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Frogs Legs and Snails

England turned out to be even better than Solaris had expected. 13 sold out shows! Day by day, Fall To Fate’s fan base was growing and not just in a small amount either. For 4 months the bands had now been on tour for, and there was still another 8 to go and the 9 of them were even closer than ever. Ashley and Christina were even more in love than they had been before, if that was possible? Jake and Marcella had finally admitted they like one another and were now going out and always holding hands and kissing in public. Andy and Solaris too were growing even closer, and continued sharing a room whenever they stopped in a hotel. They both knew the other liked them as they had admitted it, but they seemed to have some sort of unspoken secrecy about it and kept their kissing (along with other activities) behind closed doors. Once they’d finished in England, they moved on to France, which Christina was pleased about, especially when Ashley promised he’d take her shopping in Paris. Marcella had been to France before, and it was on that day they were in Paris shopping and sightseeing that she took them to see a friend of hers who owned a Café.
“I haven’t seen her in about 4 years,” Marcella said as they entered said Café, “So she might not….” “Oh my gosh!! Marcella is that you?!” “…recognise me… Fleur!!” A blonde came running up to Marcella and hugged her tight, “It is so good to see you!!” “You too Fleur! How are your ma and pa and little Gabrielle?” “They are all fine and your family?” “They’re okay…” “Are these all your friends?” “Yes these three girls are practically sisters to me as well as being my band mates!” “Band mates?” “Yes I’m in a band now that’s why I’m here, we’re on tour!” “Oh my Marcy I am so happy for you!” “Thank you!” “Can I get you something? Food or Drink?” Marcella looked at the others and grinned, “I’d like to give my friends a taste of French cuisine if that’s okay?” “Most certainly…” and with that Fleur disappeared into the kitchen. “What have you ordered?” Jake asked her looking puzzled, Marcella just innocently smiled, “You’ll see.” Five minutes later Fleur came back out with a tray of some usual looking delicacies, “Here you are my dear, on the house!” “Thank you Fleur,” Marcy smiled as she picked something up and ate it. “What on Earth was that?” Ashley asked “It looks horrible!” “Un escargot…” “Sorry I don’t speak French.” Marcella rolled her eyes, “A snail.” “Ew,” Christina squealed, “You just ate a snail?!” “Yep and they’re lovely too!” “So what are those?” Jinxx asked pointing to the other thing on the tray. “Cuisses de grenouilles or frogs’ legs.” “Yuk!” “Come on don’t be such a wuss you can’t say yuk until you try them!” “But it’s cruel,” Christina whined, “And wrong!” “I guess it can’t hurt to try,” CC said picking up a frog leg and putting it in his mouth. “They reckon frog’s legs taste like chicken is it true?” “Yes actually…” CC picked a snail up and tried one of those, “They don’t though…” Andy laughed, “Nice or…?” CC shrugged, “I’ve tasted worse things.” “Like Ashley’s cooking?” “Hey!” “Seems CC likes French food…” Marcella grinned, “I’d like to see him try a horse steak…” Christina looked like she was going to be sick, “They eat horse too?” “Oh yeah… you go into a restaurant and ask for a steak and they’ll ask you whether you want cow or horse…” “That’s just horrible!” “That’s life Christina… and life is cruel.” Solaris cringed as CC picked up another frog leg and ate it in one bite, “You like them don’t you CC?” CC nodded “They’re actually really good you should try one…” “I’ll pass thanks…” “Can we go now Marcy?” Christina pleaded, “I feel sick and no offence to you Fleur but I’m bored!” Fleur grinned and shook her head, “It is quite alright.” “Go on ahead I want a quick chat with Fleur…” “Okay we won’t go too far,” said Ashley as he dragged Christina out with him. Jinxx, CC, and Loretta followed; Andy and Solaris went and sat down on a bench outside. “Can I stay with you or do you want me to go too?” Jake asked Marcella, “I don’t want to leave you alone…” “Aw you are so sweet,” Fleur smiled at Jake then looked at Marcella, “Is he your boyfriend?” Marcella nodded and smiled, “Yeah he is and Jake it’s up to Fleur whether you stay because what I want to talk to her about is personal to her…” Fleur looked and Marcella confused, “It is?” “Darren…” “Oh him right well as long as Jake keeps it to himself he can stay…” Jake nodded, “I promise, cross my heart.” Fleur nodded and looked at Marcella, “He’s dead; he died in jail about 4 months ago…” “So he did get sentenced…” “Yeah he got life but he committed suicide while in jail…” “Good! “Sorry…” Jake but in, “I don’t wish to be nosy but I’m confused…” Fleur smiled and put her hand on Jake’s shoulder, “It is okay …. Darren was my boyfriend, he was cruel and abusive. He abused me for two years before I finally found the courage to tell someone. Eventually he was sentenced to life in jail. But four months ago he killed himself in his cell.” “I guess good riddance then right?” “Yes I was actually glad to hear it because people who get sentenced for life well they get out sooner or later on good behaviour and I was scared he was going to come back for me, to get me.” Marcella hugged her friend, “And if he did I’d have come and kicked his rear end in!” “Thank you Marcy.” “No problem Fleur, anything for a friend.” Meanwhile outside, Andy and Solaris had gotten up off the bench and gone round the corner out of sight where no one could see them… which was a good things as Andy had Solaris pressed against the wall and was kissing her rather roughly. “I love it when you kiss me like this, Solaris whispered into Andy’s ear as he moved his lips to her neck, “Mm…” Andy nibbled on her neck, “Solaris?” “Yes Andy?” she whispered again. “I love you…” Andy pulled away, “and I mean it…” Solaris blushed, “R-Really?” Andy nodded and kissed her softly, “Yes with all my heart.” “I love you too Andy and I do mean it too.” “Will you be my girl?” A few tears fell from Solaris’ eyes and ran down her cheeks, “Yes!” Andy kissed her roughly again, “I feel like the happiest man alive right now!” Solaris giggled, “I feel like the luckiest girl alive!” Andy chuckled, “Some might say you are.” “Guys?! Andy?! Solaris?! I thought you two waited?!” Andy and Solaris looked at one another, “Marcy!” they said in sync. “Are we telling the others?” Solaris asked, “Or keeping it quiet?” “Your choice baby but come on before Marcy goes…” Andy grabbed Solaris’ hand and dragged her out the alley and just in time too as Jake and Marcella had started to walk off. “Hey Jake wait up!!” “Marcy!” “There you two are we though you waited where did you…” but Marcella trailed off as she noticed Andy and Solaris’ hands. “Am I missing something?” Solaris grinned, “Maybe but we’ll tell you after, let’s find the others before they get too far.” “Or before Christina empties Ashley’s wallet!”


Here you are enjoy :) xx


@Andy's Girl 666
Anytime~! c:
Thank you :)
Andy's Girl 666 Andy's Girl 666
Nice story
@Andy's Girl 666
yes please do or i'll keep nagging you :P
Wild One 3009 Wild One 3009
Thank you and don't worry I will be xx