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Three Way Path (Andrew Biersack Love story)

Episode one: Making it in the real world

When i was fifteen i realized i was invisible. Well not that kind of an invisible i was more Anonymous. Its not like i did not try, i mean people always see me as a loser. L.O.S.E.R, loser. But i don't mind. But when it comes to love yep. i sucked. S.U.C.K.E.D, sucked. A throb towards me i fell down on the ground letting the papers in my hand fall down to the side walk. "Yeah, thanks." i whispered going on all fours picking up the papers that were spread across the side walk like confetti. "This is just.. great." After a several amount of minutes i finally picked up every piece of paper on the side walk. Every model, or suit passing me, not even bothering to look down or even ask me if i 'need help' Oh no like i said Google Earth can not even find me.

A huff escaped my lips as i stood up walking to the office. Pushing the revolving doors open i saw my best friend sitting on the red and yellow leather chair looking down at her phone. "You are back!" I laughed making her look up. Juliet Simms were always one man's objective when they looking for someone. She was smart, pretty and not to mention can make guys laugh. Three things i did not have, kind of sucks. But oh well. Last i seen my best friend she literally was bald, well not really her hair was short and blonde now its long and brown, like mine.

"I want you to meet my boyfriend." She has a boyfriend? huh. "His name is Andy." Andy, that's my teddy bears name. "And he is extremely hot." Not like my bear."Would you?"

Juliet had a tad obsession talking about her self, and i gradually ignore it blocking it out. "Yeah, i would love to." Even though i don't want to. I pushed my glasses up to the bridge of my nose walking to my small desk the boss provided for me. "When?"

"How about Saturday, he is still out of the country?" She giggles. "And he has four hot guys, you can like pick up em out of the bunch." Just shaking my head i thought about high-school. There was the boy named Trevor, he was my Brad Pitt. I wanted him so bad until one day Juliet snaked him around her finger and he fell for her like the click of my fingers. And what did i do? i did nothing. She knew how i loved him... and she told me if i was not going to make a move, she would. I am a shy girl and i am really old school. I believe that a man should ask a woman out, and not the other way around. It is just the way i am. Besides if i speak to a hot guy my brain get burned and my tongue get cut off so i sound more or less like: jkhgeuhgfurhgugn blah. So i just kept my mouth shut and let Juliet have them. I do have a part in their relationship, in any relationship Juliet had, i was the break up one. If she gets tired of them i am the one who breaks them up. "So?"

"Love to Julie."

"Only you can call me that." She warned with a small smirk. "I will text you the deets.
Later slut."

"Bye." i whisper as she walks out of the small room.

I sat down behind my desk and as usual rest my head on the palm of my hand gazing at the large window seeing how people walk, ran, and jog pass me like i am just a mannequin. Hell even the mannequin across the street gets more attention than me. The door opened seeing my boss lady with a really grim expression. "I am sick of my husband." Everyday for the last six years i have heard that for over a million times. "It was my birthday yesterday and he forgot."

"I am really sorry." I said narrowing my eyes not really know...what to say. "I got you a Michael Buble tickets, how was it?"

"It was great Melanie." She sighed walking to her door.

Also for the past six years i was called, Melanie, Brana. Donna and Christie, but i was never called Paige. "Its Paige.." I grimaced as she entered the room where her office was, Yet the door opened once again.Seeing a young man, my heart instantly stopped. His eyes were big and blue, his lips were plum and juicy and not to mention he was extremely attractive just the way he walked. Without even glancing at me he went to the wall. I shrugged placing my set of teeth over the other gritting on them. Hi to you too. I lowered my head closing my eyes

Hi." The voice was pure, rigid but at the same time so smooth, Should i look up?

"Hi-hi"I stuttered slapping myself mentally. I finally gazed back at this man with a Colgate smile. "Appointment?"

"No, but i would like one." He said with a small smile, no wrinkles, a pure complexion. "Dennis Biersack, for tomorrow."

Giggling like a school girl i flipped open a blank page sliding the book towards him. "Yeah.. Doctor Martin has a open space for two." .

"Two is perfect." He leaned on the table and signed his name. He slowly licked his lips as he placed the pen down. "Will it hurt?" Dennis asked with a slight pout looking up to me.

"I think- i think so. What tattoo do you want to remove?" Yes,Paige, good job you got it under control. "I mean where, what- crap." 'Just shut up Paige' My subconscious sighed shaking her head side to side.

"On my waist. A dragon. Drunken mistake." He chuckles.

"That will consist out of five sessions. Depends on how you take the pain."

"I am pretty good with handling pain." Dennis laughed. "But not to much. Do you have any regrettable tattoos?" He asked cocking his head to one side.

Why is he asking me so many questions, some just placed their name in the book and walked the hell out. "No. I am a blank canvas."

"See you soon." Dennis nodded twirling around and walked out of the glass room. I breathed heavily as my eyes grew wide like i just saw a brutal accident occurred before me. Well this was an accident, an accident of greatest proportions.

Breathlessly i climbed the stairs of my apartment still thinking of the man who wants his dragon tattoo removed. I opened the gray door to see my roommate channel surfing. "Hello." I whispered. Jason looked up and said nothing. "Okay." I nodded closing the door behind me. Jason Cole was my roommate. We never talked, well i said hello and he said nothing. We have been living together for the past three years, just because i could not find another apartment i had to foreclosed and move in here with a man who does not talk cause he is afraid he will catch a disease. He is twenty four seven in the house, afraid of germs. On the plus side the apartment is always clean.

I shut the door and walked over to my bed sitting on it just gazing at the closed laptop. I shook it off and opened it. Oh he is online. I have been talking to a man name Batmanforver for the past five months. No first names, no last. And no location to meet. We decided on it. It was an accidental add on a website. New message already.

Batmanforever- Is your roommate still so gusto? Sarcasm. Pun intended.
I laughed softly replying back.

Invisible girl- Yeah, i said hi. He just looked at me like i was a common disease. Talk about being sentimental. Oh my friend is back from her 'vacation' i missed her so much.

Batmanforver- being sentimental? ha! That's nice. I hope you are not going to neglect your favorite person?

Invisible girl- Why would i do that? I mean you are the person who cracked through my wall and let me try out!

Batmanforever- No way! You did!

Biting my bottom lip i grabbed my packet of cigarettes grabbing a glove. Seemed i did Batmanforever, he convinced me to go out and follow my dream. I just hope the people who judge me will let me go for it. Invisible girl- Indeed i did. Its hard being a ballerina in LA, maybe is should head to New-York.

Batmanforever- Go for it Teddy! .
He said he was getting sick of it calling me invisible girl so his nick name for me was teddy and for him was Bat. Even though Juliet was my best friend, i considered Batmanforever to be my friend, the man i am in love with, the man i never met and the man who might be a fifteen year old girl, or a fifty year old creepy man.

Invisible girl- I have to get ready for bed. I am tired. Talk soon. Oh and PS: I suggest you get that head of you fixed. That pole you hit four nights ago when you checked out a girl?

Batmanforever- sleep tight. Oh and PS: She was looking at me. And when i told you i was looking for empathy not accrual laughter with a devil emoji!

Invisible girl- Sucks to be you Bat! i love you.

Batmanforever- Love you too teddy.

I sighed and closed my laptop and lay down gazing at the brown ceiling. I do love batmanforever, as a friend for him- but for me, so, so much more. I hope one day we can meet. But that's for another day. What makes me even more stressed out was for two meetings. The meeting Dennis had at two, and the Saturday meeting i had with Juliet and her boyfriend Andy.



Please update!

Ay3_its_Frank Ay3_its_Frank

Update make a sequel something pleaz

Please make a sequel to this

andyspurdygirl andyspurdygirl

Awesome story... keep going with the story :)

ebvbrides ebvbrides

Omg thank you so much. You really made my day. It's awesome people like you that keep me motivated to keep on going it really means a lot to me. Truly. From the heart and you sure punched me in the feels. Thank you so much.

Sharonbvb Sharonbvb