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They Don't Need To Understand

Last Chapter

Sherri's POV I ran down stairs with Lilly in my arms. Holding her close to me, I took one last look at the little house that I brought and a tear began to slowly form in the corner of my blue eyes. Taking a deep breath I escaped from the winter air into the warm of my sister in laws car. Watching my two best friends begin to get emotional made me want to cry all the more. In a matter of hours I have ended my short marriage to the man I thought I would spend the rest of my life with and left the house that Lilly has always lived in just to escape from the feeling of him. I knew I shouldnt have rushed into a relationship. As we gained ever closer to the airport, Lilly began to fall asleep in the back with her Aunty Sammi and the three of us talked about their plans to join me in Oz. "Well I can leave as soon as I am packed," Sammi admitted, "Or I can ring Jinxx and get him to bring me my pass port, clothes and some money and come with you tonight so you arent alone?" "Sammi, I cant ask you to do that," I replied "Fuck it, I have already told Jake to do that for me. He is bringing me about two weeks worth of clothes, about couple of thousand I had saved from the shoots over the month and he is bring me my pass port too so I can leave the country with ya," Ella explained. "So thats why Jinxx has just told me that its already done?" Sammi began to giggle "Guys.No. You both have husbands to think about here. I cant and wont take you away from them...its not fair to do that," I said taking a deep breath. "Sherri?" Ella questioned and I turned to look at her, "Shut the hell up! We want to! I need to get a tan anyways because I hate being this pale. Sammi has wanted to go back to Australia for ages because of the amount of photography stuff she can do out here and honestly, you need friends around you right now. So guess what? We are gunna do it!" "You two are the best..." I smiled "We know!" Sammi smiled. As we pulled up at the airport, we saw Ashley, CC, Jinxx and Jake already waiting for us. The second we got out, Ashley instantly held me. "Please come back home?" Ashley whispered "I promise I will eventually. But may..maybe not straight away alright?" I started to cry my eyes out. "Where...where is he?" CC started as he hugged me and held Lilly in his arms "I dont know. But me and him wont be seeing each other for a very long time. I ended it when I found his ex in my house with him alone. This is a adventure for me and MY little girl now. He cant stop me from taking her and he cant stop me from leaving either. Im sorry...I'll skype you when I can though okay?" I promised. Both of them nodded and then me and the girls went to buy tickets. As we went to do that, IU got the chance to say thank you to jinxx for everything and a heart breaking goodbye to my big brother. "Jakey," I breathed as he hugged "SherBear...Look I want you to do whats best for you. I'll get Andy back another time. If you cant do it or anything call me and I'll come to where ever you are. Tour or not, family is the most important thing. Look after my little LillyPad okay?" "Jake I dont want to leave like this...I am gunna miss you so much. I am so sorry about this. All of the shit I cuased between you and your band. I'll talk to you every day and I'll buy you a ticket to come and see us while we're here. Lilly is gunna miss her uncle Jakey and I am gunna miss spending time with my big brother...I love you Jakey," I cried into his shoulder "I love you too. And hey your my little sister and thats my little niece! I am comeing to see you as soon as I can," Jakey smiled, "Now go before you miss your flight! Call me when you land," As soon as he pulled away, I went to put my bags into the check in and get me and Lilly off to Oz. We waited in the terminal and I text Alex. I explained everything and he promised to take my mind off of things while we were out there. Alex was a good guy, I had Ella and Sammi to take care of me and I had my daughter to ease the pain. The whole sistuation Andy and I just ended up in was the last chapter. I have to be ready to start my new chapter. I think today has shown me, my new story is about to begin.


So thats it guys! The story is finished! I will be making the sequel tonight and I will link it in a A/N and in the summary of this one.I hope you like the story and I am so grateful for all of the support this story has gotten. I love you guys! BVBArmy forever


Loved the story

Babydontcut16 Babydontcut16

Make a sequel

LamaInPajamas LamaInPajamas


Right!!! Too Many Storys Have A Pregnant Plot!


DarksideKeys DarksideKeys