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I Am Bulletproof

Tell me

Andy's P.O.V
Jake and I both hugged Jade because she looked upset. " Jade can i talk to you? " I have to tell her, i can't keep this in anymore. She looked up at me and nodded. We walked into the bedroom at the back and closed the door and she sat on the bed. " Jade " i can't do it " are you alright " She shook her head " no i'm not Andy, i keep thinking of my dad, i'm so scared that he's going to find me, that he's going to hurt me again, he's probably on his way now to find me " I went and sat down beside her hugging her " i'll never let him touch you again kiddo, I promise " I kissed her head and stood up walking over to the door. " Andy " I turned around " Yeah " she smiled, " thank you, and can you send Ella in here?" I nodded and opened the door walking into the living room
Jade's P.O.V
I waited for Ella and she walked in a minute later closing the door " what can i help you with sweetheart?" I laughed " well i feel like i'm 5th grade again, but I want to tell Andy how i feel, but i just can't.. what should i do? " She looked at me and rubbed my arm " well, i could ask one of the guys to talk to him, get you guys to talk through your feelings, i know you just met him, but as long as you let our your feelings you should be alright, right? " I nodded " that's all i want to do " she smiled " Okay, then we'll do that " I hugged her " thank you Ella " We both got up and i walked into the living room and sat beside Ash and Ella called Jake into the bedroom. I sat beside Ashley and hugged him, and i think i startled him a little bit, because he jumped " oh hey kiddo, what's up? " I laughed releasing him, " nothing, just sitting beside my best friend, going on the tour of my dreams, so nothing exciting " He chuckled " aw i'm your bestfriend? " I laughed " of course you are, you all are " he smiled and hugged me again squeezing me " ashley, you're going to kill me " I said under my breath. He laughed and let go " what's going on with all this talking? " i got a little nervous, " i'll tell you later, Ella and Jake had come out of the room, Ella came to sit beside me and Jake called Andy over. I looked towards Ella and she gave me a thumbs up and I smiled. " CC" I yelled over to him. He shot me a look. I waved and walked over to him on his lap " hi" I smiled big. He smiled back and started tickling me " AH! CC STOP NO HAHA CC STOP IT ASHLEY HAHA HELP ME " Ashley ran over to me and started tickling me too. I kicked him in the stomach by accident and he fell to the floor. CC stoped tickling me and i bolted off of CC's lap running over to Ash. " ohmygod im so sorry ashley are you okay " he smiled and pulled me to the floor hugging me. " i'm fine " Jake walked out of the room and laughed at Ashley and i looked over to see Andy standing there smiling at me. " Come here Jade" he said i got up and walked into the room and got very nervous, I sat on the bed and stared at my feet, Andy walked over to me and sat on the bed " What did jake say to you Andy? " I said my voice shaking. I looked up at him " All he said was that i needed to tell you how i feel and thats what im going to do. Jade, i like you, a lot. I like being around you. I thought maybe it was because i thought of you as a little sister, but no. I like you Jade. " I looked up at him and smiled " i-i like you too Andy" He smiled and hugged me. We stayed like this for several minutes and eventually i let go, regretting it the moment i did. " so what do we do now?" I looked at him worried " I guess we just let everything take it's course " He kissed my forehead and started walking to the door, " oh and jade, if you want you can sleep in here with me" He smiled and walked out ' Andy Biersack just told me he likes me ' I smiled and walked into the living room. ' This is amazing'


I'm very pleased with this chapter, let me know what you think?


Omg!!!!!!!! What happens next?!?!

I will be updating in the afternoon tomorrow. I'm very pleased with all the positive comments, thank you all c:

BlackSavior666 BlackSavior666

ooh what happens next????

it is really amazing plz update!!!!!!!

andysixxislife andysixxislife

I appreciate everyone who has read, commented and subscribed to my story. It truly means a lot to me, thank you all

BlackSavior666 BlackSavior666