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Tell Me The Truth

Coralie Van Huesen

Hi! I'm Coralie. Im 19, very athletic, innocent (like Marzia Bisognin), shy, quiet. Very resourceful and very curious. I can wander off at times. I love the outdoors! Nature is awesome to me. I'm an author and I'm the shy one in Star, Grace, and I's YouTube channel! It's called TheThreeEmoPrincesses and we have like over 2,000,000 Emo Princesses and Princes (subscribers)! Go check us out!

Grace Van Huesen

CORALIE ISH MAI SISTAH!!! Hai. I'm Grace. I LOVE ROBIN!!! ROBIN OVER NIGHTWING!!! WOOP WOOP! Anywhore. A little bit nerdy. ZELDA!!! I LOVE COOKIES OMF. LIKE NO JOKE. I'm a very...logical person. I'm the nerdy one in Star, Coralie, and I's YouTube channel! I love all our Emo Princesses and Princes!!!!!! WOOP WOOP! Don't be a salad, be the best god damn broccoli you could ever be!

Silence Armageddon

... (He's mute)

Star Pennsylvania

Hai! I'm Star. Blue hurr don't curr. Very VERY pervy c;. I LOVE ROLLER COASTERS!!! Very hyper at times xD. I have ADD omf i hate it xc. Anyways! Basically, I love food! It's like the only thing I think about. Except when Grace, Coralie, and I are making a video!! I LOVE EMINEM!!! LOL!!!!!!!!! I love making people happy with our videos. It makes my day to know that I made someone smile.

The Band (BVB)

If you don't know who they are then WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU ON THIS SITE?!

Tyler Armageddon

...hi. im tyler. and im gay like zane. (He doesn't talk a lot)

Zane Johnson

Hay! I'm Zane. GAY MOTHERFUCKERS!!! I'm gay. Don't. Hate. Fellow YouTuber with Coralie, Grace, and Star! ILY CORALIE! You're the bae. I have a YouTube channel with Silence and Tyler called Smosh! ILY all out crazy Smosh Pitters!!! Stay amazing! So basically that's it....have you read all the other characters?! WELL GO READ THEM SO YOU CAN READ THE STORY!!!



Basically all the characters and shit. Hai guys! So I will try to update this every single minute I can, but don't blow up my comments with things like 'GUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURL UPDATE PLS UR MI BAE BBY' or some shit like that. I don't know how this will turn out, so just don't rush me updating. I have other stories aswell.




Anthony, Kalel,Marzia,Tyler and Ian


thanksss c:

eat.my.shorts eat.my.shorts

I do like how you explained the characters tho.

Andy'sSoul Andy'sSoul