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I married Ashley Purdy

Chapter 1

Me and Ashley had been together for a year when he popped the question yes he is 30 and I'm only 18 but I love him with everything I've got we had our ups and downs but we worked through them we got married July 4th. "Ashley": Nadia babe can you come here a sec Nadia: yea what's up Ashley: we are going on your tour are you going with us this time Nadia: I don't know I really don't want to leave the dogs Ashley:baby please I get lonely without you Nadia: you have the boys Ashley: but they can't keep me company like you can Nadia: fine when are we leaving Ashley: um ... Today Nadia: what help me pack I am going to take the dogs to my moms house real quick Ashley: don't forget the cat Nadia: ash we don't have a cat Ashley: we do now * I ran to my moms house dropped of the animals and headed back to the house when I got back Ashley had all my stuff ready I could not wait to go on tour, we got on the tour bus and greeted everyone Andy gave me a big hug* Andy:Nadia u missed you it's been forever since I've seen you Nadia: I know right! How is Juliet Andy: she's good I guess we got into a fight and I have not really talked to her Nadia: awe that sucks * Ashley came and picked me up and sat on the couch with me he had on hand resting low on my hip and one on the inside of my thigh* Cc: Hey so how's the married life Lauren: yea you guys would know Ashley: it's like heaven sex anytime Nadia: yea pretty much Andy: you married life shouldn't be based on sex it should be based on how much you love each other Cc: you give such good advice Andy Jinx: he has a point Ashley: I know and I love Nadia with all my heart Jake: you have a heart I always thought you were a heartless bitch * cc and jake high fived and Ashley pull me closer to him* Nadia: so were are we going first Ashley: Idaho Nadia: that's true Ashley: what Cc: you da ho Ashley: you guys are on a roll today * I noticed Andy kept looking over at me was he ok maybe I should talk to him* Nadia: Andy can I talk to you in private for a second Cc: Ashley isn't that what she said to you before you got married Ashley: yup * the boys laughed and me and Andy went to his room and stood by his bed* Nadia: what's wrong Andy: nothing Nadia: I know when something is bothering you Andy: it's just you and Ashley look so happy together and I just fuck it * Andy leaned down and grabbed me pulling me close to his chest and kissing me after a second or two he shoved me away* Andy: I'm I am so so sorry I didn't mean for that to happened oh god I've fucked up Nadia: your just heart broken that's all you and Juliet will work things out * I went back and sat on Ashley's lap he pulled me really close and started rubbing my inner thigh when Andy came and sat next to Ashley*
Ashley: why are you so tense
Nadia: I'm just really tired and plus it's like 12:30
Ashley: you usually don't go to bed until 2
Nadia: I know I'm just tired and my back hurts
Ashley: ok well let's go to bed then
* Ashley carried me to his bunk and laid me down on his bed then he got in next to me and cuddled me against his bare chest*
Nadia: I love you so much
Ashley: I love you to
* it was about 3:30 and I could not sleep so I got up and decided I'd go to the living room part of the bus and grab some jack Daniels when I bumped into someone*
Andy: sorry
Nadia: Andy? what are you doing up so late
Andy: I could ask you the same question, I couldn't sleep
Nadia: me either
* me and Andy sat down next to each other we drank some whiskey then he grabbed my hand and started playing with it*
Andy: you have really soft pretty hands
Nadia: and your drunk
Andy: no I'm not I just like hands and deer and seagulls
Nadia: you are so weird
* that's when Andy practically jumped on me and laid beside me and put an arm around me*
Andy: I like the way you feel under my arms
Nadia: and I like the way Ashley feels
Andy: I love Ashley
Nadia: so do I
* I patted Andy on the arm and went to get up when he grabbed me by the waist and pulled me down under him*
Andy: but I love you to
Nadia: Andy I love Ashley that's why I married him
* Andy shut me up by pressing his lips to mine them he fell on me... With a boner*
Nadia: Andy ... Andy seriously
* I pushed a sleeping Andy off me and went back to Ashley who was taking up the whole bed so I tries to make him scoot over*
Nadia: Ashley babe scoot over
Ashley: mmm
Nadia: Ashley please move over Ashley: hm...
Nadia: Andy kissed me
Ashley: WHAT!
Nadia: sorry but I had to make you wake up some how now scoot over
* Ashley grabbed me and put me in between him and the walk*
Ashley: if Andy ever kissed you I would kill him
Nadia: I know
* Ashley kissed me and went to sleep*


@Clearly invalid
Liversp0t Liversp0t
Thanks I have more in about to put up
Clearly invalid Clearly invalid
I like it so far *hi-fives
Liversp0t Liversp0t