut short by a touch of seriousness, a spark of pain flashing in his eyes for a moment. “I-er, uh-my parents decided I was too dark and needed some Jesus in my life,” he settled on.
“Really?” I laughed in response. “You got sent here because you need Jesus?”
“Yep,” he responded, “also because I was bullied really badly at my old school.”
“Oh, that sucks,” I replied, not really knowing what else to say. “Why?” Andy shrugged as we reached the top of the stairs.
“Appearance and stuff. What about you? I have a slight feeling you didn’t exactly choose to come here.”
“I-” I couldn’t tell him. I just couldn’t. Thankfully, another boy greeted us at that moment, and I swallowed my words with gratitude.
“Hey guys, I’m Ronnie. You new here?”
“Yeah,” Andy told him. “I’m Andy. Ashley’s just helping me find my way around and stuff.”
“Oh. I can help too, if you want,” he offered. “Today’s a free day, so I can show you where all your classes are and tell you who to watch out for. I’ve been here since the beginning of the year, this place is boring as hell.” I gave a little laugh, and Andy began to put his belongings away.
“Sure, we could both use that,” I said. “I take it you would rather not be here, either.”
“Yeah, my best friend was caught smoking weed and-yeah that’s all I’m going to say. I’m so glad I found you two, though, everyone else here are like super committed and stuff,” he sighed, flopping down on his bed. Well, I assumed it was his. “Anyway, tell me when you’re done and we’ll get started.”

Once Ronnie had directed us to all the rooms, we sat in the courtyard eating actually ok tasting cafeteria food.
“Alright, so here’s what I need to warn you about,” he began. “First: Never arrive late to Sister Hartzler’s classes, she goes insane and gives you lunch detention all week long. If Father Cerulli catches you with any electronic devices anytime during the week except for Saturday and Sunday and designated free time, he’ll take them away for the rest of the month. Next, Mother Sturm is pretty nice and will let things slide, but say one thing out of line about religion-even “oh my god”-and she will not be happy. Father Way is the only chill one. He’s actually really funny, so be thankful if you have him for one of your classes. Also, he’s super sassy and lets us call him Frank; that’s his first name. As for Father Smith, you better watch out big time. He’s the head priest, and I swear, he is the reason that this place is hell. If we had a different principal-priest-person, this wouldn’t be so bad. In fact, the teachers often drop hints here and there about how strict and controlling he is. He’s got dark hair, he’s thin, wears rectangular glasses, pronounces vowels weirdly-like “OOOh thIIIis is gOOd-and has really sweaty hands. You’ll find out soon, he shakes every new student’s hand. Ugh. Oh, also, he never shaves, but also never grows a beard. Like he trims it to keep it this short and stubley thing. Which also shows off his acne. Trust me, you’ll know him when you see him,” Ronnie warned, taking a bite of his sandwich. I didn’t really know what to say.
“Well, thank you for that,” Andy stated sort of awkwardly before his face fell, becoming serious. “Wait is that him over there?” He asked in a hushed voice as we all leaned in to hear him properly.
“Where?” I whispered, glancing up for a brief moment to see none other than Father Smith himself approaching us. “Guys he’s coming over here,” I hissed.
“Well,” Ronnie started, pulling out of our small huddle. “Sorry bros, but I’m out. I’ve shaken his hand and talked to him once, and let me tell you, that was too much. Catch ya later.” Ronnie gathered his stuff on his tray, got up, and left, tossing it out in a nearby trashcan.
“Well then. That was nice of him,” I said sarcastically in surprise to his leaving. Andy shook his head.
“The dope up and left us! Hey, he’s not here yet, we can still make a break for it, wanna go?”
“You bet.”
“Be quick about it, don’t want him to track us down.” We gathered up our trash on the trays and hurried away from the table, throwing them out and successfully escaping a painfully sweaty handshake and greeting. I found myself giggle a little as we returned inside and walked fast through the halls to somewhere. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad here with Andy. I liked him a lot.


Sorry updates haven't been regular! Also for some reason, the website glitches on me and freezes and stuff whenever I try to add the title credit for chapter one, but you all know it's from Wretched and Divine. Idk I would like to make it look neater and add that... Anyway, I'm working on chapter five! Wait one more thing: All the priests are going to be named after band members except for Father Smith, who I am basing off of an absolutely horrible principal I had at my old school. Her name was Mrs. Smith, and the school would actually have been a nice place if it weren't for her and her favoritism, judging by appearances, not giving half a damn about the terrible bullying going on all year long, wasting the school's money, picking on those who didn't fit in, just being a horrible person who thought she was the best at everything. Ok sorry, rant over. So yeah, the base of this school is taken from the attitude of my old school, and Father Smith will be a male version of Mrs. Smith.


Please update soon!!!!!!!

please update soon!!!

BVBHersheys BVBHersheys


I was trying to help out so your welcome

sorry computer glitch


I was trying to help out so your welcome