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Solaris' Secret

Over the next few weeks, the two bands played various shows across the States, each one better than the previous according to Andy. A strong friendship bond began to form between the groups, in particular between Christina and Ashley, everyone began to think that there might be something going on between them, but they both remained tight lipped. Andy’s mood continued to stay on happy mode, as did everyone else’s but towards the end of the sixth week of tour, Solaris’ mood seemed to drop by the hour and showed no signs of improving. The girls just left her to it and didn’t bother her but the guys were curious, so they all agreed to ask the girls about it during a lunch break one day while Solaris had disappeared to the bathrooms. “Girls…” Ashley had agreed to be the one to ask, “What’s up with Solaris? She seems mega down is everything okay?” The girls looked at one another before Marcella spoke up, “It’s hard to explain… lets just say she’s always like this at this time of year… something in her past happened to her like around this time and every year it comes back to her and depresses her…” “Oh I see … must be bad then if it still gets to her…” “Yeah really bad… remember that day a few weeks ago, when we first met and we were sat in Subway and Christina said how lucky we all were to be together? Well that’s what this is… That’s how bad what happened or should I say what was happening was… It almost drove her to suicide…” Jake and Jinxx exchanged surprised glances, CC looked gob smacked, Ashley nearly fell of his chair, and Andy gasped, “No way…” “Yes way...” “How did she get through?” “Thanks to you guys,” Christina piped up, “Your words saved her, gave her hope and strength!” Silence was what followed… Ashley was about to speak, when Solaris came back out, her eyes were red so they could all tell she’d been crying. “We’ll talk more later when she’s asleep…” Marcella whispered into Jinxx’s ear who passed the message round to everyone else. When Solaris had gone to sleep that night, the guys gathered outside to continue the conversation. “So can you tell us what was going on?” Andy asked, “Why she’s like this?” “I can…” said Marcella, “but do not let Sol know I’ve told you! Understood?” The boys nodded, Marcella took a deep breath and began… “Okay it happened only a couple of years ago, well 3 years ago actually… her father lost his job and well, was out of work… he tried to get another job but he couldn’t. He ended up becoming an alcoholic and well we all know what alcohol does to you… he began to get aggressive and he was drunk all the time and he began to blame everything that had gone wrong and everything else on Solaris.” Ashley gulped, “I think I know where this is going…” “It didn’t stop at that,” Marcella continued, “He began to get violet, he started abusing her and beating her for everything she did wrong, she kept it very well hidden, but at night she cried and used to take a blade to her wrists. Have you not seen her arms?” “Now you mention it…” said CC, “I have…” “Well there you go then…” “Poor Solaris…” “So how did we help?” “At the time she was studying performance at College and a friend of hers was a fan of yours who suggested to her to listen to your music… so she listened to your song Knives and Pens on You Tube and it’s words got to her… and the meaning of the song… she stopped cutting after that and instead began to write songs and poems and wrote her thoughts and feelings down in a diary. I know then she bought your album and listened to it daily, and it kept her going, your words Andy… they were her way to live, as Christina said earlier, they gave her strength and confidence. It was just a couple of months later she met me and we became good friends. After a couple of weeks she told me everything and I kept it a secret for her… we decide we wanted to form a band… we put an advert on the internet looking for a bassist and drummer… and Christina and Loretta answer us. We met up and they played for us and we played together and we knew we were great together. Solaris wants to do what you did for her… she wanted to inspire people and help them.” Andy, Ashley, Jake, Jinxx and CC were speechless. “Can’t you find something to talk about other than me?” “Oh gosh, Sol I had no idea you were listening I am so sorry!” Marcella looked really ashamed, “I should have kept my mouth shut I…” “Marcy its fine… You saved me having to explain and I knew I would have to sooner or later…” “We’re sorry too Solaris…” said Ashley, “We shouldn’t be so nosy.” “Guys seriously it’s fine but just next time, ask me instead of asking my friends.” Solaris sat down by Andy, “So, anything else you want to know?” “I have a question…” said Jinxx, “When it was all happening, why did you not tell anyone? Get help?” Solaris lowered her head, “Fear… I was scared, you weren’t there you have no idea what he was like and he did threaten that if I told anyone, he’d kill me…” “He’d kill you? But then he’d be done for murder…” “Yeah and I’d be dead and quite frankly, I don’t have a death wish!” “Point made…” “Anything else you want to know?” “What of your mother?” Solaris looked confused, “What about her?” “Why did she not stop him?” “My mom died when I was a child I barely knew her…” “Oh I’m sorry I didn’t know…” “It’s alright, there’s no way you could have…” “I think we should all go to bed,” said Marcella, “It is getting late!”
“But I’m not tired!” Ashley whined, “I don’t want to sleep!” “Don’t then stay awake and entertain yourself…” Jinxx and Jake laughed, “Don’t say that to Ashley…” “Why?” “You don’t want to know… trust me!” “Well you guys can do what you want,” Marcella stood up, “But I’m going to bed!” “Yeah I’m going back to sleep, night everyone…” Andy stood up and hugged Solaris “Sleep well.” Solaris blushed and smiled, “Thanks Andy, you too.” One by everyone, with the exception of Ashley and Christina went off to bed. “What now then?” Ashley asked her, “You going to sleep too?” “I don’t know but if you want to stay up and you want some company I’ll gladly stay with you.” Ashley smiled, “You will?” “Sure why not?” “You don’t have to you can go to bed…” Christina smiled and moved so she was sitting very close to him, “I know I don’t have to but I want too…” “Thank you.” “Anytime Ash.” The next few minutes were spent in silence, but both of them could feel it, a strange aura around them, present in the air and Ashley eventually couldn’t take it anymore… he pulled Christina onto his lap and kissed her hard on her lips. “W-What was that for?” she asked when Ashley pulled away, “And please do it again.” Ashley grinned, “That was for nothing other than that I’ve been dying to do that for days now… and no problem,” he kissed her again and she did kiss back. “Come to my bunk with me?” he whispered into her ear as he nibbled on it, Christina giggled and nodded, “Yes Sir.” And that’s just what they did, as for what happened well you can figure that out I’m sure.


Chapter 4 everyone sorry it's taken so long but I've been really busy.... Hope u like :) xx


@Andy's Girl 666
Anytime~! c:
Thank you :)
Andy's Girl 666 Andy's Girl 666
Nice story
@Andy's Girl 666
yes please do or i'll keep nagging you :P
Wild One 3009 Wild One 3009
Thank you and don't worry I will be xx