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in love with a rockstar


Back at the tour bus after the show everyone was tired out. The boys had done the signings but Ash didnt say anything just yet. Ash decided to get a room in a nearby hotel. We invited CC to stay with us to and he was happy because he knew what Leonie and Andy would be doing tonight. CC just laughed "you have literally saved me". It had been ages since me and Ash got together and we decided to tell the public. We couldnt keep hiding from them anymore.

I was so tired that night i just remember falling asleep watching a film with Ash. I dont even know what film either just a film Ash picked out. He carried me to bed and covered me up kissing my head. I woke up just as he was leavingthe room. "Night babe love you" i whispered. He turned to me and smiled walking towards me and laying on the bed next to me. He cuddled me and we fell asleep together.

It was one of the first times today i had actually woken up before Ashley so i made him scrambled egg on toast. I even gave him a glass of wine at the side. He deserved it for being the amazing boyfriend he had been to me. He woke up and turned to me "wha time is it?". He asked. "Only early i woke up early this morning". I smiled. He always seemed really nervous about waking up late.

After Ashley finished off the toast we walked towards the tour bus. Jake, Jinxx, Andy and Leonie were all still asleep. CC came in behind us and layed on one of the sofas. Andy woke up first doing his hair and warpaint. Ash was normally the one that took the longest time doing his war paint but today he even finished before Andy.

"What do you have pleanned for today babe?" I asked Ash as he hugged me. He was so huggable he was soft, comfy and warm. "Bryan Stars because apparently the Purdy girls have being tweeting him about getting me on an interview". He chuckled. I laughed and told Ashley about how i had being tweeting Bryan about getting Ash to do an interview.

I sat at the side of the tent they were in doing this interview in. "We have Ashley Purdy and Andy from black veil brides" Bryan said. I was so exited about watching the interview and later on me and Leonie were meeting Matt Good from the band drugs. Matt was Andys best friend and helped Andy when he broke his 9,10 and 11 ribs.


2 chapters today already and its only 7am!! im crazy:)


OMG i didnt even know it had over 10000 reads never mind 19000!! I love everyone of you!

@Mrs Biersack
Thanks xx
Every time I read this , it makes me smile!
Mrs Biersack Mrs Biersack
to everyone that read thankyou and i love you x if your a suscriber then i love you even more
lots of love -BlackVeilBridesPurdyGirl- xxx


what did you think?:)
