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together we will be unbroken

chapter 108

"Ronnie!" I jump into my best friends arms, and he spins me around. "Hey Tum!" He laughs into my neck. I love Ronnie's hugs, they are so tight and warm, and cuddley. "I missed you so much." He smiles and touches my cheek. "Ugh I missed you too! I jate being away from you for so long." I reply. "Hey where's my hug?" Ryan asks. "Yeah mine too!" Jacky exclaims. "Showing favoratism, I ee how it is Tum." Max stands there shaking his head, with crossed arms. "You guus are such drama queens." I laugh. "Pizza buddy!" I am engulfed by Jake from out of nowhere. "Jake how, when did you get here?" I laugh. "Me, John, and Jinxx took this flight too." He smiles. "Oh sorry, you might want to breathe huh?" He lets go, and I can breathe again. "Hi Laci." Jinxx smiles, and gives me a hug. "Hi." I smile into his shoulder. I really missed him. "Lxi." John nods. "John." I mimic him, amd we both chuckle. "We haven't officially met, I'm Darin." Darin holds out his hand and I shake it. Darin is pretty average looking. He has brown hair amd eyes, medium height, broad shoulders. "Laci." I reply. "We have a few things that we need to work out before tomorrows show." He remarks. "Well tuen let's not waste time here." I reply. -------"The bus was how much?!" I exclaim. "Ten thousand." He says bluntly. I push my hand under my glasses, adbrub my forehead. "Geez...." "You have to give thirty percent of the entire paycheck from each show to the label to pay for it." He tells me over his laptop. "Thirty percent really?" I'm a broke college student with bills to pay, and shit to do. I can't lose money! "Yes really." He saus with a bit to much attitide for my liking. "Hey Lace, I'm sorry to interupt you, but are you doing our lights and sound for Karang?" John asks. "Do you want me to?" "If you're busy you don't have to." He scratches tje back of his neck. "No I'm not busy. I'll gladly do it." I smile. "Great, I'"ll just have to call the hotels amd get you a room." "Why? You guus can just stay in my house." I reply. "Your house in Ireland? Is there enough room?" He asks. "Oh dedinitely. We have like ten total right?" "Yeah..." "Oh yeah we have plentybof room. The only really long ride will be thee one to Scotland, but that's only about four hours. The rest of thwm wwill be no msorebthan two." "Alright sounds good." He smiles. "You just saved me a whole lot of money, thank nyou." "No problem Love." "Okay okay, now let's get back to buisness." Darin says seriously. "Babe!" Ashley yells from the living room. I look at Darin, and he sighs. I getbup and walk to the living room. "Yes?" "I'm sorry to botherbyou, but we can't get the Xbox to work." "Alright let me takw a look at it." I walk over to the console, amd study it intensely. "Oh thw power cord is loose!" "Can you fix it?" He sounds worried. "Yeah just let me get some electeical tape." I run back through the kitchen, up the stairs, and into the bedroom. I dig through my suitcase, and find it after about a minute of searching. I run back down, and tape the cord into place. "There good as new." I smile. "Tum you're my hero." Jake bows down to me. "Thanks Rose." Ashley smiles. "No problem cowboy." I smile, amd walk back out to the kitchen. "Now where were we?" Daein and I talk for what seems like forever. It was exhausting! When we finished working out the final details for the rest of the tour, he left. I took my glasses off, rubbed my eyes, and slammed my head onto my laptop. Within minutes I was out cold.



this is amazing I absolutely love it


hey guys, so you know me as raindrops on roses, but I can't log on with google anymore so this is my new thing. I will be updating my stories through this new screen name, and they will have a title like unbreakable 2 or something like that.

Omg chapter 22 is so sad

BvbHeaven BvbHeaven

Omg chapter 22 is so sad

BvbHeaven BvbHeaven

Omg chapter 22 is so sad

BvbHeaven BvbHeaven