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together we will be unbroken

chapter 95

I roll out of my bunk, and pull on some clothes. And Ashley thought I was out of commission. I chuckle to myself. I put my arm back in its sling and walk downstairs to the kitchen. I love double Decker buses. I start the coffee, and sit on the counter with my laptop.

I've come to the conclusion that Darin is my wife. We are definitely not a happily married couple. In fact, I want a divorce. I have about ten unread emails from last night alone. We have to discuss the schedule for Warped. Make sure you get them to the Hot Topic interview on time on June 25th. Dude that is so far away!!! I'm more concerned about the interview in a few days. Being a manager was never this stressful. Maybe that's why you broke up.. Shut up Lace, you know that's not true, and Stephen's band was easy too so meh!

"Morning miss manager." John says.

"Morning." I smile.

"Talking to the label?"

"Yeah..." I sigh.

"Geez He's like your mother." He says as he looks over my shoulder.

"I know right! He's always like" I change to my Valley girl voice. "Oh my God what are you doing? Why aren't you answering my calls? I need to know what you are doing every second of everyday. Make sure you do the thing in June! Don't forget about the think in June!"

"You do that way to well." He laughs. I smile and shrug. "You need a new rep."

"Yeah. i know." I roll my eyes.

"I know things get hard, but I'm literally three feet under you so I'm always there if you need me."

"Oh my God that's right you've got the bunk under me." I think of all of the times Ashley and I have had sex. "I am so sorry."

"It's fine." He chuckles. "I'm used to it. I've just about seen it all."

"That still doesn't make me feel better."

"Yeah. I thought you were broken though?" He gestures at my sling.

"The doctor said I could take it off every now and then..." I say quietly.

"Fair enough." He laughs.

"Why do you to wake up so early?" Jake groans. Aw he's so cute when he's tired. His hair is all messy, and he's acting like a toddler. Gah I just can't handle the cuteness!!!!

"It's a manager thing." John replies.

"Must be." He mumbles into the fridge. "Het we're out of milk. And beer. And we don't have food."

"No food?!?!?" I exclaim. "What the fuck am I supposed to do!!! I love food!" I run over and inspect our fridge. He's right, it's empty.

"This is a serious issue." Jake mumbles. "We should probably get more..." He places his head on the counter and closes his eyes.

"Jake Hun what do you want for food?" I write down what I want on a piece of paper.

"Victory pizza..." He mutters.

"You have to earn that sweetheart." I laugh.

"Then eggs, and some peanut butter, and some toast." I think I see drool. Note to self: Disinfect the counter.

"Alright, I'm going to borrow your car okay?" I pick up his keys, and put on my coat.

"Okay.." He moans. I chuckle and walk out into the cold. Jake has a black Jeep. I really like Jeeps. I climb in and start it up, and turn the heat up all the way. I love you heated seats. I sing to myself.

I pull into Walmart, and sprint to the front doors. "It's cold out huh?" And old lady smiles at me.

"Oh yeah." I nod.

"Make sure you bundle up. You don't need to be getting sick okay?"

"Okay" I smile. I love old people. I get the food, check out, and drive back to the bus. The thermometer reads -20. Yeah, I'm never moving to Minnesota. I bring the groceries inside, and the sight surprises me. "What are you guys doing up?"

"You woke us up with your yelling." Ronnie grumbles.

"Oh sorry."

"Is that all of them?" Jacky asks. I nod. "How did you carry all of that with one hand?"

"I'm left handed, and it can do some amazing things." I smile, and start putting them away.

"Damn straight it can." Ashley grins. I roll my eyes and smile.

"Oh shut up." Jinxx chuckles. My laptop dings. Great another email from Darin.

"I'm going to put this in my bunk." I sigh. I walk over to my bunk and burst out laughing. There is a fence that one puts on their child's bed so they don't fall out. "You guys are fucking hilarious, I love you." I laugh.



this is amazing I absolutely love it


hey guys, so you know me as raindrops on roses, but I can't log on with google anymore so this is my new thing. I will be updating my stories through this new screen name, and they will have a title like unbreakable 2 or something like that.

Omg chapter 22 is so sad

BvbHeaven BvbHeaven

Omg chapter 22 is so sad

BvbHeaven BvbHeaven

Omg chapter 22 is so sad

BvbHeaven BvbHeaven