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Little Biersack

The Wait Is Finally Over.

The next day, I had to wake up extra early to go to the hospital. I needed those results. I got my jacket and my car keys and headed out. I drove, the letter weighing ten times heavier than it was already. The hospital wasn't that far from my house, so I got there in no time. I got out of my car and entered the place. "How can i help you?"
"Yes, I need to take a DNA test." The nurse nods.
"For who?"
"parenting DNA test for Machiala Naino-Biersack." I said. " Hailey Naino sent me."
She types in a few things.
"Mr. Andrew Biersack?" I nod. "Follow me." She gets up and grabs some bag she had next to her. We walk through halls, and I get the chills. I hated hospitals. "She will help you." The nurse said and gave the bag to the other nurse.
"Mr. Biersack, my name is Veronica, Machiala's doctor, please come to the back, we will take some blood samples." I nod and we entered a room. I took of my jacket, turned my arm up and saw the nurse insert the needle. She took one little tube of blood and put me a batman sticker... I guess she saw the tattoo. "Results will be ready in around 12 hours, we will call you and the mother, is that alright "
"Yes." I said as I put my jacket on again. I shook hand with her and walked as fast I could to get out of this place.
"Where were you man?" Ashley asked as I entered the bus.
"Needed to get some things done." He shrugs and thankfully leaves it alone. The day passes and I was never so eager to get some results back. I kept my phone in hand, my heart skipping a beat everything it rang.
"We're gonna go grab some grub.." Jake said. "Need anything?"
"A pack of cigs." I said and he nodded... "And a gallon of chocolate milk." He smiles and shakes his head.
"Alright." I laid down on my bunk and sighed, I decided to make some research about this girl who could be my daughter.
I searched for her in Instagram and went through her feed. She had a lot of pictures of her and Hailey, they looked like sisters almost, but Macy's eyes matched mine. I stare at her newest post. It was the picture of me and her, with the caption.
'My Hero. My Inspiration. I'm so glad I finally met Andy and the rest of the band.'

She tagged me in it, I received the notification. I decided to leave a comment.

'@mnaino_b: it was a pleasure meeting you.'

And liked her photo. My phone started to ring and I answered it quickly.
"Mr.Andrew Biersack?" I sit up
"We have the results, will you like to pick them up?"
"I can't at the moment since I'm in the road and not in town at the moment, may I get them now?"
"Sure.. In the parenting DNA testing for Andrew Biersack and Machiala Naino... " I held my breath, this was it...

"Mr. Biersack... You are the biological father."




DoOmKiTTy95 DoOmKiTTy95


Yessssssssss we need a second book please please please!!!!!!!!!!!

Yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep

Deal-With-It Deal-With-It

yes there should be a second one!!

purdy_girl15 purdy_girl15