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Bloody Sins Of The Past

Chapter 2

I got up early in the morning and changed into a Black Veil Brides shirt, black ripped skinny jeans, black converse, Black Veil Brides wristbands, and some other band wristbands I had to cover my cuts.
I fixed my long black hair so it cover my blue eyes and my Black Veil Brides rosary on as I grab my black messenger bag. I also did my makeup before I head downstairs to eat breakfast.
I walk downstairs and got my lunch made by our maid Mia and our chef Charles, and the servants cleaned as I jumped in my Black Veil Brides painted sports car.
I drove off to school, and parked away from the school so no one would fuck up my car.....
I started walking into the school as I heard laughter, and insults behind me.
"Just keep walking..." I thought. I walked in Mrs. Fort's biology class and I sat in my usual sit in the darkest corner in the back. I was drawing Andy Biersack from Black Veil Brides, and I wasn't playing attention till I saw a note thrown on my desk. "Hmmm...?"
I looked up and saw who the note from and it was Clarsisse...I grabbed it and opened it and I read what she had wrote....
"Hey little emo slut fuck!! How's your piss poor life you worthless mistake! Why are you still living huh?!? No one will ever like you not even your 'crush' Andy Biersack! He wouldn't even look your way because your stupid, useless, ugly, slutty attention whore! Just go fucking commit suicide you useless skank emo goth bitch! No one would care if you die!!" -Clarsisse
I started writing back on it, "haha, yeah I'm the slut. When you and your twin Larsisse slept with EVERY guy in the school, and you guys dress like hookers or even strippers! You never know Andy Biersack may like me! Also I'd be way more successful than you with my band!!!!" -Shadow p.s. FUCK YOU!!
I crumpled it up and threw it at her head, and she stopped laughing then reads what I wrote back.
My friends started laughing when they saw her face!
The bell rang and we all do the usual and normal as everyday as it passed on, I walked out of the school to have felt someone's tight grip on my wrist.
I was being pulled into the parking lot, when I turned around I saw Allen, Ryan, Clarsisse, Larsisse, and the pushed, kicked, slapped, and punched me. My lip and cheek were bleeding, my chest ached and I felt dizzy.
They stopped beating me up and left me there.....


If my story sucks, I'm sorry T_T
thanks for reading my fallen angels <3


ok :( that is very sad

I may sadly not update so much :(
yay XD

thanks, it does now XD
i hope your arm feels better