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New School, New Life


Identical twins Amy and Haley Caverns couldn't be more different. Amy is bubbly and preppy, Haley is introverted and reserved, often cast aside by people she thought were friends once they meet her sister.

Recently the girls have been accepted into an all arts boarding school, Amy for singing and ballet, Haley for her writings, both musical and literary. This new school is the first time the girls will not be sharing a room, since they are focused in different areas of art, they are in different "houses". With these different houses come not only different uniforms, but entirely different classes as well. So for the first time in her young life Haley is given a chance to make friends who like her for her as well as for her to shine without her twin's shadow getting in the way.


Amy Caverns

Amy Caverns

Just your classic blue-eyed blonde preppy girl who dresses in shades of pink and other strictly girly colors. She is the twin everyone knows, and who is held in the spot light by her parents.

Haley Caverns

Haley Caverns

Haley is shy and introverted, often described as an outcast. She dresses in darker colors so that she can feel like she blends in more than she stands out, her parents are always telling her she should try to be more like her sister.


  1. Accepted

  2. Long ride

  3. First night jitters

  4. Early morning start

  5. Somethings never change

    every school has two things ... cliques and bullies

  6. Breakfast, Classes, and Enemies. Oh my

    edited to take care of errors and for length

  7. Friends?


Hope you can update soon, love this story!

Can't wait for the next chapter

Ally Cat Ally Cat

i'll try to update more often than i have been in the past.

It's been a while since you updated last! I still have the last comment too. You need to update again, I'm really enjoying your story.

Lolo_bvb Lolo_bvb
It has 1,022 views and please update soon ^-^
Lolo_bvb Lolo_bvb