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Something More?

Lie in Wait

I laid in bed for most of the day, occasionally hearing people conversing or John yelling at someone. I didn't want to get up, I didn't want to face the others. I didn't want to face him. The bus started moving not long after Andrew got up, but I barely noticed. All I could bring myself to do was stare at the wall of my bunk in a semi comatose state. I couldn't even bring myself to roll over when I heard my bunks curtain open.
“Are you going to lay there all day?” Andrew’s deep voice asked with a hint of sadness to it.
“That’s the plan.”
“I’m sorry for acting out of turn, I didn’t realize that you no longer were willing to accept that type of relationship.” He kept his voice down enough that I don’t think anyone else in the bus could hear him.
“I just… It isn’t that I am unwilling… It’s that you had to be drunk to even consider that… What am I?”
I could feel Andrews sudden tension from behind me. It took a few minutes before he would respond to my question. “You are Celestia Trackis, the strongest and most intelligent woman I know. And you're human.”
I sighed and rolled over to face the man. “Why would one ask a blind man what they look like?” I met his crystal blue eyes and saw a mixture of sadness and confusion swirling through them. “What am I to you?”
“What do you want to be?” At that I could no longer bring myself to meet his eyes, so I rolled over to once again face the wall. After a few minutes Andrew closed my bunks curtain and left me be.
I grabbed my phone and put on my headphones, turning on Sandblast which was one of the only english songs on my playlist. I opened the texting app and sent a message to Ai.
Me: ‘Why am I attracted to idiots?’
It wasn’t even a minute before Ai responded.
Ai: ‘Because you're an idiot. What happened?’
Me: ‘I like Andrew but I don’t know what he feels toward me. And last night he made a drunken move that made my old passions spark back to life.’ I quickly deleted the second sentence and sent the message.
Ai: ‘Ask.’
I sighed, knowing she was right. In this situation I would have to just outright ask what his feelings are for me, but I don’t think I have the strength to. I turned up the music and let myself drift to sleep.

When I woke up it was dark. The bus seemed to have stopped moving so I got up and forced myself from my bunk. There was no one in the drivers seat, and the bus was empty leading me to believe that everyone had gone to sleep. I grabbed a snack bar and headed out of the bus, intent to satisfy my growling stomach. When I got out I instantly smelled cigarette smoke. Looking around, I spotted Andrew leaning against the side of the bus, not far from me.
“Smokings bad for your health.”
“Yeah, I know. Welcome back to the land of the living.” I nodded and opened the bar, slowly nibbling on it. “Look-”
“Why’d you do it?” Andrew looked at me in confusion. “Why did you invite me to come on tour with you?”
“Oh… Because I wanted to help you get your dream back. Because I wanted to have you in my life, even if just as a friend.”
“Yeah, thanks.”
Why is life so damn hard?


Thanks for the comments, I'm really glad to know that people appreciate my work. Feel free to comment, hopefully this chapter wasn't too depressing, and enjoy.


Thank you, I am very glad that you appreciate this story.

Freya Druid Freya Druid

NOOOOO!!!!! THAT WAS AN AMAZING STORY!! I'm sad it had to end but I'm also glad you put up a type of sequel. ^~^

NOOOOO!!!!! THAT WAS AN AMAZING STORY!! I'm sad it had to end but I'm also glad you put up a type of sequel. ^~^

Bring on the one shots!

IzzieDeadnow IzzieDeadnow


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