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The Morticains Daughter {Andy Biersack Fan Fiction}

The Bad Boy With The Blue Eyes

{Skylar's POV}

Hi! I'm Skylar I'm 16 years old. I have have blue and pink hair which I dye from time to time, but my natural hair color is brown. I have grey eyes and well that's about what I look like. Well I guess I should tell you more about myself. My mum died when I was really young so I don't really remember her. So it's just me, my sisters, and my dad. My dads the mortician here in this small town I live in. He's a very respected man, for some reason. Sometimes he barely has any time for us, not even sometimes it's most the time. My dads name is Jessie Serenity, my older sisters name is Celeste and she's 20 and my younger sisters name is Faith she's only 14 though. Got to admit we have a kick-ass last name.

Well today's the first day of school yay! not. I got out of my bed and went to my closet I picked out a tank top with a skeleton body in the back of it I pulled out some ripped leggings. I put all my cloths on and then went to my mirror. I pulled out my make up bag and began to work on my face. I applied my liquid eyeliner and then put on a coat of mascara and then finished it off with my favorite red lips. I pulled out my straightener and started doing my hair. Once I had it straight and styled to the way I liked it I grabbed my converse high tops and my black jacket and walked downstairs into the kitchen where my dad, older sis and little sis are.

"Morning my lovelies" I said walking past my dad and giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"Good morning Sky" my dad said.

"Morning, hey do you want a ride to school?" Celeste said as I took a bite out of some toast.

"Um sure" I said while chewing my food.

"And that's why your single" Faith said and set her plates in the sink.

"Well darlings I have to go to work bye" my dad said and we all said bye back to him. I waited for him to leave and I slapped her butt.

"And you don't have one because your a lesbian" I said and messed up her hair.

"Hey are you sure your straight because damn" Faith said.

"Come on kids you guys are gonna be late and then dad will have my ass" Celeste said and slapped the both of our heads.

We walked out of the house after grabbing our bags, I locked the door and got into my sisters car. We drove for a bit until stopping at a red light. I turned to look out the window to see a black Camaro. The guy in the car had black long hair maybe a little shorter than mine, a lip piercing and piercing blue eyes. I think he saw me starring because he looked towards me making eye contact when I notice the light turn green the guy smirked and took off in high pursuit. I looked to face my sister and she was glaring.

"That guy should be in jail" Celeste said and continued our way to school.

"Why he seems pretty interesting" I said and felt my sister hit the breaks HARD causing me to bang my head on the dashboard. "What the actual fuck?" I said and she turned and
looked at me.

"Don't ever go near that boy" Celeste said.

"Yeah people say he sold his liver fora pair speakers" Faith said.

"That's such a lie" I said.

"I don't care if he did or he didn't I don't want you near or around him and his friends" Celeste said and turned on the turn for school.

"Whatever" I said and got out of the car before it even stopped. I looked at the door to hell oh
I'm sorry I mean school I turned around as soon as I knew my sister was gone I started
walking to the skatepark. Once I was there I pulled out my new pack of Mallbro menthalls. I don't care what people say about them I think they're good. I pulled out my lighter and lit the cigarette.

"Hey smoking kills you know" I hear a deep voice say and I turn around to see a thug.

"I don't care" I said and started walking away but I could hear his footsteps.

"What's the rush baby doll?" he asked but I said nothing and started to walk faster until he turned me around and put a knife to my throat.

"Now are you gonna be a good girl and suck my dick, or are we gonna have to do this the hard way" he said.

"Back the fuck away from the lady and no one will get hurt" another deep voice said but a little deeper than the thug. He released me and turned around and I got look at the one who's possibly saved me. It was Andy.

"And what are you can do about it" the thug asked and Andy pulled out a baseball bat from behind his back.

"I think you know what I'll do with this bat if you go near her again" Andy said getting up in his face. Andy was about a good 5 inches taller than him well at least I think.

"Sure man anything you want" the thug said and ran away.

"Thanks" I said and picked up my pack that fell to the ground.

"It's no problem" Andy said and turned around and started to walk away.

"Hey where are you going?" I asked.

"To school it's the first day and I don't want to be gone the first day" Andy said.

"Oh right" I said and was about to put my pack away.

"Um do you mind if I bum one of those from you?" Andy asked politely. He doesn't seem like the type to sell his liver for a pair of speakers.

"Yeah sure" I said and handed him a cig also pulling one out for myself, and then I realized I forgot my lighter at home. "Fuck"

"What is it?" Andy asked.

"I forgot my lighter do you mind if I borrow yours?" I asked and he walked over to me and lit it for me.

"Thanks for the cig" he said and took a drag. "Sorry I never got your name?"

"It's Skylar" I said kinda shyly.

"That's a pretty name for a pretty girl my names Andy" Andy said smiling and extending his hand for me to shake it and I did.

"I kinda knew that and it's nice to meet you" I said and flashed a quick smile but then saw my friend Kayla, she walked towards Andy and straight up slapped him.

"Sky come on we need to go NOW!" Kayla said and started dragging me away.

"Um okay. I'll see you later Andy" I said and she marched us back all the way to school.

"What the actual fuck are you stupid?" Kayla asked.

"How am I stupid?" I asked.

"You were hanging out or talking to one of the worst people you could ever be near. He's killed someone but wasn't convicted because they didn't have enough proof" Kayla said.

"That's so stupid" I said and pulled out of her grasp.

"He's a bad person Sky you need to stay away from him" Kayla said.

"But how can something so bad, look so good" I said.

"Trust me he's not now we better get to Mr. Hammond's class" Kayla said and we walked to his class to see he's given us a seating chart. Don't you hate when they do that. I sat in the front row where he told me. A few seconds later Andy walked in and Mr. Hammond sat him next to me. Andy seemed a bit disappointed by this.

"Well looks like we're lab partners" I said and pulled out my binder. Mr. Hammond started our science lesson on the scientific method. I don't care if it's the first day of school I should have skipped. A few minuets of class passed of more stuff we learned like two years ago. I pulled my phone out and started texting my best friend Jack.

"Mrs. Serenity phone now" Mr. Hammond said.

"You do know that your not getting this phone nor touching it so just send me to the office now" I said and he went to his desk and pointed towards the door and I walked out of it only thing was I wasn't going to the office. I was going back to the park. While I was walking I felt someone behind me. I turned around to see Andy.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I told the teacher he was being a dick for doing that" Andy said.

"Oh um want another cigarette?" I asked.

"Sure" Andy said and I handed him one.

"Thanks so um your Kayla's friend" Andy said.

"Yeah and why did she slap you?" I asked.

"We uh.....used to date and it ended badly" Andy said.

"So your the guy who fell in love for someone you've never met so how'd that work out?" I asked and rolled my eyes at the same time.

"I'm not sure I'm finding out" Andy said.

"So you've finally met her?" I asked.

"Yes I have but I'm unable to tell you who it is" Andy said and took a drag from his cigarette.

"Fine" I said and then saw a cop car pull up. "Shit Andy how old are you?"

"18 now here give me your pack" Andy said and I handed it to him sneakily so he couldn't see. The cop parked, got out of his and walked towards us.

"So shouldn't you two be in school?" the cop said.

"Um I got kicked out of class so I was just come and wait here until my next class started" I said.

"Same here he kicked us both out so we're just waiting here" Andy said.

"Mr. Biersack I know your if age to smoke but this young lady here I'm not sure. Can I see your ID" the officer asked.

"I don't have ID" I said quietly. I knew I was going to the station now.

"Well looks like we're going to the station Mrs.?" he asked.

"Mrs. Serenity" I said and I saw Andy's eyes go wide.

"Your father won't be happy to hear this" he said.

"She didn't have any I was smoking around her so she smells like it" Andy said.

"Is that the truth" the officer asked.

"Yes it's the truth I don't smoke" I said.

"Oh well I'm sorry lil lady but you two need to get back to school" he said.

"Can I at least finish my cigarette?" Andy asked and the officer took the cig out of his mouth threw it to the ground and put it out. "Taking that as a no" the cop got in his car and left.

"Thanks" I said and Andy was giving me the 'you better start explaining look'. "I'm only 16 okay."

"Why didn't you tell me Jessie Serenity is you father?" Andy asked.

"Because no one who's like you would want to hang out with me" I said.

"Well your wrong I don't care and you know what I kinda want to hang out with you more
because if that" Andy said and winked.

"Well aren't you just a badass now can I have my cigarettes back please?" I asked batting my eyes.

"Sorry darling but your underage which means these are mine now" Andy said and patted my head. "Anyways some of my friends are gonna go hang out want to come?"

"Yeah sure sounds like fun" I said.

"Okay let's go" Andy said and we left to his house I believe.


So what do you guys think of this new story. Hope it's good thoughts. Well comment if you'd like me to continue.

Comment. Vote. Message me. All up to you but chapters will happen faster when comments happen because it gives me motivation.


Please write more

Mariam_Biersack Mariam_Biersack

i love it, please write more :)

This is a great plot and really well-written, can't wait for the rest! XD

xavleblj xavleblj