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It's not over.


Alice racked her brain for something to say,
"W-why are you here?" Andy smiled and laughed at her, then offered a hand to help her up. 'God I forgot how beautiful he was.
"Rose decided to.....dispose...of her clothing so I forced her to come buy new ones."
"Wait did you?!" Alice felt herself get nauseous at the idea. In her mind. Andy was still hers. It was always going to be that way. She took his hand and he pulled her up, a little to closely, their faces were barely inches away from each other. 'Fuck I want to kiss him.'She thought angrily. She waited for his reply, instead, he started laughing, and then got very quiet and serious,
"No. Nobody but you. And...well I found out why Juliet and Rose are so close."
"Nobody but you." Alice blushed,
"Oh." The two singers stared into each others orbs, taking notice of the heart ache and loss crossed with the panic and wanting in the others eyes. They both could see that they had missed the other. So much. Alice completely forgot about the other part of what Andy had said. All she could think about was what he said. 'Nobody but you.'It broke her heart because there were plenty of other people beside Andy. She had convinced herself for awhile that it was how she should get over him. Her eyes flickered and she dropped her face. 'Jesus she's beautiful.'Andy thought. He reached a finger under her chin and lifted her head up. They both leaned in to kiss, but Gerard then decided to interrupt their moment. He knew it would end badly if they kissed.
He coughed as interruption and then spoke, "Okay lovebirds you aren't getting a room together any time soon so break it up. We still have some shopping to do. Alice. get another dress and meet me at the check out." With that he walked away. He knew that she would listen.
The small girl blushed and backed away."I-I should go. Which one do you like?"
"Hm?" Andy looked dazed.
"The dresses? Which one do you like?" Andy pointed up at a strappy teal dress and smiled.
"That one. It would look beautiful with your hair." The girl blushed again.
"Can you get it down? My arms aren't quite long enough."
"Sure thing ba-Alice." Andy reprimanded himself silently for almost slipping.'Shit! She better not have caught that!'
"Thanks sweetie." She said lovingly, she opened her arm to hug him but quickly changed her mind."Uh...I gotta go...G won't be happy for making him wait..."
"Oh okay." Alice turned around and began to dash off toward the cash registers but Andy called after her
,"Wait! Alice! I-I need to ask you something!" The girl stopped and turned around hopefully,
"Uh...." Andy stopped. Did he really want to ask her on a date so soon?
"Andy? What did you want I gotta go." She said flustered.
"I was just wondering if you....." Yes. He did.
"Do you want to try again? I...I can't ever stop thinking about you and..it just...it killed me to lose you. Can I have you back?" Andy looked up at her to try and figure out what she was thinking. Instead of a reply, she handed him the dress and pointed to the counter. He smiled at her again,
"I'll pick you up at 7." He then went up to the register and payed for her dress and then gave it to her. She knew Gerard would be mad but she didn't care. This is what she wanted.


!!!!!!!!!! Okay even I am super excited about this! I love writing this story guys! It means so much that you're reading it! Thank you so so so so much! I had a little extra time in between things that I'm doing today so I wrote this up! Enjoy!




MoanaBVB MoanaBVB

Aw thank you so much dear!

Wow. Was rose possessed or something. anyways AMAZING story so far keep going ^.^

MoanaBVB MoanaBVB


Lol its no problem

MoanaBVB MoanaBVB

yeah sorry. I was going to add more to it. I'm sorry.