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If you love someone, let them go.........

Band practise...

"Come on lets go!" Em said pulling me towards Andy's garage door. "No I don't want to get in the way of their practise, EM!" I yelled, resisting her pull. "They won't mind. Andy said he wanted to spend some time with you."
"Yes but not while he's practising." She continued to pull me until we finally got to the door, and she pulled it open, exposing the five boys. "We thought we'd crash with you for a bit." She said pulling me inside. Andy came over and pulled me into a hug. "I'll leave if you want me to, it was Em's idea to come here while you were practicing."
"Nahh I don't mind. I'd rather you be here, see what we've done while you've been gone." He kissed me, and then sat me down in a chair next to Em. Andy stood behind the microphone, and started to sing. He was as amazing as the night before, and when he finsihed, me and Em clapped. "What do you think?" Ashey asked, smiling at me and Em. "It was brill, I think your gonna get somewhere in this band." I said smiling back. CC came over, picked me up, and twirled me around and around. I had met all the rest of the band last night, and they were crazy and awesome. I got on with them all, although they were all older. "Un hand my girlfriend." Andy said, and CC let me go, me being incredibly dizzy. Andy grabbed me held me until me world stopped spinning. I looked up at him, and smiled. He smiled back and gently pecked my lips. "Ewwww, at least get a room." CC said, making me giggle into the kiss. Andy pulled away, and smiled at me. "I was enjoying that." I pouted, and he laughed at me. "Don't laugh at me." I said, smiling back at him. "Before you two start getting sexual, Andy needs to hep us write a new song. "Amber can help to." he said, sitting down on the floor, and pulling me onto his lap. "Errm who said i'm any good at writing songs?"
"I do, me and you write that song remember."
"Yeah but-"
"You'll be fine, please." Andy pouted. I sighed and pulled the notebook, which was lying open on the floor, towards me.

After half and hour, we had written half the song, but were struggling on the instrumental. I started to hum a little tune, and jumped up and grabbed the spare guitar, and started to play little notes. "Oh my god that's it!" CC yelled jumping up an running to his drum set, where he started tapping out a beat. Jinxx, and Jake grabbed their guitars, and started to copy what I was playing. Ashley jumped up, and played some notes to. Andy jumped up and started to scream into the microphone. After everyone had stopped playing, Ashley came to me, a smile spread across his face. "That was ewesome. And you were the one doubting yourself." He said, giving my arm a light punch. I blushed and put the guitar back down, and sat on the floor. Andy sat beside me, and snaked his arm around my waist. I stuck my tounge out at him, and he waggled his back at me. "We'll I think thats us done for today, shall we all go to the mall then?" Jake said, grabbing his coat. "Yeah, lets go." Em said, and everyone started to move. Andy got up and picked me up off the floor. We followed everyone out the door, And Andy shut it behind us. We met the twins there to,and we spent all day there. It seemed like the old days, with new additions added to our family. I got an update on gossip with Em and the twins, and spent most my time with Andy's hand intertwined in mine. It was a perfect day. But moments like these cannot last forever...


I miss this story, please update
Mrs.Biersack Mrs.Biersack
Can u update plz
Mores :)
Mrs.Biersack Mrs.Biersack
I really like this
Mrs.Biersack Mrs.Biersack