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Let You Down: Sequel to Days Are Numbered


The group watched in horror as William sank his fangs into Andy's throat. Andy winced in pain and felt his life being drained away. He saw flashes of his life. All the hell he'd been through. The rise of Black Veil Brides. The fans. Everything. He saw Skye's face and Scout's and Juliet's. All three of his loves throughout his life. Three of the women who had made his life complete.
He was growing weaker by the second. So this was death. The one thing he'd somehow managed to evade until now. Quinn was right. He wouldn't survive this fight. The promise he'd made his mom would be broken and he would die.
In his last few moments, Andy glanced over at Ashley, Jake, CC, and Jinxx. All three of them standing there, horror on their faces. Watching their best friend and brother being murdered right in front of them.
William dropped Andy's limp body to the ground, waiting for him to finish bleeding out. He glanced up at the others, standing there, doing nothing. He laughed. Andy was their leader. And now they were lost without him.
Ashley was furious. He wanted nothing more than to destroy that smug look on William's face. If he could do it in just one move, he would. Andy was his best friend in the band. The one he was closest to. And now Andy was dead. And William deserved to be.
Ashley reached onto his back and pulled the flamethrower around to the front. William noted this with barely a twitch. Ashley turned on the machine and lit the place up, not missing a single place that William could escape to.
William was lost completely. He had no escape route. This one guy...this one human...could take him down and there wasn't a thing he could do to stop it. Ashley registered the fear on William's face and a smug look came across his. He turned the flamethrower upon him and within seconds William was engulfed in flames.


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