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Just an Ashley Love story

Chapter 13

Christine’s POV
She had been in front of me.

On impact she was catapulted off her bike and upwards of about 20 feet high, her body like a ragdoll as she hit and slid across the asphalt. Sometime during this I stopped as well as everyone else. The kid took off, even with the attempts of the guys trying to stop him. He nearly ran over Andy to get away.

I dropped my bike and ran to her ripping off my helmet in the process, screaming her name. As I came to her she wasn’t moving.

“Angel, I’m here hunny, can you hear me?” I flip open the face sheild, she’s completely unconcious, but she is breathing, barely. Her helmet is cracked and missing pieces, and there’s blood, all over her, coming from I don’t know where.

Ash, and the rest of the guys and their girls, ran up to me and Angel. I could hear Jinxx on the phone with the emergency dispatch, he was in tears.

“WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED?” Andy, being last in the line of cars didn’t see. Ash, explained what happened. I wasn’t listening, I could hear anything. Everyone sounded like they were a distant echo. Why was she ahead of me, she never rides ahead of me “It’s my fault.”

Ash wrapped his arms around me tight, like he was keeping me from falling to pieces, “No baby, it’s not your fault. Don’t say that.”

That didn’t make me feel better. I held her hand as I heard the sirens approaching. Jinxx kneeled down on her other side and picked up her other hand. He looked at me with tears running down his face. “I just found her, I don’t want to lose her.”

I put my face in my hands and cried.

When the ambulance finally arrived and the police made their reports, I made a phone call to one of my friends to pick up the bikes. Ashley didn’t want me riding in the state I was in, I don’t blame him. The guys aside from Ash and Jinxx decided to head straight to my house. I handed Juliet my key, “help yourselves to anything you want, if you plan on staying my house has plenty of bedrooms, I also have Jockey’s quarters on the property. Just make yourselves at home.”

“We’ll be there waiting for you to get back tonight.” Juliet said while she squeezed me in a hug.

We watched them drive off. Ash grabbed my hand, “C’mon babe, we gotta get to the hospital.”

He walked me over to the passenger side of the car and opened my door. I felt like a zombie. This has to be a bad dream. It should be me in that ambulance, not her. I don’t understand why she went ahead of me. Why her. Jinxx was in the back seat leanign against the door, still crying. He really did connect with her. She has to be ok, she has to. What the hell is Jinxx going to do, what the hell am I going to do.

Ashley’s POV
I’m almost waiting for her to fall apart, in the literal sense of the word. She is so broken inside. And I can’t fix it. I’m hurting seeing her in pain, and seeing Jinxx in pain is just making it worse.

I drive to the hospital. I hope Angel is ok, I don’t know Christine well enough to know if she would lose it over this. I don’t think she would, she seems too strong for that. I dunno, my brain is going 90 miles a minute. I don’t know what to think, or do. I just drive, holding her hand tight as she looks out the window, the occasional tear escaping down her cheek. I look back in the rear-view, I’m keeping an eye on Jinxx too.

We pull up and Christine Bolts inside. Jinxx and I Follow close behind.

“We’re here for Angelica Stildress, she came in on an ambulance.” Christine looks like she was ready to put up a fight if this woman tried to say anything against her.
The nurse said she had come in and is in surgery. “Head up to the 5th floor, room 511, there should be some benches outside you can sit and wait there.”

They ran off, I looked at the nurse behind the desk and mouthed thank you, she just nodded her head. Jinxx hit the elevator button over and over as if the more he hit it, the faster it would get to the first floor. Christine grabbed his hand and patted it, he just stared at the floor. I stay quiet. I still have no idea what to say.

When the elevator stops we get in and hit the button for the 5th floor. Christine reaches out and holds on to my hand, almost tight enough to hurt, and I can feel her shaking. I rub my thumb over hers, hoping it gives her just even the slightest bit of comfort.

Jinxxs’ POV
I swear this is a dream. I finally find someone I can connect with and now this. I’m hurt, confused. As the elevator climbs so slowly to the 5th floor, I look over at Christine. She looks lost. Like her world was taken from her. Angel told me what Christine did for her, and I know how close they are. Ash is just standing quietly, holding her hand. He sees me looking at them, and puts his hand on my shoulder and squeezes. I almost lost it, I turn my head and squeeze my eyes shut willing the tears not to fall.

The elevator dings, and the doors open. It’s the ICU floor. My heart drops, please let her be ok.

Ashley’s POV
ICU? God no, please no. Christine squeezes my hand, and I heard her gasp. My heart breaks even more. We walk out of the elevator and find room 511. Just as the nurse said there were benches outside the door. We all sit down and wait.

Doctors pass us by without giving us a glance. We sat and waited, quietly, for hours. Finally a doctor came walking up and stopped, looking at Christine he asked, “Are you here for Angelica?”

She stands, “yes, is she ok?”

“She’s a lucky girl. We brought her to ICU thinking it was going to be bad, but she isn’t bad at all. She has a few fractured ribs, the surgery was to repair a torn ligament in her knee. The bleeding was from some cuts and scrapes, nothing serious. And she has a concussion. She is in recovery right now, but will be able to go home after she wakes up. If you wait here, when she wakes I’ll bring you to her, and you can take her home after the paperwork is signed.”

We all breathed a sigh of relief. As the doctor walked away Christine collapsed back onto the chair, bent in half and bawled. All the emotions she was feeling came out all at once. I got to my knees in front of her and held her tight. I looked over at Jinxx, he was breathing hard in relief, tears running down his face. I put my hand over his and squeezed, he smiled at me weakly, things were going to be ok. I’m not a religious person, but I closed my eyes and sent up a silent thank you to who or whatever was watching over Angel.

Not too long later, the doctor came and brought us to the recovery rooms. Angel was lying on the bed. When she saw us walk in she smiled and said, “no worries guys. Decided I wanted to try and fly, didn’t work out as planned, but I’m tough I’ll be ok.”

Christine went to her side and used her hand to wipe Angel’s hair out of her face, “I was so scared that we lost you Angel, what would I have done without you?”

“You know, Jersey. What you always do. You save the next poor soul that needs you.”

“Shut up wise ass.” Christine smiled, and gently hugged her friend.

Angel looked up at Jinxx “hey stud, you gunna come over here and give me a kiss, or just stand there like you’ve seen a ghost?”

He walked over, and kissed her gently, “You wont break me you know!” So he kissed her harder. I walked up when they were done and leaned down to hug her, gently.
“I’m glad you’re ok,” I told her.

“Thanks Ash, although I think the big man upstairs thinks you’re not ready handle all that is Jersey, so he wanted to keep me around just a bit longer to help you two out.”
In unison, Christine and I both stuck out our tongues, making everyone in the room laugh.

“Hey babe, I’m going to step out and call everyone. I’m not sure if anyone will answer, being its after midnight, but I’m gunna try and let them know we’ll be on our way home WITH Angel.”

“Ok hun, I’ll be here with these two until the doctor comes in with the release papers.”

I took the stairs this time to the lower level, to clear my head. I walked out the doors to the hospital, leaned up against the wall and cried. I cried for the pain I saw Christine and Jinxx in, I cried out of relief that Angel was ok, and I cried even harder as I thanked whoever, that it wasn’t Christine in that crash.

When I got it together I called Andy's phone, he actually answered, “So whats the news, is she ok?”

“Doc said she got lucky, she has some fractured ribs, a concussion, some scrapes and bruises. She had surgery to repair a ligament that torn but otherwise she is awake. We are waiting on release papers so we can bring her home.”

“That’s great news!” Andy relayed my message to everyone else, and I heard sighs of relief and cheers, from more than just the band and the girls.

“Who else is there?”

“All the farmhands refused to leave until they knew she was ok. They are a lot of fun actually and we’ve been having a good time, or as much of a good time as possible with Angel in the hospital. Oh and I was told to ask you to relay a message to Christine. The farm crew said not to worry about anything, that they worked out a schedule so everything can get done without Christine or Angel having to worry about a thing. They said they would talk to Christine more about it tomorrow.”

“Oh wow, ok, thanks man.”

“No problem dude, now hurry up and get back!”

I hung up and rushed back up the stairs and to the room, the doc was walking out and everyone was getting ready to leave. I told Christine and Angel what Andy had said and they smiled. Christine’s smile, that usual sexy, genuine smile that I always get from her. My heart skips a beat. It’s nice to see that smile, for a little while there, I didn’t know how long it would be before I saw it again.


well now with Christine being off from barn work, she'll have more time to hang around with Ash.


Reading chapter 8 and seeing Juliet being referred to as Andy's lady makes me think of The Andy Show and how Andy now referrs to her as his Grifkch(spelled exactly like that)

Yay I found it after like an hour of trying to remember absolutley anything

I am in love with this story

Lily Lily

This is beautiful. I love the last chapter where it's 20 years later and they're kind of reflecting on everything. It's awesome how you made it seem more of something that would happen in the real world

I loved this story! Well thought out, great plot and great characters! I'm looking forward to seeing your books on the shelves! I think you should try your hand at a demon fanfic. I think you'd do great with that!