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Promises (On Hold)

Chapter 1

I was waiting for a taxi to come by so I could wave one down. Just then I got a flashback of what my first thought was when I saw that I was a vampire. When I was changed, it was a shock to see what I looked like. My skin was pale white. My eyes were so cold that even when I looked at myself I felt like I should back away.

When I first saw them, they were the chilling silver that sent shocks of ice through my veins. Normally my eyes are green but since I was turned into a vampire, they are green with black trim and silver coming out from the pupil. My blonde hair was lightly floating down past my shoulders. There were also no flaws, like the acne I has as a human. My bones were sharper and I only had a light pink color my cheeks and my lips looked a bit lighter than before.

I was shocked. So shocked that when I jumped back from the mirror, I hit a wall and knocked a couple bricks from it. Even to this day, I can remember my last human day.

I was hiking in some woods, I don't remember which ones. It was the first time I had ever worn pants and Father let me go hiking with him. As I was walking, I heard something from behind me. I turned around and say a leopard jump out from behind some bushes. I remember screaming and falling to the ground. I could feel every part of my face and body get ripped apart from the scratching of his claws. I tried to move, but when I did, I could feel his mouth on my neck and felt it snap. I stopped moving and closed my eyes. I felt the pain and saw red.
Still the pain did not even compare to the new pain I felt when I woke. My whole body was in mesmerizing pain. I looked around and saw that there was a man at my feet and two people about my age holding my hands. I tried to move away from them and the pain, but the people had me in an iron clench. How could they be so strong? Then my heart started to beat faster than I ever thought possible. Then finally, it stopped. I took one last breath and closed my eyes. I felt the pain slowly fade and saw the blackness in my closed eyes. After a few minutes, I heard someone talk to me.

"Victoria, I'm Blake William. You need to calm down. You can trust me." I opened my eyes all the way to see a man with white skin, blue eyes with silver in the middle, and blonde hair. My breaths were coming in fast, short gulps. I looked around again. I saw the two people from before. They too had white skin and flawless faces. There was a girl and a boy. The girl had long brownish red hair that was curled at the bottom. The boy had black hair that was thick on his head. They held each other's hands. I just looked at them and the girl smiled.

"Hello," She said with a voice so pure I had to think about what she said. "My name is Avery. This is Dillon. We are your new-," She bit her lip. What was she going to say? I looked around it was weird. Everything was so clear. I could see every speck of the wood floor and I could hear everything around me. Including the fabric of Avery's shirt as she walked closer to me. I looked up. She smiled again.

"How do you feel?" I looked over and saw the man named Blake. I thought about it.

"Thirsty." I replied and he smiled.

"What for?" H asked and I looked up at him.

"Blood..." I trailed off and hoped he wouldn't call me crazy or anything like that.

"That's what I thought, come." He said and I followed him out the door. I walked down the hallway and saw my reflection.

* * *

I snapped out of the thought and looked around. I can't remember anything else from being human. So I did what I always did; just forget about that one human memory I had. I then looked up. The sun was shining so I put my sunglasses on. I also had a long sleeved shirt on. It was the beginning of autumn and the leaves were falling everywhere I went. The weather hot cold really early this year. I wasn't cold, but I still have to put on a show for the human world. Then when the sun shines I cove up. Vampires, our skin is so white that when the sun shines on it we reflect like a light on a mirror or snow. Not like diamonds in the light, sparkly, but something along that line. Nothing really noticeable to human eyes. But we're still cautious, just so if they decide to look past our disguise.

I looked around and saw a taxi. I held up my hand and yelled. He didn't stop. Usually they would stop the second I got out a door, but today I was covered up in a big jacket and sunglasses to cover my eyes. When the sun hits our eyes, they automatically turn silver. The color is just a disguise.

I saw another taxi go by. As I watched the man in the drivers seat talk on his cell, I saw him smirk when he saw a girl a couple feet away from me. She had on a short skirt and high heels, with a tight top. She must be freezing.

That's when I froze. In my mind I saw that man in the back seat of the taxi cab with the girl. Of course she was struggling. But he was to strong. When the vision faded, I felt like I was going to faint. I haven't had anything to eat for a couple days and when I get a vision without food, I get weak. I started to sway forward. Suddenly I felt a hand grab my elbow an my body going the opposite way than before. My head hit the soft body of a human. I looked up and say a boy that would be my age.

He had raven black hair that was kind of messy. His long lashes and beautiful blue eyes were looking over me. He had a pointed nose and almost full lips. He was pale and had a strong jaw. I could hear him swallow when he saw me. For a human, he was almost perfect. Then his scent, it smelled like cologne and cigarette smoke, mouth watering. I had to lick my lips. It was overwhelming and I was so hungry. I took a deep breath, letting the scent go through my body. A flash of Blake's face came into my mind, and I stopped breathing. I looked over at the human.

"Are you okay?" He asked and I couldn't get over what he smelt like, let alone talk to him. "You looked like you were about to faint." He said again and I pushed my body away from his.

"Yes, I'm..." I thought of a word. "Suitable right now." But not for long. when I was free from his arms, I took two steps backward, finding the edge of the road.

"Are you sure?" He inquired. What's up with all the questions?

"Yes, I'm one-hundred percent positive that I'm fine." I said and he just looked at me like I was crazy. I thought about it for an eighth of a second and made sure my sunglasses were still on. They were so I think what I said shocked him. I held my breath the rest of the time I was by him.

"Thank you for your assistance." I said and he still looked shocked. I just turned my head and walked off. I had to get away from him and I had to get something to eat. So instead of getting a taxi, which wasn't practical even from begging, I ran home. New York was not the best city I've ever lived in. I prefer the small towns. I could hunt for food without drinking it from a glass. I'll be in a small town in a year or two so I'll survive.

When I got home two minutes later, I went to the kitchen which we almost never use and poured myself a glass of blood. When I was finishing up, Avery waltzed in.

"Hey, how was the museum?" She asked and I smiled at her. Since I came into this family, Blake and Makana have become my parents. Avery and Dillon have become my sister and brother. Even though they live together, they are going together. he whole apartment complex knows that we all are just living in the parental vision of Blake and Makana. We are not family to those people, but to each other we are.

"The paintings were great, still I couldn't help but think about the mall. Would you like to go with me tomorrow?" I asked and saw her eyes light up.

"Of course." She said and I smiled/

"Great." I said and went up to my room. As I walked in, I was that the sun was already down. I flopped down on my couch and looked out the glass doors that led to a balcony. Then I looked to the right of them and saw my piano. I thought about a melody that I have been working on. So after I called the cops about that taxi driver, I got up and walked over to it and started to play. Suddenly the song came into my mind. Tragic, slow, and meaningful. the perfect ending. I took a deep breath and thought about what it meant. Nothing really. It just came to me. I just sat there the rest of the night playing my piano.

When morning came, I just stayed in my room. Later that day I went downstairs. New York is such a big place that we don't have to go to school. No one ever notices, let alone cares. We have been living here for five years and I'm ready to leave. I miss the small town and being able to hunt. I miss the feeling of the forest underneath me and the smell of wet grass in the morning. I snapped out of it when I heard feet coming down the stairs. I looked up and saw Dillon.

"Hey." He said as he walked down the last few steps.

"What are you doing?" I asked and he just shrugged.

"Nothing. Aren't you and Avery going shopping today?"

"I think so. You want to come?"

"No thanks. I love you guys, but when I come I just a shopping cart. You two have fun." He said jokingly. When he walked past me he nudged me with his elbow. I laughed and went to look out the window. I saw the busy streets and took a deep breath. I've been doing some research and I remember from the years and years ago we used to live in a small town in Missouri called Bethany. I liked it there. Little people, fields and woods just outside of town. I took another deep breath and forgot that thought. What time is it? I looked at the clock, around three. Time to go shopping.

"Avery, are you ready to go?" I yelled up the stairs. II saw her jump out of her bedroom door, and a half a second later, she was by my side.

"Yeah, let's go." She said and then I saw an image. Avery was in a store and she was picking up a red top. She went and tried it on. It looked great. Then she went back for her size, and they didn't have it.

"I'm going to buy this new red top I saw in a store a week ago." She said as we got into the car.
"It's not in your size." I said and she looked at me.

"Are you serious? When did you see this?"

"Just about two seconds ago." I said and she frowned.

"Well I guess I won't now." She said and I smiled. she has so many clothes it's not even funny. When we got to the mall, Avery and I walked to the 'Magic Moving Stairs' as Avery likes to call them. I thought I smelt the scent of that human. I looked over and saw a man smoking outside. I just shook it off and walked into HotTopic. I smelt it again. The scent went in all directions. I looked around. The mouth watering scent wasn't that strong here. It couldn't be him. There was no way. We walked into Sears and it wasn't there. My imagination was on over time. We walked out of the store.

"You haven't bought anything yet. Is something wrong?" Avery asked me and the truth is, something was wrong.

"No, I'm just not in the zone today." I said and she laughed. Them I smelt that again. I looked around and past people, and couldn't find him. I had to get out of here.

"I think I should go out to the car." I said to Avery.

"Okay, we can leave if you want." I could hear the disappointment in her voice.

"No, you star and shop. I'm just going to the car." I said and left. I could feel the scent getting stronger . Then I looked ahead and saw him. e looked up from the shirt rack he was looking through and caught my eyes. We just stood there for two long seconds. Then I turned around and ran at human speed. I got to where you could look down at the people on the first floor. I could jump down and run. But what if someone saw me? I would be in so much trouble. Human speed, I have to do everything like a human. I could smell him coming closer to me. I ran down the escalator. Well, pushed my way down it. People were yelling at me, but the voice I heard was the clearest was his. He was yelling at me to wait. So I went a little bit faster. When I got to the bottom floor, I ran to the nearest Christmas tree I could find. When I found no one behind it, I hid there. I never got any use of knowing where a fifty foot tree would be part of my escape plan today, but it was.

I stood behind it for a while. The scent of the pine was so strong that I could barely smell anything else. Which was good and bad at the same time. I just took short breath and turned around when I heard harder breaths behind me. In and instant, a rush of cologne and cigarette smoke came to me.

"Your good at running." He said and I just looked at him.

"Why are you running from me?" He asked and I couldn't speak. I don't know why, but I just couldn't.

"Why do you want to catch up with me?" I finally asked when I got my thoughts together. It took him a while to speak.

"Hum, I honestly don't know." He said and I just let out a long breath. I wasn't hungry today, so it was a bit easier than the first time. I turned around and tried to walk away.

"Wait," I heard him say and then he grabbed my hand. MY maroon colored over coat was thick but I could tell he could feel my coldness.

"What?" I asked, my voice was harsh and absurdly more musical than it usually was. I looked up into his eyes and they looked mad.

"I just want to talk, okay?" I could take that question two ways. In my world there are two lines. Living with humans and talking to them. Then on the other side, trusting them and yourself enough to get to know them. Then on the edge of everything is falling in love with them. Which I only heard of once.

"No," I said in my normal voice.

"Fine, then I'll just have to force you to talk to me." He said and I laughed.

"Yeah right." I said and yanked my hand away from his. Then I got another vision. It was of me... and him. We were walking along a path. And he was looking at me. I turned to him and smiled. It looked like we were friends. Which scared me. I snapped out of the vision and saw that he was looking at me.

"What's wrong with you this time?" He asked and I ignored his question.

"You don't know what you're talking about." I said and he just looked at me. I turned around and started to walk away.

"I'll talk to you sooner or later." He called after me and I just walked faster. When I got to the car I took deep breaths just thinking about what was going to happen. I tried to see my future, but the only thing I could get was the vision I saw before. I shook my head and just stared out the window.


Hey guys!! Yep, it's me again! Maddles!! I decided to start on this one because I'm on such a huge writer's bloc on my other's and I already had this long story written out. It was for an English paper I had last year and my teacher kinda wanted a full blown book. So I wrote one and ended up getting an A. I just found it yesterday. :P Whatter' the odds!! I will update this one like, everyday to every two days.


Sorry. I noticed that as soon as I sent that and then my computer crashed... Why does this always happen to me?!?!?! :P
Me! lol. I just changed my name, on my thingy, I have a dash and a heart there too, but I guess they don't show up. -__-
Kerissa? Who's that? :P
YAY! Woo-Hoo~ I literally wait for your updates. Your amazing, Kerissa
Awe, your sweet. I'm going to add a bit more to the last chapter, but my tablet died (I have it saved on there) and I can't find my charger. :P