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I Am Bulletproof

Devils choir

Jade's P.O.V
We arrived at the mall and walked to Hot Topic, Jinxx, Jake, Sammi and Ella were waiting at the entrance for us, we walked in and they told me to pick stuff that I wanted. I grabbed 3 BVB shirts 2 bring me the horizon, 3 pierce the veil, 1 motionless in white sweater and one black veil brides sweater. Andy showed me batman pajamas and a batman tee-shirt and I need it so I grabbed that too. We payed for everything and walked out, we walked to the food court and I wanted pizza and so did Jake so we got pizza and sat down waiting for the rest of the guys, Ella and Sammi. Andy, Ashley, Jinxx and Sammi came back seconds later, following with CC and Ella a few minutes later. " Guys " I said, they all looked at me " You have to promise me something when we go to Canada " They laughed " what ?" Jake asked me " You all have to bring me to tim hortons " CC's eyes widened " OKAY!" We all laughed " I miss tim hortons more than you guys can imagine, its like my blood now " I laughed at myself we finished eating and walked back to the cars. I drove back with Ashley, Andy, Ella and Sammi. We got to Andy's house and I went to go put my new batman pajamas on and grabbed my ipod. I walked back downstairs and asked Andy if he had an ipod dock, he nodded and walked into the living room searching for it, I sat my ipod on the dock and played my BVB playlist ; You've been running for so long still breathing, hoping soon to find a song worth singing, every chapter of this note they're reading But you're slowly losing hope on bleeding ; I started singing loudly and dancing ; I'll carry you, my darkest desire When life sings to you through devil's choirs F.E.A.R won't steal what burns in you I'll carry you away from the fire My desire, devil's choirs, my desire, devil's choirs. All the guys were laughing at me, CC the loudest ; Raise another broken glass to failure A simple promise of a crims- CHRISTIAN COMA! STOP LAUGHING AT ME ; Everyone started laughing more and he sat there speechless, I ran and jumped on his lap " ow" he said laughing. I hugged him and laughed " shut up wussy, go make me a sammich " But you're on my lap " I gave him the death stare " Christian FUCKING Coma, go, make, me, a, sammich " I tried so hard not to laugh while all of the guys were laughing their asses off. He made me get off him and walked over to the kitchen, I laughed and winked at the guys, he came back with a sandwich handing it to me. I laughed " I don't like sandwiches CC " I turned my face for a split second and smash, he smushed the sandwich all over my face leaving mustard on my cheek " CHRISTIAN YOU'RE GOING TO GET IT " I ran after him trying to get him and Andy ran up to me throwing me on his shoulders chasing cc. I was laughing so hard I nearly fell off Andy. Andy caught up to CC and I jumped off his back and grabbed CC by his two hands holding them behind him bringing him into the kitchen, " Andy please make him sit down " I said trying to make an evil laugh. I grabbed the mustard off the counter and squeezed some in my hand I walked over to CC " nononono please don't JADE NOOOO " CC yelled laughing trying to get out of andys grip, I slapped him on the face and smeared the mustard all over his face, when I was done I looked at him and put my hand on my chin " It's missing something " I put my finger up and said " aha " I walked into the kitchen and opened the pantry looking for the ketchup, I grabbed it and put some on my hands walking over to cc rubbing it all of his face and onto his arms. " there now were finished " he laughed and walked into the living room like a model showing off his new colors. Andy and I walked behind him laughing, " i'm going to wash up " CC said heading to the guest bathroom upstairs. I love this family, I hope I never have to leave


Omg!!!!!!!! What happens next?!?!

I will be updating in the afternoon tomorrow. I'm very pleased with all the positive comments, thank you all c:

BlackSavior666 BlackSavior666

ooh what happens next????

it is really amazing plz update!!!!!!!

andysixxislife andysixxislife

I appreciate everyone who has read, commented and subscribed to my story. It truly means a lot to me, thank you all

BlackSavior666 BlackSavior666