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Our pain will shine our light to, those who understand

Chapter Fifty Five

Okay, that's it i'm done it's been 6 days and i've had nothing. They guys still don't know, i mean what am i mean't to say "Oh yeah by the way your daughter/niece left a note to me saying that she wants you to save her from like three states away and she's not picking up her phone. Oh also her parents used to abuse her so that might be happening right now too but don't worry ." That's gonna look good..not. I've called her thirty times this past few days and it's just went straight to voice mail, maybe once more wouldn't hurt. Picking up my mobile i punched in her number placing it to my ear as it started to ring. Please please please pick up Nicky i whispered.

This is Veronicka Coma i can't come to the phone right now so leave a message and i'll call you back. Peace out girl scout!

Ugh not again, if only i had the house number of where her parents live. Wait a minute...THE BOX. Sprinting through to her room i pulled the blue box out from under her bed however in my rush i had alarmed the attention of Ashley. "Hey Cass wait what's that!"
"Not now Purdy." i spoke as i shuffled through the various photos and what not. "BINGO!" Finding the number i stood back to my feet running to the door. However Ashley blocked it a stern look on his face. "Cassara what are you doing?"
"Purdy move please i will tell you in a minute please i need to go." Despite my best efforts i couldn't budge past his skinny but muscular structure leaving me still in the bare room.
"Okay well Veronicka left me a letter saying that she wants us to stay calm and not look for her unless she doesn't phone or contact us in some way by tomorrow but i can't not worry as her parents abused her and i'm scared that's happening again and i can't just sit her and do nothing so i have been researching and she left me stuff to find her house and i just really really need to contact her as what if she's in danger and.."
"Cass breathe i'll help but why didn't you tell me, tell any of us sooner."
"i.. I don't know now i'll give you the letter and you can tell everyone but i need to phone this number." Passing past him i threw him the letter as i punched in the number on my phone pacing as it rang.
"Hello?" a female voice rang through.
"Um yes i'm just wondering if i could speak to Veronicka."
"And who is this."
"Cassara i'm her friend and i've lost my bracelet and i was wondering if she knew where it was?"
"How did you get this number Cassara Coma." she hissed. GOD BUSTED I thought that would work. However in the distance on the woman's end i heard her, scream for help. Scream for me to help. But before i could comment the call was ended leaving me with my eyes the size of the moon and my mouth agape. Okay, i was right, time to go. Bustling down the stairs my phone in my hand i quickly informed the guys that we had to go for Veronicka's sake and so we quickly set off to the airport since it would be quicker booking our flights as we drove.

Veronicka POV

Another punch hit my stomach making me double forward with a grunt, i've lost count how many beatings i've had, I'm numb. It's been like this for the past 7 days as soon as i was comfortable it went back to the 'good ole days' as Robert says where my life was a vicious cycle of pain and tears terrified of what would come next. My phone is still hidden away but i know its close as every now and again i will hear the familiar tune of my ringtone playing reminding me that someone cares, that i have a reason to keep on fighting. Furthermore despite all my strength i still haven't been able to escape through the window as with the bars on the outside it practically impossible. I'm trapped physically trapped in my room scared shitless to leave in case i get an extra kick in and growing skinnier by the minute, the only food i'm getting is the small 14 pack box of granola bars i took with me but with only 2 left i will soon be pushed out to get food. Not only that but i'm emotionally trapped in my mind the walls are coming closer and closer every second, but i must have hope i mean that's all i've got at the moment hope. Hoping that Cassara and the guys will bust in here and kick the living shit out of Robert so that he knows the pain i feel everyday and as for my mother well she can go rot in hell in the bottomless pit with satan and his henchmen.

BANG a fistful of rage it's my eye as Robert topples to the floor, the glass of beer smashing over the floor as he falls. Finally out of his grasp with all my power i wriggled out of his grip and bolt to the door, ignoring my aching bones as pain shoots through my body. Limping down the stairs as the door starts to ring i make my way to the door pulling at the handle with epic force. The small window letting me see who was outside. Tears of pain and happiness trailing down my eyes my joy was destroyed when my mother grabbed my hair pulling me away from the locked door, my escape.

Cassara POV

Barking the address at the taxi driver we fled into the night at an illegal speed. My face pressed up against the window as soon as the house was in view we all busted out of the cab running towards the door. As Andy and CC abused the door bell and door by banging on it i circled the building to see if i could get in any other way. With no route in my mind the steel bars outside what i am guessing was Veronicka's window a shudder made it's way down my spine.
"Cass i see her she's at the door." Shouted Andy at my direction causing me to run over . Through the small gap of window was in fact Veronicka with a black ring around her eye, while her clothes were ripped and blue bruises was evident. Seeing her mother pulled her away the anger inside me rised up causing me to kick the door beside the lock causing it to shake. "Andy kick the door here!" i shouted marking where he should kick. Seconds later the door flung open causing us to flood in. Veronicka's dad stumbled down the stairs obviously drunk out of his mind as his blood shot eyes told the story, CC and Andy soon started beating up him while i ran in the other direction screaming for Veronicka. Finding her being pushed into a cupboard by her mother i smashed my fist against her face quickly pulling my sister from her grasp with a vicious strength. "Give me my daughter you bitch." she hissed claing at my face.
"Fuck you mother fucker!" with that i smashed a pan at her face causing the ghastly woman to fall o the floor unconscious. "Holy fuck Cass what did you do?" CC questioned from behind me his fist bloody. "I just went TANGLED on her ass." i chuckled as i lay down the frying pan as Andy walked through explaining that Robert was dealt with and that the police was on their way. "It's okay Nicky you're safe now." i spoke as she held onto me for dear life, "promise?"
"I promise."


"i just went TANGLED on her ass" is definitely the best thing i have ever made Cassara say!
5 chapter in one day..i'm doing good!
Hope you all are well
-Em xx


Love it!

IzzieDeadnow IzzieDeadnow

@IzzieDeadno @BVB_BITCHES @BVBArmie @AP Luver

The sequel is up xx

alltimefangirl alltimefangirl

@I was innocent once....
he will be gone quicker than you expect and more interesting things will take place

alltimefangirl alltimefangirl


Damn good drama!! LOVED IT!

IzzieDeadnow IzzieDeadnow