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Little Biersack

The Talk.

I stared at Andy as my heartbeat raised.
If this man, standing right in front of me, want the father of my girlfriend, it would've been totally cool and awesome cause he's one of my inspirations. But no, I just had to date his daughter, not that I'm saying I don't love Machiala... It's just.. Awkward. This wasn't the way I imagined myself having a real convo with him.
"So Tyson, how did you meet Macy?" He aske me.
so it begins.
"we were actually waiting for your concert to start, she seemed pretty nervous so I talked to her and we got to know each other, I remembered that she was going to my school because she had the nickname 'new girl' for the first week." I said


"tell me about yourself." He says as he crosses his legs, his foot hanging from his knee.
"There's not a lot that might interest you, Andy.. Honestly."
"Well as the boyfriend of my daughter, every detail is interesting."
"I mean I guess," I shrugged. "Well I'm 17 but you know that already, i live with my mom, who's actually a tattoo artist, she has a shop downtown.. Uhm, I lost my dad when I was 14, he was in the army, killed in combat. I, uh, suffered depression for a few years, but I'm recovering.. Slowly but still recovering"
he nods. "What are your plans after high school?"
"if I'm not in my band anymore, then I'll probably go into digital designing, seems like a cool way to go."
"Band?" I nod. "What's the name of your band?"
"we haven't gotten a name yet. We're still deciding"
"what are your choices?"

Man does this guy want to know my penis size as well?!

"Forgotten Sons, Broken Tears and Red Room." He nods, again, as if he liked them. I honestly like Forgetten Sons, but with one girl in our band, I think Broken Tears seemed like an alternative.
"Dad?" We both turn our heads to find Machiala rubbing her eyes. "Ty? What are you doing here?"
"Can a boy visit his girlfriend?" She shrugs. "The teddy bear is for you." I said as I pointed to the huge and heavy teddy.
"Thanks, I love it." She walks to me and kisse my cheek, then goes to Andy and does the same.
"Want anything?" He asks.
"water.. Please." He nods and goes Ito the kitchen. "Did my dad do anything?"
"nah, just ask some father questions. No biggy."
"Good cause I was going to ground him if he made you spill shit." I laugh and sit down. She sits next to me and puts her head on my shoulder, smiling, she laces our fingers. "I like this feeling." She says as she touched my fingertips.
"you have them too." I said and touched hers.
"strings problem." I laugh and nod.

so true.

"no sex you two.. I need to go to the studio real quick."
"DAD!" Machiala exclaims, Andy laugh and shakes his head.
"no kidding, Machiala, see you kids later." He grabs his jacket and exits the house. Machiala shakes her head and sits up.
"what do you wanna do?"
"you're still in pain, so how about we watch movies and cuddle the afternoon away?"
"I like the sound of that."


Hi guise.
I hope you guys have a very great Christmas, that is my biggest wish to you. I really hope you enjoy this chapter, I'll try my hardest to update soon.
god, I feel so shitty right now. *sigh* , I'm seriously not having a great Christmas Eve right now... And I should be sleeping. I guess I'll just drown my sadness with BVB, Amity Affliction AND BMTH.

love you guys! Ugh! You guys are so patient!



DoOmKiTTy95 DoOmKiTTy95


Yessssssssss we need a second book please please please!!!!!!!!!!!

Yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep

Deal-With-It Deal-With-It

yes there should be a second one!!

purdy_girl15 purdy_girl15