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A Saviour Will Be There, When You're Feeling Alone

Take my fucking hand and never be afraid again!

Alexandria’s POV

“HEY LOOK AT WHERE YOU’RE WALKING EMO FREAK” a girl that looked like she was on the popular group said.
I rolled my eyes, what did I do in my life for people to treat me like this?
“Hey love, something’s wrong?” A boy that looked like he was on the popular group too said, “NO! This freak just bumped onto me!” the girl said hugging the boy.
“Sorry but you were the one to bump to me.” I said, suddenly the girl eyes widened and she looked at the boy and he nodded his head.
Oh fuck...
The boy pushed me onto the ground making me fall on my butt, he then picked on my backpack and throw at the garbage, “Oh god she’s really emo, she even likes My Chemical Romance” the girl making the boy laugh.
The boy spit at me and laughed again, “Just if you know...” He didn’t finished his phrase because someone said something, “Just leave her alone James!” said a boy really tall, “Don’t try to be a hero Biersack!” The boy that now I know that is James said.
“Biersack” chuckled, “I’m not trying to be a hero, I’m just trying to stop this, because you know why? Because this is bullying! You’re just a worthless peace of shit that thinks he’s the best but isn’t! And one day this girl is going to be well succeeded in life and you’ll be cleaning toilets, so make us a favour and just leave!” The boy said.
Ow, that was really brave of him.
I noticed that James was without words and just walked away, “Wait James, aren’t you going to do something about him?!” The girl screamed while running after him, “Just shut up already Ariana!” James said pissed.
The boy that just fucking saved my life turned around and I saw that he was the boy that I saw getting out of the car, “Are you alright?” he asked me while giving me his hand.
I grabbed his hand and he helped me getting up, “Yeah, btw thanks for... ya know... say that...” I said looking down already noticing my social awkwardness coming.
“You don’t need to thank me, I’m pretty sure you would do the same if you saw someone be picked on.” The boy said, I smiled and nodded my head, “I’m Andy by the way and nice to meet you.” Andy said, “Alexandria and nice to meet you too.” I said smiling, he smiled at me and his smile just melted me inside.
Suddenly the bell rang, “Oh fuck, I don’t know where the hell my class is!” I said worried, Andy looked at me “What are you going to have?” he asked.
I picked my timetable that I already had since Saturday, I smiled when I saw what it was, “Art!” I said excited, “Guess what?! I’m going to have Art too!” Andy said.
I smiled, “Then let’s go!” I said excited, “LET’S GO!” Andy said excited too and put is hand in the hair like a super hero what made me giggle.
Andy smiled back down at me and we walked to Art... together...
*in Art*
“Well class how today is the first day of school, your task is to draw things that you like, that you inspire, etc.” Our teacher said.
I smiled I know exactly what I’m going to draw, I’m actually going to make at least 3 drawings, one of batman because batman is freaking awesome, the second one is going to be about the nightmare before Christmas because I love that movie and Tim Burton is awesome and the third one is going to be a MCR drawing because they are the best fucking band in the entire world!
I picked a sheet and started to draw my first drawing, after 20 minutes I finished and he looked like this: http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2012/348/b/2/batman_drawing_by_onchonch-d5o069i.jpg
I decided to make the The Nightmare Before Christmas drawing look real, like Jack is an actual skeleton and Sally is an actual “zombie” girl.
After 30 minutes I was done with the drawing and he looked like this:
Okay so now I have like another 3o/40 minutes to draw my last drawing.
I took 35 minutes to do it and I was fucking proud of the result.
I looked at my work satisfied, “So what did you draw?” I heard Andy ask me.
Oh yeah I sat next to Andy our teacher let us choose our seat.
“Well first I draw Batman because Batman is the BEST!” I said showing him the drawing.
Andy’s eyes widened and he took the drawing out of my hands and picked one of him, “Yours so much better than mine! Mine doesn’t even look like Batman!” Andy said showing me his drawing, I gasped, “OMFG! THAT’S PERFECT!” I said, “Oh really?” Andy asked I nodded my head and he smiled, “Thanks...” Andy said, I then showed him my other two drawings and he loved them too specially the Jack and Sally’s one because they weren’t dolls but “humans”.
I couldn’t have asked for a better first day of school!


So... I hope you have enjoyed this chapter!
Please comment telling me what you think about this chapter!
BTW! No I didn't just put Batman because Iknow Andy LOVES Batman but I'm addicted to Batman since I'm 3 years old so I basically just put Batman because he is my favourite hero it's just a bonus that Andy loves Batman too!


You're doing a great job. Keep it up! I love this so far c:
WildYoungCrazy WildYoungCrazy

How could you leave it at that!!! You have better update!!!

loved it by the way!!!
Rae_loves_Jake Rae_loves_Jake
I'm loving this story please update soon! :)
It's really good! Keep Updating! :D
Thanks I'm going to try to update it today :3