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Devil Choir tour. (sequel to Unbroken)

Downfall of us all.

I woke up with Ashley at my side
"Good morning" he said wrapping his arm around my waist. I moaned, and rested my head on his shoulder.
"Good morning sexy"I said my voice barely a whisper. i knew I needed to get up and help set things up for tonight. But I didn't want to get up I wanted to lay there in bed with Ashley. My phone went off.
Don't you try to hide with those Angel eyes' it rang with Chris's ringtone. I moaned and picked it up.
"What?" I said throwing the blankets over my legs and scratching my head.
"Wow uuuh how's kit?" He asked, I squinted in confusion.
"The hell are talking bout"I moaned and opened the bunk door the only door that seperated all the bunks from the living room.
"You don't know yet?" He asked, I looked at Alexander as he gave me a innocent look.
"Know whatChris." I snapped and bit the small space between m lip rings.
"Kit got hammered." Chris said. Between him and mybeliefs Alex got hammered as well. I was pretty upset. Today we're in Pennsylvania and I wanted to enjoy being here.
"I'll call you in minute."I said hanging up my phone. Alex pointed at tommy who was pasted out by the window in the booth.
"The one time I don't go to a bar. The one time I don't get hammered. My sister supposedly comes homes drunk out of her wits." I said squeezing my eyes shut.
"Quinn.. Do you have any ideas on how we're gonna get kit clean?" Andy asked looking at me, I nodded. I had a couple I just didn't know how they would work.
"Where is kit?" I asked running a hand through my hair.
"The bedroom in the back." Andy said nodding his head toward the I came.
"How long till we get there?" I asked taking a couple pieces of bead from the bread box
"Tony. How long?" CC asked. The driver shrugged.
"Another two maybe one and a half hours?"He guessed.
"Okay let's hope she feels better by then. Uuh have gotten her anything?" I asked.pouring some water in a bottle. Andy slowly shook his head and shrugged.
"Has she gotten up? At all Andy?" I said taking the ibuprofen out of a cabinet.
"Once maybe twice if that." He said standing up and helping me out. He looked at me when he saw theibuprofen.
"She's probably has a headache." I explained taking the bread and water in the room.
"You know all this how?" He asked asI put the water on a small shelf. I felt her head she was asleep, but she needed to get because I wasn't going on stage.
"Kit princess you gotta get up.Quinn's here to help." Andy said lightly shaking her and handing my the ibuprofen.
"Kit..please wake.up."I said my voice barely a whisper. I took out a small red pill and opened the water bottle. She whimpered and sat up. I've never seen her like this. Now I knew why she didn't like me partying. She looked like hell.

We got to the venue and Kit stillwasn't feeling good little alone stage ready. My last idea was singing Paramore and Hey Monday covers. I was sick to my stomach just looking at the stage.
"Quinn you wanted to talk?" Calvin and Andy came to my side.
"Kits not up she's not gonna be able to do it." I looked at Andy and Calvin, Andy shrugged and shook his head.
"Any more ideas." He said, Calvin knew what I was just about to ask.
"How good do you guys know paramore and HeyMonday?" i asked looking at him.
"Pretty well." Calvin said looking at the ground, I shook my head.
"Quinn. What the hell? Your gonna sing" Andy looked at me astonished. I nodded and bit my lip.
"Go tell the guys I'm gonna go get dressed." I said walking back to the bus to get dressed I needed to check on Kit to make sure she was at least still breathing. This wasn't happening,




R.I.P Carolyn Pitts you will be remembered forever and not in your sons memory but because people love you <3

BVB__batgirl BVB__batgirl

getting ready to love.

Sammy- Massacre Sammy- Massacre

Please update this!


your welcome ^.^=