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"Kit, babe, it's time to get up," a deep voice whispered into my ear.
"Ugh, just let me sleep a little bit longer," I grumbled.
"Sorry, but the tour bus is already outside and we need to get going," Andy said, pulling the covers off of me, exposing my body to the cool temperature of my room.
"Damn. How long do I have to get ready?" I asked while rubbing my eyes.
"Uh....about 20 minutes."
"Fudge!" I said, quickly sprinting to the bathroom.
I jumped in the shower and washed myself in record time. I dried off and slip on the clothes that I had set out yesterday for me to wear. I applied some eyeliner and mascara and exited the bathroom.
"Wow, that was fast," Andy said.
"Yeah. Um, can you help me carry my things downstairs?" I asked.
He nodded and picked up my suitcase that held my stage clothes and my makeup bag. I took my suitcases with my street clothes, shoes, and miscellaneous things. We hauled them downstairs and out the front door.
My jaw dropped when I saw the tour bus. It was huge.
"You like it?" Andy asked me, slightly amused.
"Yeah! But, um, where's the van my band mates and I will use?"
"Van? You guys are sharing the bus with us."
"You serious?" I asked in shock.
"Yeah. Now come on, we have to go get these put away."
Andy took my suitcase with my stage clothes and put it in the luggage comparment of the bus. I took the rest of my stuff and took it onto the bus.
"Hey girlie!" Tommy, the bass guitarist of my band, said as I got onto the bus.
"Jesus, Tommy, put on a shirt!" I laughed, covering my eyes.
"Come on, you know you want it," Tommy joked, motioning to his skeleton tattooed chest.
"Nope, I'm good."
"Here, I'll help you get these things to your bunk," he said kindly, taking my suitcase and makeup bag.
He lead me to a top bunk at the very back of the bus.
"Quinn's bunk is at the bottom, as you can tell," he said looking at the BVB drawstring bag that I got her for her 18th birthday, "and Andy is the one directly bellow your's."
Tommy put my suitcase into the large drawer below my bunk and went off to his own bunk.
"Kit!" Jackson, my guitarist, and Calvin, Flashbang's songwriter and backing guitarist, shouted in unison.
"Hey guys," I smiled, enveloping them in a hug.
"I can't believe this is real! Do you know how long I've been waiting to tour with a band like Black Veil Brides?"
"No, how long?" I asked.
"Ugh, quiet down Jacky, I have a killer hangover," Alexander, my drummer, groaned from his bunk.
I drew back the curtains of his bunk and saw his black, flippy hair was completely dishevelled and his green eyes were bloodshot.
"Alex, why'd you get drunk if you knew we started tour today?" I asked.
"Jess dumped me last night," he sighed.
"Well, it sucks for her then, 'cause she lost a great guy."
Alex smiled appreciatively at me and I slowly closed the curtain.
I started to walk back to my bunk when the bus started to move, causing me to lose my ballance and fall to the floor.
I heard Jacky's obnoxious laughter coming from his bunk and I huffed. I got up and climbed up to my bunk to take a short nap before you reached the venue.
My nap didn't last long enough because in less than an hour we were at the venue. I climbed down from my bunk and mentally noted to myself to not roll in my sleep. I saw that Quinn was still asleep in her bunk.
"Quinn, wake up. We're at the venue," I said, lightly shaking her.
She slowly opened her eyes and groaned.
"Can't I sleep a little longer?" she asked.
I was about to answer when I heard Andy shout to us from outside, "Kit! Quinn! There are two guys I want you to meet!"
I raised my eyebrows at Quinn and took her hand. We made our way off the bus and saw two men talking to Andy with their backs to us.
"Hey, you two," Andy said, noticing our presence, "I want you to meet Ronnie and Chris, they're from two of the other bands we're touring with."
I looked at him in confusion. The two men turned around and my eyes grew wide as I saw the two people who I never expected to see again. My exes.
"Crap," I muttered.



np i is true

Aww thanks! ♥

that was kinda rude just saying and not trying to be rude

im in love i know i have things to do but incant put my ipad down to do them

I'm sorry but this would be a great fanfiction if you actually knew how to spell CC. Just saying

Turkamayne_ Turkamayne_