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My girlfriend has a way of torturing me. Don’t get me wrong, I love her, but she does have a way of torturing me…she just doesn’t know it. I absolutely hate having to hide the fact that I love this girl. Besides my band Jade is my world. If I could shout it out to the whole entire world that I adore her I would in a heartbeat. There is only one thing standing in the way of that and it’s the fact that Ashley is her big brother. I understand why she doesn’t want him to know, dating your best friend’s little sister is pretty damn awkward. And because Ashley is so protective over her we’d never get any privacy if he knew. He’d eye me like a hawk just to make sure I don’t do anything to her.

Hell he’d probably kill me if I even kissed her on the cheek. I remember this one time we were backstage at a show and some guy was checking Jade out from a distance. Ashley knocked the guy right out, just because he was looking at her. The only guys he lets around his sister are people he trusts and that’s just Jinxx, Jake, CC, and me. I bet if he found out about Jade and I his trust in me would go right out the window. He wouldn’t care that I’m his best friend; he’d still beat the shit out of me.

I shuddered at the thought; maybe it is a good thing that Jade and I have been keeping us a secret. We haven’t told anyone because nobody would keep their mouth shut, they would go straight to Ashley and tell. How we’ve managed to keep this hidden for almost two years amazes me. We must be really good at hiding it because nobody suspects a thing.

It just really sucks though. Having to have her so close to me but she’s still out of my reach, it hurts me sometimes. I can’t kiss her, I can’t hold or cuddle with her, just whisper sweet nothings in her ear just to make her blush, I can’t even tell her I love when people are around. Sometimes I wonder if it’s even worth it. But at the end of the day I realize that she knows me better then I know myself, she can sense when something’s wrong with me and knows just how to brighten up my days. She’s seen me at the lowest of my lows and still doesn’t see me in a different light. She loves me for me without the fame and with all my faults. To her I’m just Andy and that’s enough for her.

I shook myself out of my thoughts when I realized I had spaced out. I had completely forgotten where I was and what I was doing. I took notice of my surroundings and realized that I was lying down on a beach towel. I looked around and remembered that it was beach day. We were heading off to tour in less than a week and to take a break from packing we decided to go to the beach. I pouted all the guys were here but Sammi and Jade were nowhere to be seen.
I remembered that Sammi had picked Jade up this morning so they could go bathing suit shopping. I groaned to myself just imagining what she’d look like in a bathing suit and I had to force the image out of my mind so I wouldn’t start to get a problem. I turned and lied down on my stomach and rested my head in my hands. The beach wasn’t really my thing. Sure I had on trunks but I had no intention of getting in the water.

I just watched as CC, Jake, Jinxx and Ashley through a football around as they ran around in the sand. I huffed to myself, I was bored out of my mind and I really just wanted to go home and watch TV. Getting lost in my thoughts again I practically jumped out of my skin when I felt someone sit on my back.

“Aw Andy did I scare you?” Jade asked giggling as she straddled my back with two ice cream cones in her hands. She smiled before getting off of me and sitting down on the blanket next to me.

“Yes baby you scared the hell out of me.” I said sitting up.

“Aw I’m sorry, hey I got you an ice cream cone. I knew since we’d be at the beach that you would be bored so I figured ice cream would help.” She said handing me a vanilla and chocolate swirled cone. It was then that I took in her attire. Her dark brown hair was down and wavy, she was wearing a black bikini top that had a bunch of cartoon monsters printed on it and a pair of very small shorts. I looked around and noticed none of the guys were looking our way and Sammi was nowhere to be seen. I stole a quick kiss and smirked.

“You really like teasing me don’t you? You would be looking this good knowing that I have to keep my hands off you.” She started blushing and I couldn’t help but think that the new tint of red against her caramel skin was adorable.

“Well I remember the guys said that they wanted to go out to a bar tonight, just say you don’t feel like going and stay at the apartment with me tonight, or we would go out and do something. We haven’t been out just the two of us in a while.”

“Oh how true that is.” Eyeing her over again I couldn’t help chuckle to myself.

“What’s so funny?”

“Ashley hasn’t seen you yet, has he?” She fiddled with her septum ring, it was so small I forgot that she had it and shook her head.

“No, you know as soon as he sees me he’s going to make me put on a hoodie even though its hot as fuck out.” She grumbled to herself. “He’ll be like Jade that is way too revealing, I don’t want anybody looking at you the wrong way.” mocking him in a fake voice that sounded nothing like Ashley’s.

I laughed that is exactly what Ashley would do and say. If he thought anything she was wearing was the least bit revealing he would cover her up. He didn’t even let her wear v-necks or shorts.

“It’s too hot out to be wearing jeans and long sleeves shirts like he always wants me to wear. I don’t care how mad he gets I’m not changing out of this.”

“You say that now, just wait until he sees you.”

“Oh shut up.” She said sticking her tongue out at me. I just laughed before licking my ice cream. She laced her fingers with my free hand and just stared off and watched while the guys played football. We sat in a comfortable silence just eating our ice cream. I couldn’t help but watch her. She just looked so peaceful and content doing nothing but watching the waves.

“Hey guys!” both of us jumped unlinking our hands when Sammi jumped in front of us.

“Fuck Sammi you scared me!” Jade whined as she tried to catch her breath.

“My bad, oh and thanks for helping me take the chairs out of my car by the way.” Her voice dripping with sarcasm.

“Sorry, as soon as we pulled up I saw an ice cream trunk and ice cream was the only thing on my mind.” Jade stated. Sammi just rolled her eyes playfully and pulled up her beach chair and sat down next to us.

“So what have you two been up to?”

“Nothing just sitting here watching the guys.” I stated .

“Ooh that sounds so fun…not. Why don’t you get up and have some fun get in the water.” Sammi suggested and I gave her a ‘are you serious?’ look. “What? I’m just saying don’t look at me like that.”

“I’ll go and hangout with the guys and get in the water later. I don’t want Andy to be bored so I want to keep him company.” Jade said before finishing off her ice cream.

“Well aren’t you sweet. Andy’s a big boy he can entertain himself. Come on lets go it’s too hot and such a nice day out to be sitting around doing nothing.” Sammi said getting out of her chair and stretching. “Come on lazy bones get up.” She demanded pointing at me.

“Why me?”

“Because you always just sit there and pout have you ever tried liking the beach?”

“Yes, and I don’t like it.”

“Such a party pooper, Jade you coming?” She asked turning her attention away from me.

“I really don’t want to leave Andy by himself.” Jade mumbled biting her lip.

“He’ll be fine.” Sammi said before yanking at Jade’s arm and pulling her up. “Now let’s go, I’m going to enjoy this beach day, and you will too even if I have to force you to.” She said smiling before yanking Jade off towards the guys and away from me.

I pouted all I wanted was sometime to myself with my girlfriend doing nothing on a beach towel. Is that too much to ask?

Figuring that I might as well stop being anti-social I decided to get up and walk over towards everyone. I could tell by the look on Ashley’s face and the way he was looking at his sister that he was not happy with her attire.

“What the hell are you wearing?” Ashley practically shouted at her. I felt her tense up before so looked down at her feet and bite her lip. I wasted no time in walking over to her and draping my arm around her shoulder as a sign of comfort.

“Sammi and I went swimsuit shopping…” She said trialing off. I know she hates it when she makes Ashley upset, but I also know she hates getting yelled at it makes her nervous. “I didn’t have a swimsuit, and Sammi thought it would look nice on me so I got it. And it’s really hot out so I decided to wear shorts.” She was still looking down at her feet, she was biting at her lip a little harder now and I knew she’d draw blood if she continued. I lightly squeezed her shoulder and I noticed she stopped and relaxed slightly.

“Ash dude calm down she looks fine. Give the girl a break it’s hot as fuck out.” Jake stated trying to calm Ashley down.

“That’s not the point, I just don’t want people thinking the wrong things about her. I don’t want some guy to come over here and start making a pass at her or snatching her up!” Jade flinched as his voice started to rise again. I know Ashley means well but I don’t think he notices that he’s hurting his sister’s feelings. He is beyond the point of over protective; he’s starting to get really controlling.

“Ash all of us are like her big brothers we don’t want to see her hurt either, relax it’s a nice day out and it’s too hot for her to put on some jeans and a long sleeve shirt, we’re all right here nobody is going to hurt her.” CC tried reasoning with Ashley.

“I still think she needs to change.”

“Ash man come on, you’re being way too overdramatic. “ Jinxx said clearly annoyed with the way Ashley was acting.

“Guys its fine I’ll change.” Jade mumbled giving in to her brother once again.

“What? Jade no; you’re going to pass out from heat exhaustion.” Jinxx stated.

“Seriously its fine. I brought a pack of clothes with me.”

“Well if you’re gonna change just put on a t-shirt, it’s too hot to be wearing what Ashley wants you to wear. And yes Ash I will fight you over this if I have to.” Jinxx said his fatherly tone coming out.

“Fine whatever, I’m still not happy about it though.” Ashley stated. Jade’s shoulders shrunk and I just watched as she started to walk back to our area.

“Smooth, Ash smooth, you just ruined the beach for her.” Jake said clearly aggravated.

“What? I’m just trying to protect her.”

“Guys let’s just let it go and try to have fun for the rest of the day.” CC said I started to make my way over to Jade not really bothering to hear what anybody else had to say. Out of everyone I was the one she was closest to so nobody suspected anything.

I sat down next to her just as she pulled a t-shirt that was way too big for her frame over her head. She continued to look down and I knew she was trying not to cry. I know Ashley means well, but damn it he’s being a dick.

“I didn’t mean to make him upset. I didn’t mean to ruin beach day.” Jade mumbled blaming herself. I pulled her into a hug and stroked her hair.

“Jade baby you did nothing wrong okay? Don’t beat yourself up over this. Remember tonight the guys are going out, I’ll stay with you. It will be just you and me tonight. We’ll do whatever you like okay?” I said squeezing her lightly. She wiped a stray tear from her cheek and gave me a weak smile. “Now that’s what I want to see a smile. I hate seeing you upset J baby. It makes me upset. I promise we’re gonna have a good night okay?”

Jade just nodded and started to fiddle with the end of the t-shirt. I knew she was still upset. I sighed before getting up and throwing her over my shoulder. She squealed out of shock and started giggling. We ended up catching the guys’ attention; they gave us amused expressions and started laughing.

“I’m getting Jade some fried dough!” I hollered at them and they just waved us off.
I swear I am going to make the rest of her day a good one. I wasn’t going to let Ashley’s overprotectiveness ruin her day.


I should be able to post one chapter a week. Hope you all are enjoying this so far.
Tell me what you think.

-Get Your Crayon


This story is a one that I laughed and cried with.

BlacKiM BlacKiM

This story is a one that I laughed and cried with.

BlacKiM BlacKiM

@get your crayon!
Just got on and finished the new chapter! Can't wait for a part with Andy and Jade!!!

helllllo!!!! helllllo!!!!

Thank you! I'm glad you like this. I'm actually about to post the next chapter now :)

BabyDollBlue BabyDollBlue

I need this updated!!! Last few chapters had me in tears!! Love it!

helllllo!!!! helllllo!!!!