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Saving Batman

Got a secrect can you keep it, swear this one you'll save better lock it in you pocket, taking this one to the grave

The next day…

Lilac's POV

"Yes Lilac"
"I have a secret, but you have to promise not to tell anyone."
"I promise"
"do you swear on your life?"
"I swear on my life." Andy said. I could tell that he was telling the truth.
"Can we go somewhere, were people won't hear us."
"sure babe." Andy whispered as he stood up to grab my car keys.

I drove both of us to the park that both of us loved to muck around in with trolley's and hats
full of skittles. We walked into the little nature reserve and leaned against the railing near the little old pond."

(https://www.google.com.au/maps/@-37.6843155,145.0393665,78m/data=!3m1!1e3this is our little park that I'm talking about. This is were all the bullshit happens. To us it's a fun park, almost murder scene, and the trolley race track. You can see the pond and if you go up there is the playground and the two soccer/cricket/AFL ovals. If you follow the path from Mc Kimmies to the freeway-that is our race track )

"Andy, You know how we both have an obsession with batman?" I asked seriously.
"Yes, and I win" Andy stated smiling and trying to lighten the mood.
"No, I think I win that one" I smirked
"prove it" Andy whined folding his arms around his chest.
"ok then…"
why was I nervous? I had been planning different ways to tell him ever since I met him. "Did you know that Batman is real?" I asked making eye contact. I tried to be the last one to blink and the last one to turn away to show I wasn’t lying. The disbelief started to fade in Andy's eyes, then it sunk in.

"OMG Thank you for telling me!" He yelled pulling me into a huge hug. "We can be best buddies and we can be like 'taken that joker, fuck you penguin'." waving his arms around pretending to shoot the bad guys he nearly hit me. I ducked. Andy stopped when he realised he had almost hit me and laughed.

"You know that’s not the actual secret" I said plainly.
Andy turned his head and leaned closer to me, squinting his eyes as if that would make the secret pop out. I lent closer to Andy and put my lips to his ear. "you have to believe me because" I whispered normally, but the I lowered my voice trying to sound like Batman. "I. Am. Batgirl" I pulled away smiling, not the 'haha I tricked you' smile but the 'please believe me and don't leave me' smile.

After about a minute of complete silence, letting the information sink into Andy's brain, he zoned out. I waved my hand in front of his facetrying to snap him out of any lala land he was visiting.
Once Andy was back on earth he couldn't hold in the excitement. He started jumping around
screaming things like 'I can't believe it' and 'this the best news that I have heard'.

Just as Andy was in the middle of the freak out, an old man walked past. He gave me a look saying 'Wtf is going on' and 'is he ok?'. I could just say that I just told him I was Batgirl, so I had to make an excuse for Andy.
"ummm, yeah, errrr. I just announced I was pregnant." just as I said that Andy snapped out of his trance and played along. He put his hand on my belly.
"Congrats you two" he said and then looked away in disgust. We pretended to talk about
names and such until he was out of sight. I turned back to Andy and before I realised it my lips were against his and I was being pulled into a deep, passionate kiss. After what seemed
eternity we pulled back for air.

"Lilac?" Andy asked
"Yeah babe?"
" I don't think I ever told you but… I love you, more than I can ever scream"
I was shocked but I managed to get 4words and 4 word only "I love you too"

The next question he asked shocked me more than the first. "are you a virgin?" Andy was
being serious, I could tell.
"yes" I replied "are you?" I guessed not because he had Juliet before and also because he was a famous rock star.
"you don’t need to know. All you need to know is that I love you. And you only." he said
still with a tight grip around my waist. "How about tonight we have some fun" pulling my waist closer to his, he smirked and looked at me as if he was trying to imagine what I looked like underneath the clothes.

"why not" I smirked back sneaking my hands beneath his shirt. I felt a shiver go down his
spine as my cold hands slowly massaged his nipples. I stopped when Andy's butt started to vibrate. Andy sighed and pulled his phone out of his pocket.

"Hello? Yep thanks awesome I'll be there in a minute bye." Andy hung up.

"My car is ready to pick up. Now here is the plan. Because he won't take any money from me
I need you to sneak some money into his pocket. I'llgive you a few hundred bucks and a note
saying it's from me. Ok?"
I face palmed at his determination to pay for something. And I sighed realising that he would never let me pay for stuff if we went shopping together.

I drove us back to Ronnie's and I packed a bag for tonight. I walked out to the lounge with my bag and Andy and Ronnie were already waiting. Obviously Andy told him that we weren't coming home tonight because he looked at me and then Andy with a devilish grin. I rolled my eyes and dragged my bag to the car. Andy and Ronnie didn’t follow me out. They must have thought I had more bags. I opened the boot to Ronnie's car and saw Andy's duffle bag was already there, I threw my bag in and climbed into the car. I honked the horn instead of going back inside to get them. I had to honk twice before they came out. Andy came and sat next to me and put his arm around my shoulder and I rested my head on his.

Once we got to the mechanic Andy handed me some money and the note. Andy grabbed our bags and Ronnie gave Andy a cheeky wink before leaving. The guy brought Andy's car out and we were both amazed at the difference. I grabbed the bags that Andy had put
down to put them in Andy's car, but he took them out of my hands whispering something into my ear that I didn’t catch properly. Then I realised what he said. 'I don't want those hands being sore, you'll need the strength.' I raised an eye brow at him and he chuckled. The mechanic turned around to look at Andy facing his back to me. I slowly reached onto his pocket and put the money there. Andy was talking his time to make sure that I did it. Andy thanked the mechanic and we drove off to a hotel that Andy booked.

We got to the hotel and Andy grabbed our bags out of the boot and dragged them to the front desk. "Room for Biersack" he said plainly as the person handed us a key that said room
101. we were handed a map of the huge maze like hotel. We grabbed a trolley to carry our bags (the ones they have at fancy hotels) and Andy grabbed me by the waist lifting me on to the trolley. He pushed me around as I gave him directions to the room. We took an elevator and made our way down the halls of the top floor. Andy unlocked the door and before he opened it he put a blind fold over me. "Wait here he instructed" as he took his duffle bag into the room.

2 minutes later he opened the door and dragged me in. He stood behind be as he took off the blind fold and I was unable to move. The room was beautiful. The bed was covered in
rose petals and there was candles nearly everywhere. We were on the top floor of the hotel and through the windows was a beautiful scene of the city with lights glowing from every building. There was two full roses lying on the bed. A black one and a red one. With each rose there was a note written in Andy's loopy handwriting. Underneath the red rose the
note said love, the back of the note said 'gentle and beautiful'' And underneath the black one it said fuck, the back of the note it read 'rough and sweaty'.

I grabbed both roses and held in front of me and turned to face Andy. He smiled as I crushed the red rose and handed him the black rose. Before I could think of the outcome I was
thrown against the wall and Andy smashed his lips against mine.

The kiss was rough but sweet and passionate, Andy pressed me harder against the wall. He played with the hem of my motley crue shirt and within a second the shirt was on the other side of the room. I played with his shirt pulling it and moving it around trying to tease him. He took his own shirt off and smiled against our kiss.

"I love you" he whispered against my ear as he started to nibble on it making his way down to my neck. He kissed all around my neck until he found my sweet spot and focused on that spot obviously trying to leave a mark. I ran my fingers through his hair and pulled which earned a low moan from the back of Andy's throat.

After Andy made sure he left a hickey he snaked his arms up my back and took off the skimpy bra I had put on earlier. He took a step back to admire my bare chest and started massaging my nipples. A shiver ran down my spine and he stared to suck on my breasts also intending to leave a hickey. He changed from side to side awarded with a moan as I ran my hands up and down his bare back. He still had me pinned against the wall and I could feel his length getting harder against me as I put my hand down his pants. If those pants got any tighter they would have spilt. He stepped back to take off the ridiculously tight pants
gracefully. It failed as Andy tried to take his pants off I walked towards him seductively. Once he was free from his pants I pushed him onto the bed and straddled him. I kissed him as I ran my hands down his stomach and into his boxers. I grabbed his dick and played around with it and vibrations from Andy's moan ran through my body. He slowly took my jeans off and practically ripped my batman underwear off. I ridded him of his boxers and Andy flipped me over so that he was on top. He broke the kiss and left sloppy kisses all down my body. He stuck two fingers inside me and fiddled around. "Fuck your tight" he moaned as he stuck another finger in.

Once he decided I was ready he whispered "This is gonna hurt a lot" before slowly sliding his dick into me. I tried not to scream, it hurt a lot but I tried to stay strong. I let out a loud grunt as he thrusted all the way in. "I'm sorry" he whispered. He thrusted harder. It felt strange but amazing once the pain went away. The thrusts got deeper and sloppyer as he announced he was close and I was too. I ran my fingers through his hair and that caused him to come. He slammed in one more time really hard and that’s what made me come. Andy rested next to me, sweat dripping off our faces.

"I love you" I whispered.


Hi I was going to update earlier but I hat to re write it and then once I finished it, the site desired to fuck around with me, and I had to put spaces between every word. And then I had to do it again cos it deleted so enjoy this chapter. I worked along time for it. Please comment and that stuff


:''''( ok

Hmmm is what i say when i dont know what to say

MoanaBVB MoanaBVB

Hmmm what?



MoanaBVB MoanaBVB

Eh like I said I've been acting out recently xD

Yea all the time but a lot of it is my fault xD