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i love you CC smut or fluff

CC &Mike fuentes x smut

It was the end of BVB's Tour with PTV and they where doing I final interview with bryan starrs through out the whole interview Mike was teasing his boyfriend CC. He ran his finger up and down CC's thigh and CC was hard through the whole interview surprisingly no one realised. After 3 Long antagonizing ours at the interview and an hour drive to mikes flat.

CC was still unstable when they pulled up to Mike’s flat. The dark haired boy took full control of the situation and carried CC to the door, swinging it open and pushing it shut after stepping inside. Mike wasted no time in walking down the hall to his bedroom, laying CC gingerly on top of the blankets. CC looked up at him whimpering desperately. Mike smiled down at him and sat on the edge of the bed.

“Hey there big boy.” Mike teases, earning another pathetic sound escaping CC’s throat.

CC wants to say something back; he wants to yell and thrash about and make Mike pay for doing all of that to him. But now that they’re actually here CC realizes he isn’t capable of doing any of that….Mike’s left him virtually incapacitated. He can’t even find in it him to speak. He just makes another small noise. He can feel Mike’s hand stroking down his face softly but he doesn’t know what he should do. He settles for flopping his head to the side and whining.

“Someone want something?” Mike asks slyly.

CC nods as vigorously as he can and opens his wet eyes, looking into Mike’s lust-darkened brown ones. CC gulps loudly as Mike leans closer to him, face only centimeters away.

“What is it that you want baby?”

CC groans and musters enough strength to lean his head up, slotting his lips with Mike’s. He parts them immediately, allowing Mike’s tongue to swirl around, sucking hard on the dark haired boy’s lower lip. CC feels a surge of confidence and reaches his hands down to his own pants, undoing the button and tugging the zipper down with it. Mike hears the sound and pulls himself away from CC’s mouth reluctantly, sitting back to watch him undress himself.

When CC gets his owns clothes off, he looks to Mike wearily, wondering if he should remove the his clothes as well. Mike smirks and nods. CC is quick to tug Mike’s shirt off, pants and boxers following shortly after. Looking at Mike’s naked body, CC squirms in anticipation, raking his eyes up and down the endless dark toned skin and muscled body. He reaches Mikes’s eyes and pleads with him silently.

“Mmm, you look like such a slut right now baby. Checking me out and looking at me like you want to eat me” Mike tells him lowly, staring at CC until he starts squirming again.

“Mike i….wa-nt y-you…” CC whimpers, gaze zeroing in on the object of his desire-Mike’s flushed, fully erect cock.

Mike can tell where CC’s looking and smirks again, crawling forward so he’s seated on CC’s chest, dick bobbing deliciously just out of CC’s reach. CC opened his mouth expectantly, giving Mike the most desperate and pleading look he could.

“You want it so bad don’t you? I can tell. Practically gagging for it aren’t you? Such a good little slut for me, CC.” Mike taunted, taking hold of his dick and tapping the tip on the boy’s bottom lip.

“Mike please, just….just let me-just let me ha-have-mmmmm.” CC pleaded, Mike cutting him off mid-beg by shoving his dick into CC’s mouth-finally.

Mike lets CC control the pace. CC enjoys it while it lasts, because he knows what’s coming next. Mike stops hiss movements, holding him still by his messy hair, and rocks his hips slowly at first, speeding up not long after-fucking CC’s mouth like there was no tomorrow. CC is gagging and there are tears in his eyes and he can’t exactly breathe right, but that’s how he’s been feeling all damn day and he would much rather feel it like this. Plus, he’d be lying if he said this wasn’t his favorite thing to do with Mike.

He takes it all in stride like he normally does, breathing as steadily as he can through his nose and keeping his cheeks hollow. Mike is moaning like crazy and CC can tell he’s close, so he kicks it up a notch and uses more tongue than he usually does. Mike growls and pulls completely away from CC, scooting back down the bed and catching his breath while CC does the same.

Mike places three fingers in front of CC’s face, uttering an out-of-breath “suck” before taking his own dick in his hand and pumping slowly as CC obeys. CC coats the fingers generously and sucks them into his mouth, putting on a great show for Mike to wank over later in his memories. The boy pulls his fingers away and trails them down CC’s body until he reaches the boy’s entrance.

“Legs up babe, unless you didn’t want me to open you up for when I fuck you…” Mike muses, watching with pure amusement as CC’s legs immediately bend up and make room for Mikes.

The boy pushes a finger into the tight ring of muscles, feeling it go in easily since they’d just done this last night. It was still tighter than Mike would’ve thought and his hand found his dick again at the image of CC’s tightness around him. He moaned at the same time CC did and slipped another finger inside, finally met with some resistance. CC groaned, tensing then remembering its best to relax as much as possible. When Mike feels CC relax fully he curls his fingers expertly, jabbing them right into CC’s prostate incessantly, even through CC’s squeals and moans in pleasure. The boy adds the third finger and CC in effectively fucking himself on them, hitting his sweet spot each time.

“God you look so good baby, so hot like that.” Mike compliments, running his free hand up CC’s chest to tweak his nipples.

The CC’s back arches and he gasps, mumbling a feeble “close”. Mike stops and pulls his fingers out, reaching around to the drawers beside the bed to grab lube. He slicks himself up and stares down at CC lustfully.

“What do you want baby? Tell me.” Mike demands.

CC groans and stares back with dark hooded eyes. “I want you to fuck me like you hate me, fuck.”

Mike groaned, the sound turning into a growl as he grabbed CC by the shoulders and manhandled him until CC was on his knees, ass in the air, face pressed into the bed courtesy of Mike’s rough hand on the back of his head. Mike tugs CC’s hair to let him know he’s going to go and then thrusts into CC quite forcefully.

CC squeaks and tries to relax but Mike doesn’t give him much time, thrusting forcefully, deep and hard and fast right into CC’s prostate on the first try. Somehow, even though this is certainly the roughest they’d been with each other so far, it wasn’t enough for CC. He wanted more, he wanted harder and faster and just more anger behind it all.

“C-c’mon, I kn-ow you can d-do better than th-that…” CC breathes, just loud enough for Mike to hear.

Mike just lets out an animalistic sound and spanks CC sharply on the ass, earning a mumbled “fuck”.

“Shut up, I never said you could talk.” Mike groans, slapping CC’s ass once more for good measure before complying to CC’s wishes.

The dark haired boy speeds up impossibly and takes hold CC’s hip with the hand that isn’t holding his head, yanking CC’s body to meet his borderline painful thrusts. CC moans loudly, but it still isn’t quite what he wanted….just a little more.

“G-gotta be be-tter if you want, FUCK, if you want me t-to come.” CC says, a little louder this time, a little more forceful.

Mike growls, positively feral and angry, and releases CC’s head to grab onto both hips with bruising force, slamming into the him harder than either ever thought possible. CC is screaming, quite literally, with pleasure, biting the blanket beneath him with so much strength he’s afraid it might rip. He can feel Mike fucking him into absolute oblivion and this, he thinks is what he wanted.

CC’s body is jerking violently with each superhumanly hard thrust and he’s so desperately, painfully close and he can tell Mike is too. He fists the sheets so tightly his knuckles crack and they are starting to turn a sickly white-purple color, his throat so wrecked all he can muster are weak mewls and little moans and whimpers.

“Come, you little slut.” Mike commands.

With one more rough jab at his prostate, CC is coming hard all over his own stomach and the blankets, clenching uncomfortably tight around Mike The CC’s body convulses and twitches and his grip on the blankets doesn’t let up; in fact it tightens when Mike comes inside him moments later, still thrusting although shallowly and softer this time.

CC whines at the oversensitivity and Mike pulls out tiredly, collapsing on the bed next to an already-collapsed CC. Mike blinks to clear his vision of those wonderful white spots and furrows his eyebrows when he sees that CC still has the blanket firmly grasped between his teeth and finger, the flesh looking a bit unhealthy in color.

“CC, baby, release the covers before you hurt yourself.” Mike says softly.

CC breathes deeply through his nose and slowly but surely lets go of the comforter, knuckles cracking again. He mumbles in pain and Mike reaches out gingerly to massage CC’s hands until the boy is smiling lazily next to him. The older boy scoots in closer and wraps CC up carefully in his arms, cuddling him close and kissing all over his face sweetly. Niall smiles rather weakly and nuzzles into Mike’s neck, pecking the skin lightly.

Although CC can feel the ache in every part of his body, and he can practically feel the bruises and lovebites forming and his ass hurts like hell, it’s a sweet moment that he knows he’ll cherish forever. He drifts off peacefully in his boyfriends arms and just as he’s about to fall into a deep sleep, Mike whispers a quiet “I love you Chrisy” in his ear.

He smiles, half-dreaming, and whispers back, “I love you too Mike, but I am never sitting next to you in an interview again"

"sure you won't" mike chuckled in response and they both fell asleep


hope you like it :D xxxx

-stay wretched make life devine xx


@luna_coma its done xxx

your welcome xx

Dedicated To CC Dedicated To CC

@Dedicated To CC
Thanks i loved it

BVB-Army-person BVB-Army-person


all done my lovely xx

Dedicated To CC Dedicated To CC


thanks :) x

Dedicated To CC Dedicated To CC