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Angel Eyes

1 - Rise Up And Celebrate Your Life

Leelee's POV

I pulled a face as Ashley ran to the toilet with Ashlique's potty. This is the most disgusting part of parenthood. We have an agreement, he does poop and I do puke. Unfortunately Ashley Jr has a tummy bug that he caught from little bradley two days ago, that child owes me three new egyptian cotton towels.

"Mummy!" Ashlynn ran in.

"Yes Ashlynn?" I smiled patiently as I supported Ashley Jr over a bucket.

"I need a wee! Daddy took it!" She shouted desperately.

"Daddy will bring it back in a minute, hold your wee in for now. You don't want a dirty potty do you!?"

She pulled a face and shook her head, "If I stand on my head will my wee go back inside me?"

"Ashlynn you're not a ketchup bottle. That's not how it works." I smiled at how random she is. She does the funniest things. When she was six months she got her head trapped between the sofa and high chair, she yelled for half an hour. I admit. Ashley and myself were laughing too hard to help.

"Who needs the potty!?" Ashley emerged with a clean pink hello kitty potty.

"ME!!!" Ashlynn shouted, "mommy said I'm not a ketchup bottle."

"Well then she is correct!" He put the potty down and sat with Ashlique while she plucked on the ukelele strings, "woah, Q easy! You don't need to pluck so hard. Be gentle!" He smiled and plucked showing her.

"Can I play your big bass daddy?" She grinned at him.

Worry washed over his face, "maybe when you are in school Q."

I grinned at him as he wiped his brow, "don't fight it Purdy, they are gonna play it one day."

"Yeah when they know what they are doing." He smirked.

Ashley Jr retched forwards and his tuna sandwich left his body, his father recoiled but I patted Ash on the back to comfort him. He was petrified of throwing up, I think he has a phobia.

Ashley's POV

How can she just sit and watch, erghh! I heard shuffling in the doorway and Ashlique ran for the noise, she disappeared from view.

"Chuppy!" She screamed.

"Uncle Chuppy!?" Ashlynn shouted. I suddenly heard the sound of a jet washer, it was Ashlynn. Her face was a look of determination. I stifled a laugh so did Leelee. Ashlynn leaped up pulling her nappy up too. "UNCLE CHUPPY!" She screamed as he entered the room.

CC got a head shot to the nuts, "hey... Guys..." His cheeks ballooned and his voice cracked.

Lauren giggled behind him, "have you been good?" I shook my head behind the nodding girls. She narrowed her eyes at the girls, "I think you're telling porkies, shall I ask daddy!?" The girls shook their heads violently.

CC sat down and Lauren perched next to them, "okay what did they do?"

I sighed, "Ashlynn painted the bedroom door with nail varnish, Ashlique cut the underneath of my hair in my sleep-"

"No way! Lemme see!" CC grinned. I sighed again lifting the top layers of my hair, "holy shit!"

"Ashley Jr found a new toy and took it to the park to show his friends." I rubbed the bridge of my nose recalling it.

Leelee stepped in to explain, "it was a toy for adults, you know. The kind you put batteries in."

CC's eyes widened while Lauren went pale, "how do you cope with this lot!?"

"Easy, they are just as crazy as I was." Leelee winked at me.


I ruffled Ash Jr's hair as he threw up, "just let it all out big guy, let it out."

He finished and looked up at me, "Am I really a big boy?"

He smiled and a bit of puke dribbled down his chin. I wiped his face with a wet wipe, "course you are, you're nearly as big as me dude!" I smiled.

"Yay!" He grinned, "daddy I can play bass now!" He then continued throwing up in the bucket.

Ashley face palmed, "maybe next month dude. Not right now though, daddy needs his bass."

Ashlynn jumped on my lap and I protected my balls, "are you and daddy gonna make more songs?"

I nodded, "yep course I am."

"I like your songs, you make lots of noise Chuppy." She grinned and started banging the table. It was actually a good rhythm.

"Looks like someone's going to be a drummer one day!" The kids turned to the door and screamed.

"Uncle Andy!" Ashlynn ran up to him aiming for the same place.

"Dude protect your-" too late. I grinned.

"Hey... Ashlynn... did your mom teach you that?" His voice was slightly higher than usual and the pain was audible.

Ashlynn nodded, Leelee looked betrayed. "I did no such thing!"

"But mommy you said that boys are stinky poopy heads and to hurt them with my head when they are naughty." She pointed at her mother.

We all looked at Leelee, "I meant the boys in school when you start sweetie. Not your uncles." She nervously laughed looking at me and Andy, "Juliet how have you been!?"

"Good, I heard that little Ashley here has a bug." She stroked his hair.

His head rose and his shook his head, "I'm not little, I'm big."

"Like father like son!" Andy laughed.

Lauren's POV

I giggled at Andy's joke and helped Ashlynn colour hello kitty's frog friend. I didn't know his name, Ashley probably did. Ashlique roped Andy into playing the ukelele. "Wow Q, you really wanna play someday don't you!?" Andy grinned as she, very slowly, played twinkle twinkle little star.

She nodded, "I don't like playing this, I don't know anything else though." She frowned and crossed her arms.

Andy grinned, "how about I teach you one of daddy's songs?"

She nodded and turned red, "oh, oh, oh, which one!"

"Saviour." He smiled and guided her hands on the frets, then slowly strummed the strings. I didn't sound right but that was probably because it wasn't a guitar. "There you go. Keep trying, yeah... You got it!"

"I'm gonna practice this all the time!" She beamed.

"Ashlique! What do you say to uncle Andy!?" Leelee asked firmly.

"Thankyou Dennis Westpower." She giggled.

Leelee sighed, "nearly Q, nearly."

Juliet's POV

I followed Leelee into the kitchen and helped her peel carrots, "do you think it's weird not touring with them?"

"No, I have the kids to keep me busy. And the occasional fangirl at the park." She smiled.

I smiled back and handed her the peeled carrots, she used a cookie cutter to make shapes with them and then did the same with potatoes. I tied my hair back watching her, "have you spoken to Sammi lately?"

She froze, "oh my god, something's wrong!? What's wrong with Sammi!?"

I shrugged, "I dunno but she hasn't been answering my calls and if she does then its always inconvenient for her."

"Maybe her and Jinxx are fighting, marriage is a tricky business."

"Is that why you and Purdy boy in there still aren't married!?" I smirked.

"I... Um... Well... It's just... It's not the right time. Plus the kids keep us far too busy." She laughed nervously.

I grinned shaking my head, I put the seasoned chicken breasts on the grill and cleaned up the kitchen, "maybe we should call her?"

Leelee shook her head, "they texted me saying they were coming round today."

I frowned, "they better not fight in front of the kids or I will make them stand in the naughty corner."

Leelee laughed, "what!? Two grown adults standing in the corners of the hallway facing the wall, I would love to see that."

Andy's POV I am definitely buying Q a guitar for Christmas, she learns so quickly. Okay so it doesn't sound great but its a ukelele, they rarely sound great. I left her to practice, she has the Biersack determination. Pride washed over me.

"Uncle Andy! Uncle Andy! Uncle Andy!" Ashlynn tried to tug at my jeans but they are skinnys.

"Yes lynn how may I help you!?" I smiled.

"This is for you!" She thrust paper into my face.

"Woah!" I looked at it properly and it was a fairy.

"I got the frog!" CC grinned, "its from pokemon right!?"

"No it's from Hello Kitty's Roller Rescue, lynn has it on DS. I have it on Macbook." Ashley smirked.

I knelt on the floor beside lynn, "what is this fairy's name?"

She looked at me with pure confusion, "I don't know!?"

Ashley still had a smirk on, "LEELEE!?" He yelled.

"YEAH!?" Her voice carried through the house.





I raised my eyebrow, "so lynn, is silvermist your favourite?"

Lynn nodded, "I watched mommy play a game and I want the boy to be my husband."

My eyes widened, so did Ashley's, "sweetie come to daddy and tell me about the game."

She walked over and sat on his knee, "he is really, really, really smart. And really funny. He had a blue scarf, can I have a blue scarf?" She paused and Ashley nodded so she would continue, "he has black hair like uncle Andy and uncle CC's face." She smiled.

"What happened in the game sweetie?" Ashley pushed her.

"Mommy was being attacked by naughty blue people so she stole a car and blew up stuff, then the boy that will be my husband started helping mommy cause he was scared of the green wrestler man." She looked scared too.

"That sounds like the plot of Saints Row the Third." I turned to see Jinxx smiling with Sammi standing awkwardly behind him.

"Uncle Jinxx!" Ashlynn ran.

"Ball protection!" CC shouted.

Jinxx shielded just in time and picked her up into a hug before resting her on his hip, "you were talking about Matt Miller weren't you?"

Lynn nodded, "he is beautiful cause he looks like uncle Chuppy with short hair."

I laughed, "Lauren I would watch out if I were you!"

CC nodded, "at least she has rhythm!" Lauren playfully punched him in the gut.

"LOOK! I'M DADDY!" Ashlique ran in with black eyeliner all over her face and neck, she had a bandanna tucked into her jeans and she staggered around in his cowboy boots. She giggled as she fell over. Everyone laughed.

Sammi's POV I pretended to laugh as Ashlique fell over, I had no idea why everyone thought these kids were amusing. They are just stupid. I walked off to the toilet to check my texts, I would rather talk to him right now. I lowered the seat cover and unlocked my phone. One message. From Christopher.

'Hey babe, tour is finished! c u tomoz ;) we got some catching up 2 do ;) hehehe xx'

I grinned and began my reply.

'u r in 4 a treat hunni :P i have been shopping ;) xxx'

The reply didn't take long.

'so have i babe, and i got u a choc thong ;) do u reckon I could sing it off u? x'

I grinned at his words. 'hunni u wouldn't have 2 sing ;) :P'

Just as I sent it someone knocked on the door, "Sammi? Are you okay?"

"Yes Jinxx I'm fine!" I said exasperated.

"I was just worried, you are taking a while."

I rolled my eyes, "I'm sorry, I forgot to tell my shit that it was on a time limit."

Jinxx's POV

I walked away, she has been so hostile with me lately. But because I have a younger sister, I learnt from an early age to never argue with a woman. Even if you are right, just don't argue. Women have the ability to win arguments even if they are wrong. I wandered into the kitchen to see Leelee trying to reach the dinner plates, "ANDY!" She yelled, "LITTLE HELP!"

He wandered in and immediately realised the problem, "hehe cake!" He grabbed the ten dinner plates and put them on the table.

"And while you're there Biersack you can help with dishing up!" Leelee beamed.

I grinned, "dinner soon?"

She nodded, "ten minutes."

"I'll go tell everyone." I walked into the living room and saw lynn plaiting CC's hair, "dinner in ten minutes guys."

"Where the hell is Jake!?" CC moaned.

"And as if by magic!" Behind me was Jake grinning and showing off his jazz hands.

"Well I was told that I would be a Ravenclaw!"

CC smirked. "No dude! Ravenclaw's are smart, Gryffindor's are brave and Slytherin's are evil." Ashley corrected.

CC froze and he went pale, "I would be a Hufflepuff!?"

We all nodded as he came to terms with this revelation.

Ella's POV

"How is my little boyfriend doing!?" I brushed Ashley Jr's hair out of his face and kissed his forehead.

"Careful Ella. You don't want that bug!" Ashley warned.

I shrugged, "meh I could do with a few weeks off."

Ashley Jr lifted his head a little bit, "I'm not... Bleurgh! Little, I'm... Bleurgh! Big."

Everyone giggled uncontrollably, "I am not gonna ask." I raised an eyebrow.

"Ella! Ella!" Q tugged on my dress, "I can play saviour look watch!"

Jake became extremely interested, "show me how you play saviour Ashlique!"

She got comfortable with the ukelele and began strumming some chords, it didn't sound right. "Oh my god! That was amazing, she had all the chords right! Q I am getting you a guitar!" He smiled.

"Yay! Thank you Jakey!" She beamed and hugged the ukelele.

"I wanna drums!" Ashlynn tapped a beat out on the couch and then switched to the coffee table.

CC raised an eyebrow, "lynn I guarantee that you will have enough skill to play a double bass drum kit by the time you're ten."

"You're getting me a drum kit?"

He smiled, "yup!"

Ashley Jr raised his arm with his head still in the bucket, "I wanna microphone!" His arm sagged and the puke followed.

"Andy can do that!" Jake laughed.

Jake's POV

"DINNER!" Leelee yelled.

Everyone ran into the kitchen to grab their plates apart from Ashley and Ashley Jr. I ran too. Pretty soon we were sat in front of the tv watching monster high, eating our delicious dinner.

Ashlynn had devoured her food and was hovering over Sammi, "you gonna eat that!?" She grinned.

"Yeah. That's kinda what I am doing right now." Sammi rolled her eyes.

"Woah Sammi, ease up. She's just a kid!" Jinxx rubbed her back. Sammi is so ungrateful. Jinxx is such a great guy, she doesn't deserve him. I hope he realises it soon, before he gets hurt. I looked around at our happy family, we have had our fair share of problems but nothing could tear us apart.


Hehehe yay first chapter! And its a long one ;) hehehe get it ;) hope you guys like the introduction x x x


Is your laptop fixed yet because I really love this story and I can't wait for an update

PurdyGirl_Emma PurdyGirl_Emma

okay thanks for letting me know

lozerfreak lozerfreak

ok :)

GabbyKitty GabbyKitty



I will update when my laptop is fixed. So sorry but I dont have the same phone any more. So I cant write chapter's in my memo cause there is a character limit. I will post a note chapter letting everyone know when the story is back on x x x

AshleighPurdy AshleighPurdy

dude this story is awesome!

GabbyKitty GabbyKitty