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its me sunshine

chapter 6

Angels POV- I heard a bunch of guys talking about how we all look like emos and I was just a faggot who the emos took in. I was just a charity case. When we got home I ran upstairs to the bath room and found a razor. I took it apart and dragged the sharp blades against my hip and back so that the guys wouldn't see them. Turns out I was wearing a white tank and they bled through. And was the first one to see and he just grabbed me and put me back into the bathroom. "What is this" he said lifting my tank."Nothing""that's not nothing, I though you said you quit." He looked down at me. "What caused you to do this?" "People" "You know what I did when I was your age? I laghed at them.they looked really confused. I lost one of my best friends from cutting. I don't want you to be next. I just got you. I don't want to loose you." "Ok I promise I wont do it anymore. Do we have to tell the guys" he shook his head. I changed my shirt and went downstairs. After an hour of arguing we desided tl order takeout. Andy said he wanted to watch batman. I just remembered that his birthday is in a couple days. I just left and took Madi and Alana with me ." What the hell dude." Said Madi "yeah" I'm getting Andy the whole Batman series for his birthday. When we got home the guys are like what the hell. Where were you. I ran upstairs with three giggling girls behind me. Amber joined us. As a joke, we put on like ten layers of wrapping paper. We run downstairs and toss it to him. We giggle as he tries to open it. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& half an hour later&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& He finally opened it and started to like cry. "Did you not want that? I can take it back." "No" he said quickly. "Its perfect." We stayed up all night watching it.


Sorry I haven't updated in a couple days. School is a Butt hole.


I need some new ideas. Yeah I know it is early in the story but I have school-_- and stupid people to deal with. Any who I need some help!


Carlile not catlike


I'm sorry ik I messed up I am a human @BVB_Batman




I noticed you wrote jake as the second bassist, but he plays leader guitar.. and jinxx plays rhythm guitar.. and ashley also does back up vocals.....

BVB_Batman BVB_Batman