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Love Isn't Always Fair

A New Life

Scarlett's POV
Andy FUCKING Biersack was in my hospital room! I screamed in my head. HIs laughter brought me back to reality.... okay I guess I didn't say that in my head. He laughed again and I turned a brighter shade of red than my hair.

"Why am I here and why are you here?" I asked him

He blushed a little and turned away for a moment before he spoke

"Well... ummm.. I- I kinda hit you with my car and I found you also with a bunch of bruises, cuts, and dried blood." He blushed even more when he finished his sentence

That I remembered Max and his gang beat me up out side of school. Nodding I turned to my parents who I can confirm they are more pissed than worried, and it was kinda my fault.

"Scarlett why would you do this, what made you do this?" ask my mom

"Nothing, I was always like this, and you just tried to change me into a minni you when you were in high school." I spatted out

She stood their in shock as for my dad he went of yelling something about me not coming back up till I become their 'prefect' little girl again. Honestly this was fine by me. Finally having enough I pressed the nurse button on the remote next to me and then the nurse shooed my parents away leaving me by myself with Andy.

"What are you looking at?"

I asked him bringing him into reality he shook his head and then continued looking at me.

"Since it looks like you were just kicked out of your house do you... ummm wanna stay with the guys and I?"

All I could do was nod like a maniac, and once again he laughed.

Andy's POV
She was so cute I couldn't help be laugh I was just happy I would be able to have here to myself for a week CC and Ashley went to Vegas, Jinxx was with Sammi Doll, and Jake was with Ella.
She tried to sit up but winced in pain instead.

"Sorry I forgot to mention you have some broken ribs."

She gave me the you don't say face.

"On the bright side you get to leave tomorrow morning."

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Next Day+++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Still Andy's POV
Scarlett and I stayed up pretty much all night talking it turns out her parents practically were dictators she would be punished when something wasn't done the way they liked it and when it was she was rewarded with something they wanted her to like. That's really messed up if you ask me. Juliet kept texting me all day and I kept ignoring them there was no way I was going to go back to her I had finally had enough. I figured since she was forced to be someone she didn't want to be mean she needed clothes.

"Andy I can't let you pay for all these clothes" She said pouting her lip a bit

"You can and I am."

She stood there waiting to pay and I just laughed at her expression she was so cute. I wanted her to be with me, I wanted to be able to hold her all the time.



Hip hip for Austin!

Rockcandypanda Rockcandypanda

Uh oh! Looks like Austin might get the girl...

eclaire eclaire

*~* please update! I love your story!

Brandybvb Brandybvb

I feel so bad for Scar! And I still really want to hurt Ashley! I also kind of what to hurt Andy because it's his fault Kina is back!

eclaire eclaire

Omg she might be pregnant with ashley kid and he's fucking a blonde shock what :( well maybe the band can help her with the pregnancy