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Sink Your Teeth Into Forever

Chapter 43

Andy's POV
The plan had worked perfectly. I had talked to Sandra to have her bring Ivy out onto the beach a few minutes after I brought Ashley out. It was time to make those two admit their feelings for each other. I mean it was actually exhausting me, feeling their emotions, then watch them just ignore each other. It was sad, really. I was paying attention to Ivy's feelings so much throughout the entire trip, to make sure that she was okay. It was too the point at which I knew what it felt like to have a crush on Ashley. Ew. That repelled me completely. Also I was beginning to learn what it felt like to have a crush on Ivy, even just being around Ash for as short of a time as I had been, it was starting to get weird. It felt so incorrect for me to be feeling like I had a crush on Ivy. I told Sandra my problem, and she had agreed to help me.
When I heard their voices on the beach I stood up, and Ash stood with me. Instantly I could feel his nerves go through the roof. He was feeling self conscious, something that was very strange. I grabbed a hold of him so that he couldn't run the other way and I could feel his pulse racing through his arm. He was already starting to sweat. I would call him pitiful, but I was the same way with Juliet, and Jinxx was the same with Sammi. So on and so forth, you get the idea. I started pulling him across the beach, he was resisting. I had to give a good solid tug to get him to walk with me. Finally we got within a few feet of Sandra and Ivy, Ivy was facing the wrong way and didn't see us coming. Sandra and I made eye contact, and Sandra took Ivy and turned her around so that she could see us coming. She unconsciously took a step back. Sandra put a hand on her shoulder and held her there. Ash resisted harder, I pulled harder. Finally we got the two of them in a comfortable conversation distance. I kept a on Ash's shoulder because he was more than ready to high tail it in the other direction. Ivy's eyes where glued to her shoes, I got the sense that she was frozen in place with nerves. Sandra kept the hand on her, but at this point it was more of a comforting gesture. Ash wouldn't look at her either. After a few seconds of an awkward silence it became clear that this conversation was not going to start itself. I had to do something to get that ball rolling.
"So as you all know, I can read emotions," I said. Everyone nodded, I think that they all knew what was coming. "It is driving me insane, that the two of you both have massive crushes on someone here. Neither of you will admit it, but even though I can't read minds I've got a pretty good idea, who has a crush on who here. I want you two to admit it right now what you're feeling, so that I can stop it with the awful tension," I waited, neither of them moved. I reached out to Ivy's emotions. She was terrified. The kind of terrified where you can't even begin to think. Your throat feels like it's got a massive block in it and your voice just will not work. She wanted to say something but she literally could not. She was possibly more terrified then, than the day that I kidnapped her, and that is saying something. Ivy was literally shutting down so that she did not have to deal with what was going on. She was mentally removing herself from the situation.
Then I checked on Ash. Something that a lot of people don't know about him is that he is incredibly shy. Socially awkward doesn't even begin to describe him. Socially inept is more of the correct description. As in you get that guy out of his normal group of friends and if he's not drinking he cannot function with new people. I was banking off the fact that he was slightly drunk at the time, so perhaps that would make him less shy. Unfortunately he was also stubborn. He did not want to admit his feelings, too macho for them. As I got into his emotion, that is just about what I got. He was being folded into a mixture of shyness and stubbornness that was going to make him shut down just as much as Ivy was. I had to pull him out of it or this conversation was going to go absolutely no where. I squeezed his arm, hard. I hoped that he got the hint. I was so relieved when he took a shaky breath.
"Ivy, you are the most beautiful girl that I have ever seen, and I've never felt like I wanted to be near someone more than you. I feel like the empty place in my heart that I try and fill up with one night stands can be filled up with you. I really like you, like a lot. The reason that I didn't say anything until now is because I thought that you wouldn't want anything to do with me," Ash said, his voice shaking. Ivy swallowed hard.
"I feel the same way about you, exactly," She said, finally she looked up, they made eye contact.
"Even the part about the one night stands?" Ashley said, I could here the joke in his voice.
"No not that part," She said with a little nervous smile.
"Will you, ya know, consider being my girlfriend?" He said.
"I want to, I really do but I've never had a boyfriend before, never even kissed anyone," Ivy said slowly.
"What if we take it really slow. We won't do anything unless you are fully comfortable with it," Ash said taking a hold of her hand.
"I'd like that, I'd like it a lot," She said. She smiled at him.
"Hug?" he said opening up his arms. She walked into his arms and they hugged. Let me just say tat I have never felt so much joy coming off of two people than I did right then and there. That felt right. I looked past them at Sandra who was silently fist pumping and mouthing the word'yes' at me over and over again. I smiled at her. Ashley and Ivy broke the hug and, for a moment Ivy turned and gave me the biggest smile I had ever seen on her face. I felt like I had just won the Olympics. Ivy and Ashley started walking back to the house hand in hand. Sandra and I high-fived and walked a few feet behind them they were talking already like they'd been friends for years. That was definitely right.


So I shuffled my iPod while I was writing this chapter and literally ever love song in my music came on, we'll call it inspiration. I hope that you all like this chapter and are having a good holiday and a happy new year. I got every thing I wanted for Christmas including a piano, a guitar, and some recording equipment so I will be writing music very soon and the youtube channel will happen as soon as I can work out my technical difficulties. Remember that I love every single one of you. Leave me a comment about anything you want I'll reply to every single one. See you next week.


Loved it ❤

Panda Panda

I'm glad you liked it. Thanks for sticking with it for so long.

I loved this, going to miss it though it was amazing from start to end

Crows.Shadow Crows.Shadow

Awe that was a cute ending.


Wooo. That was a great story

SofiiKlainer SofiiKlainer