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together we will be unbroken

chapter 90

-Ronnie pov- I'm on my way to Tum's right now. I can't wait to see her! Whoa easy Ronnie, no speeding. When I saw her in Boston I could tell something was wrong, but I never got the chance to talk to her about it. Maybe it's just stress from being at a performing arts school, but I think it's something that involves Ashley. I really want the two of them to be happy. Maybe Tum will go bat shit crazy on Kina, and then her and Ashley will get together. I chuckle and park in my usual spot outside of Tum's apartment building. I hum a tune I heard Tum play on her french horn once. I don't know how or why I remember that. I turn my key in the lock, and walk into her apartment. This is strange.... It's past eleven and she is stil asleep. I look down and see clothes strewn about the floor. Are those Guys' pants? Is that Ashley's shirt?!?! She moves fast. No, Tum wouldn't call him over, he probably showed up. My hopes and dreams may be comimg true. I smile amd walk out the door. I'll just come back later. -Ashley pov- Rose still hasn't woken up yet. Maybe she's jetlagged. I don't really mind having her asleep in my arms though. I've wanted to have this for the longest time. I rub that spot on her back and stroke her gorgeous face. It's relaxed, and peaceful. This makes me happy. CC said she was stressed out. God I wish I could have gone with them. I tried to find a flight but they were all booked. I was thinking about driving there, but I realized that she would probably be back in L.A. before I made it there. My hand skims over her forearm. It's bumpy and dry. Oh no, there's more. I gently shift over so we're both laying on our sides. I pull her arm so it's level with my face. I don't see any. Then I remember that she's a pro at covering things up with make up. I lick my fingers and gently rub her arm. I was right, sadly. Her arms are covered with angry red cuts any where that isn't tattooed. A fee tears slip out of my eyes. I don't know why she does this to herself. "I promise you that I will help you. Your burden is my burden." I kiss the top of her head. "You're not alone." -Laci pov- He's still here?!?!?! I thought he would have left me. "Morning beautiful." He smiles. "Morning." I smile. "Has anyone ever told you that your voice is really sexy in the morning." "Nobody that matters." He kisses my head. I chuckle and relax into him. "God you're gorgeous." He sighs. "Oh stop." I roll my eyes. He tilts my chin up so I have to look at him. "Never." He holds my gaze. His eyes stare into mine. "Oh shit I still have to pack!" I spring out of bed and run overbto my suitcase. "I should probably put clothes on first." Ashley looks me up and down. "I'd rather you didn't" He smirks. God that's a turn on. I pullbon a shirt amd a pair of sweats that were on my floor. "Wanna help?" I smirk. "You want me to help you pick oit your clothes?" I nod. "Alright alright." He smiles.



this is amazing I absolutely love it


hey guys, so you know me as raindrops on roses, but I can't log on with google anymore so this is my new thing. I will be updating my stories through this new screen name, and they will have a title like unbreakable 2 or something like that.

Omg chapter 22 is so sad

BvbHeaven BvbHeaven

Omg chapter 22 is so sad

BvbHeaven BvbHeaven

Omg chapter 22 is so sad

BvbHeaven BvbHeaven