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Taking Chances

Is it gone?

Pain shooted up my leg as I ran, well more like hobbled across the yards and sidewalks as well as past a car coming at us. I dug my teeth into my lower lip, tasting the blood that began to spill down my lip, I had bit down too hard and now I had nothing else to go but dig my finger nails into my palm, an old habit that I had started to numb anger and pain from my peers around me. As we ran on I could hear the thing getting closer, "WHERE ARE YOU?! COME OUT COME OUT!" I cringed at the voice, it seemed to dig into my skin,making it crawl at the thought of getting in the hands of that thing. He pulled me into his arms as if I was his newly wed bride and sprinted faster until we arrived at his door step, he quickly opened it and pushed me in and closed the door, his hands grasped around a metal pole, "Jake! What are you doing?!" I asked him frantically as I heard his voice say, "Stay in there! I don't you to get hurt, I can handle this, don't let me in." He said to me as I sighed and screamed back, "NO I WONT DO THAT, YOU BASTARD! GET YOUR ASS IN HERE!" but of course that didn't help anything because for the next few minutes all I could hear was the thing screeching combined with muffled laughs through blood spilling out of its mouth. I quickly grabbed a knife and joined him outside, "What the fuck.." He said as I swung the blade at the creature nicking its "skin" just enough to make it scream out in pain, "Wh..Why are you harboring her? Shes MINE." The thing screeched a muffled laughter coming through the spurts of blood.

"Because shes my friend you ass hole." He said as he ran at the thing and pinned it down, I quickly ran over to it and began to chop at its eyes, so that it couldn't see what was going on and so that it couldn't see where we were, "AUHHHHHHHHH." The creature screamed as it began to claw at my face, but mostly at Jake's. I swung the blade up and down harder watching the head roll away. I quickly ran inside and grabbed a sheet, not giving two shits that it could be expensive as well as some wood and matches, I needed to burn this thing, I never wanted to see it again and if burning it was the best alternative then I would do it. I rushed to wrap the sheet around the head the the remainder of the body my eyes staying open even though I felt as if the thing could reach up and grab me by the throat any time. I set the now wrapped body onto the stack of wood and dropped a match onto it, black smoke began to rise from the wrapped body, it didn't smell like normal smoke though, it had a charcoal smell to it mixed with the scent of hell, as odd as it sounds. I turned around as I felt a cold hand on my shoulder, "Thank you Sylvia for saving me from that." It was a male, he looked around twenty three and had dark brown hair and nice green eyes, he was tall as well and was wearing a tux. "Who are you....!" I said as the ghostly figure vanished. I turned around and looked at Jake as I felt pain sting up on my leg, making me immediately collapse, I didn't understand my leg was fine just a second ago, then suddenly a voice over took my body, it was low and more freaky than I thought it would be. "YOU LITTLE BASTARDS, YOU THOUGHT YOU GOT RID OF ME? WELL ILL BE BACK AND I PROMISE I WILL GET YOU SYLVIA, I'VE ALREADY GOTTEN YOUR LITTLE FRIEND." the voice cackled as it finished, tears formed into my eyes as I bent over and buried my face in my hands. I didn't understand why it was after me, I was the one that tried to say goodbye when the thing said it was zero and began to go backwards on the alphabet.

"Sylvia, come on its okay, lets go get you cleaned up." Jake said to me as he pulled me into his arms again and helped me back to the door and over to the couch, "Here, I'll go make you some tea." He said to me as he dissapeered around the corner and went into the kitchen, tears began to stream down my face, I wanted to get away from that wigi board as fast as I could even if it meant skipping town and going somewhere far far far far far far far far far far away from wherever the thing could be, but that meant leaving it for other people to deal with, but at this moment I didn't care, I had no family down here and it only made sense to keep both me and Jake safe.



please update soon its awesome

Ruth crawford Ruth crawford