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Black Veil Brides One Shots (smutty/cute you decide)

Healing Wings

Hi, i'm Alex. Alex Woods and i'm 12 years old and i also sing. im 5'2 with pale skin, long brown hair streaked with electric green. I'm nothing special just a normal girl.
I was sitting in the waiting room at the clinic to pick up my prescription of tablets for my ADHD. I looked across the room of people and saw 5 men. they dressed in full black, tight jeans, long black hair and a lot of tattoos. i knew who they were. Black Veil Brides. they are my favorite ever. Two of them looked my way and i instantly looked down. next thing i heard "Alex Woods your prescription is ready." i walked over the the woman, who was rather young and she gave me a warm smile. I quickly shuffled past the 5 men with 2 pairs of eyes glued on me. Andy and Ashley. I kept my head down but crashed into something solid and well built. It was Jake... "Oh, s-sorry. its my fault. I'm so sorry." I stuttered rather quickly.He spoke up, "its ok sweetie but have i seen you before" I hesitated before answering yes. mainly because i used to write to the band about my problems at home and bullying. Andy suddenly piped up "Oh yeah your the one who used to write to us." He continued but this time questioning Ash. "Ash, shes the one with the really bright green eyes with parts of golden amber, remember" I felt CC's and Jinxx's eyes on me. They said in union. "Your. Hair. Is. Awesome!" I blushed and gave a small laugh.
-Time skip- Out of the clinic
So all we did was have fun and talk about random stuff that we all like. We walked to Wal-Mart and grabbed some food and soda(for all of us besides Andy. He doesnt like soda). Jinxx paid for it all and Ash got a few inappropriate stuff (porn magazines and Coldcock whiskey). We all walked to my house and watched weird movies that all of wanted to watch but most of the night Ash was disappearing in my room. At the end of the nigh Ash wasnt to be seen and all the others besides Jinxx ate a shit load of candy and passed out on the couch, so that left me and Jinxx to clean up. I retrieved a huge blanket from my room aswell as walked in on Ash takng care of his not so little problem. I ran down my stairs and covered the guys and now with Jinxx with the blanket and gave them a few pillows. Which left me to crash on the couch.


sorry its been a while ive had a shit load of stuff going on at home. but heres a small cute(ish) one thats off the top of my head. again im soooo sorry. - The_Deviant_69


Can you do one of just cc please?

FallenAngel125 FallenAngel125

Thank youuu * smiles


Death Angel Death Angel

@Death Angel
The song is Tragic Magic by FIR.

BVB_Jinxx_1991 BVB_Jinxx_1991

@Death Angel
I can't remember anyway you should message me when you can so we can talk about some shit

Hahah yep I'm baaaack...like Ronnie radke said in a song which I don't remember the title of xD

Death Angel Death Angel