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I Am Bulletproof

The truth

Jade's P.O.V
After staring at the water bottle for a few seconds, the sound of my phone ringing escaped me out of my thoughts, I picked up my phone and looked at the number, it was the police station. "Andy, the police are calling me" I said worried. I clicked on answer and held the phone up to my ear, "Hello" I said nervously, "Is this Jade?", the woman on the other end said "Yes" I quickly responded, I heard a few pages shuffling "While we looking into your fathers cell phone records we found a text message sent to one of your fathers brothers, John. Your father asked John to murder a woman named Patricia and two men named Jack and David, do you know these people?" I began crying hysterically "When was this message sent out?" I asked as firmly as I could, I heard more pages shuffling, "September 14, 2008" the woman responded. That broke me, I fell to my knees on the floor balling my eyes out, that was the day before they died. Andy ran over to me picked up the phone and held me. "uh huh, yes I am her boyfriend, ok, yes, ok, yes that sounds good, thank you very much" Andy spoke to the woman very calmly while hugging me tightly, he hung up the phone and pulled me into his lap, once I had calmed down enough to speak I looked at Andy "What did she say?" "Your father has been sentenced to 15 years in prison and then 10 years on probation, he will never be able to have any contact with you and I have all permission to do anything to protect you, and for your uncle John he is sentenced for life, you're finally safe sweetheart" I looked down "but you're not" I said quietly. Andy looked at me questioningly but before he could say anything Jinxx, CC and Jake came into the living room. "What happened?" CC said coming up to me and rubbing my back. "Jade just got a call from the police station, her father is sentenced to 15 years and 10 years probation and she found out some awful facts about how her mom and brothers died, her uncle killed them" Andy explained. I began crying even more and Ashley sat down beside Andy on the floor and hugged me. The bus began to slow down and I knew we were approaching our next destination, and I remembered that I had to meet Ella here, so I got up quickly, grabbed my phone and ran into the bathroom and texted her quickly. "Meet me by the BVB merch tent today, your flight shouldn't take you long right?" I asked Ella, she instantly replied, "I'm on the plane now, I should be there in an hour or two." I quickly did my make-up and got out of the bathroom grabbing my Black Veil Brides shirt and skinny jeans, I put it on quickly and ran into the living room to look at Andy, drinking a bottle of water



Omg!!!!!!!! What happens next?!?!

I will be updating in the afternoon tomorrow. I'm very pleased with all the positive comments, thank you all c:

BlackSavior666 BlackSavior666

ooh what happens next????

it is really amazing plz update!!!!!!!

andysixxislife andysixxislife

I appreciate everyone who has read, commented and subscribed to my story. It truly means a lot to me, thank you all

BlackSavior666 BlackSavior666