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The Broken One

Pizza Party

***Back To Cynthia’s P.O.V
Andy sets my bag down on my new bed and leaves so I can get unpacked and used to my new room I’ll be staying in. I look around, taking in the dark grey of the walls and large window on the wall next to the bed, there’s black curtains falling loosely over it, blocking the sunshine. I never have like the sun, too perky. Living in California isn’t really my thing.
I unpack my clothes and put them away in the closet. I place the few other things I brought in my desk drawers. After I’m done with that I sit down on the bed and take out my phone. I scroll through my tumblr feed for a while before Andy comes and knocks on the door.
“You getting hungry? We can order pizza if you want”
Andy says, peeking his head around the door.
“That sounds fine”
I say, setting the phone down.
“Ok, I’ll go order ”
He says, retreating back out to the living room.
About a half an hour later the pizza arrives and the two of us head into the living room to eat. Andy sets the pizza down on the table in front of us and hands me a paper plate. We each get some pizza and Andy plops down next to me on the leather couch. He flips on the TV and turns the channel to a hockey game.
“Do you like hockey?”
He asks, taking a bite of pizza.
“It’s ok, I don’t really get into sports that much”
I say, hoping I don’t disappoint him.
“I’m not super crazy about them, just hockey. I used to play when I was real young”
He says, watching the players on the screen skate around.
“Really? You don’t seem like the type”
I say.
“And what is that supposed to mean?”
He turns towards me, trying to act offended but not being able to hide his smile.
“Oh nothing”
I say as innocently as possible before we both start laughing.
“When am I going to have to start going to school?”
I ask a few minutes later, hoping for a miracle where I don’t have to at all.
“On Monday we can go and get you all registered and then you can start going”
He says, making my hope for a miracle crash and burn. Monday was only three days away.
“Is that ok?”
He asks, looking at me.
“I guess, I’m just dreading it”
I say.
“Well you gotta start sometime. I would think waiting and getting more behind would just be worse for you”
He says looking back at the TV.
“I’m gonna go to bed. It’s been a long day”
I say, standing up and heading into the kitchen to throw my plate away.
“Goodnight Cynthia”
Andy says as I walk back through to get to the stairs.


First of all thank you to everybody who commented and subscribed and stuff. I'm hoping everybody is liking it so far. The next chapter is going to be more exciting so hold on :)

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@Haley Blade Sixx
I'd love to hear your idea if you want to message me it or something.

Oh my god! If you wanted to write a sequel to this I have an idea that could be pretty cool.

this was such a good story, dam, i loved it you did such a great job.

Ella Biersack Ella Biersack

Aww, so sad...

Saminbvb Saminbvb