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together we will be unbroken

chapter 57

Today was a pretty normal day. I woke up, ate food, did manager stuff, at more food, and now I'm chilling in the living room with CC, Jinxx, Jacky, and Dylan. "Get ready foe war motherfuckers!!!" Andy is standing at the top of the stairs holding a nerf gun. Oh shit. Ashley, Kina, Jake, and Ronnie throw us each a nerf gun, and they sprint at us. I have a long range machine gun so I'm pretty much screwed. At least I have a lot of bullets....

"Why the fuck did I get the shitty gun?" CC asks. He holds his pistol an arms length away from his face.

"Wait wait wait hold up!" I exclaim stopping the mayhem. "We should do this in the dark."

"Aw fuck yeah!" Jake exclaims. "Dude why didn't we thinknof this before?"

"But how will we see anyone?" Kina asks.

"I have glow sticks in my room." I suggest.

"Well go get them!" CC yells. I run up to my room, grab the glowsticks, and give everyone two.

"Rules are if you get shot three times you're out." Andy says as he secures his glowstick in the belt loop over his ass.

"What do we do if we're out?" Jinxx asks.

"I'd say just sit on the couch." Ashley shrugs.

"Alright sounds good." Dylan replies. "When I shut off the lights count to ten before you start shooting so we can spread out. We all nod. "Okay, everybody ready?" Andy flicks off the lights and the games begin.

I make my way to the stairs as quickly and as quietly as possible. I've got a plan, and it's a damn good one. I hear a gun go off. "God damn it that was my face!" Jake exclaims. I set my gun down on its stand and lay down behind it. I see little glowing circles everywhere. Is CC really standing on the table? The only reason I know it's him is the green ring around his head and he would be the only one dumb enough to stand on the table. I see someone army crawling behind the couch. I start raining bullets down on them.

"Gah! I've been shot!" Ashley exclaims.

"You're outta there!" Ronnie imitates an umpire. Damn my belt is over half empty and I don't have anymore bullets.... I look directly under me and see Ronnie sitting between two dressers..... with a mesh bag of bullets. I can only see it because the glowstick glow illuminates it. An idea pops into my head.

I creep to my room and find a paper clip and some string. I bend the paperclip into a hook and tie it to the string. I go baxk to my spot and lower my contraption. A smile creeps to my face and a laugh bubbles inside of me. I clamp my hand over my mouth. Keep it together. It is so hard not to laugh. I hook the paper clip into the bag and bring it up to me. Oh my god I can't believe I pulled that off. I laugh in my head. I reload and shoot Ronnie three times. "Where the fuck did those come from? Hey where're all my bullets?" He exclaims. I bite my hand to keep from laughing out loud. A few more guns go off.

"Jinxx you're so out!" Kina exclams.

"No that was only two!" He yells. I shoot him right in the chest.

"Sianara sunshine." I smile.

"Tum? Where the fuck are you?" Ronnie asks.

"You'll see when this is over." I reply.

"Or you get shot." Andy chuckles. I get him out. "You're a little bitch." I can hear the smile in his voice so I know it's okay.

"Yeah what else is new." I sigh.

"Wait so it's just me Kina and Tum?" CC asks.

"What about Dylan ad Jacky?" Kina asks.

"Oh we're right here." Dylan says from the couch. I can see Kina's yellow glowstick and I'm about to shoot, but CC yells COMACOZI!!!! And shoots her for me.

"God damn it CC!!" She exclaims. I take the oppertunity to shoot him while he's standing on the coffee table.

"Well fuck you too Tum." He laughs.

"Sorry love it had to be done." I shrug. The lights turn back on.

"You sneaky little bitch!!" Jake exclaims. "I never would have thougt to do that!"

"And that's why I beat you at call of duty." I stretch and get up.

"You're an evil genius." Jinxx smiles.

"We should form an alliance." CC smiles. "Oh shit." Everyone says in unisine.

"You all should start sleeping with one eye open." I smirk.


Sorry that was a tablet chapter, ill edit it tomorrow. Thatnks for reading. :)


this is amazing I absolutely love it


hey guys, so you know me as raindrops on roses, but I can't log on with google anymore so this is my new thing. I will be updating my stories through this new screen name, and they will have a title like unbreakable 2 or something like that.

Omg chapter 22 is so sad

BvbHeaven BvbHeaven

Omg chapter 22 is so sad

BvbHeaven BvbHeaven

Omg chapter 22 is so sad

BvbHeaven BvbHeaven