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Cross your heart

Please read, I advise you

Hello loyal readers.

I have been thinking of removing this story and my other ones from this page, that they won't be here anymore and not be updated. IT'S NOT 100% CERTAIN YET! Remember, it's not certain yet but I am thinking about it. and of course, my other thought was to create a new story.

But there is 70% chance that I will be deleting all my fan fictions. All. I'm not kidding. Why I'm thinking to do this? Because of how my ideas are fading and to be honest, I am becoming lazier and lazier about everything. And my depression and self harm have interrupted my life again and I have somehow became a "rebel". And I do so many bad things now, I break more rules than I did before and.... I can't keep up with everything. My schoolwork is going really low, although I do get A's and B's but... my attitude has seriously changed so much and my head is twisted.

Don't get me wrong! I love writing for you guys, I love writing my ideas out and I just simply love writing! I really love writing, I do. But somehow I can't keep it up anymore/lately. I don't know if there's a point to continue writing fan fictions. I love you guys so much, trust me. I really love you!

So, like I said, 70% chance this story could get removed along with my other fan fics. But it's not certain, there's still hope for it not to get deleted-I swear.

Thanks for everyone who read this and I hope I didn't break any hearts (jk).
Yeah, thanks so much for the support you guys gave me and thanks for all your comments and the ratings and the views! If anything doesn't go a bit more wrong than it already is in my life, than I am continuing this thing on. I am quite proud of what I have written so far though. So, yeah, if it's going to get better, I might still write. I'm putting this story on hold and.... I hope you won't unsubscribe or something like that -.- that would break MY heart.

Stay tuned, K?

~Our wings are flawed



Awe so cute

i really love this!!!

I hope you'll like all of them :)

;-; so many chapters.

That's sad.