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There's a Fine Line Between Love and Hate

Chapter Six

"O-oh my god..." I said as I covered my mouth with my hand. "Is this what I think it is?" I asked quietly.
"Well if you think it's a unicorn stable, then no. But if you think it's a band room then-" I cut him off and jumped on him. I wrapped my legs around his waist and buried my face in his neck.
"-Yes." He finished making me giggle. Sammi then came up and hugged us from the side and said, "I love a good group hug." We all laughed and I jumped off dad. You see, I'm only about 5'2" so I'm not really taller than anyone. Of course Blaze is like 5'7" so she always teases me about that. "Hey guys its about 1:30 so I was thinking maybe you guys could unpack Raven's stuff while I go make lunch."
"Sounds like a plan." Mom and I both said at the same time. We laughed together and ran up the stairs, grabbing my bags and then heading up the next stair case. We got to my room and then Sammi opened the door and said "This is your room. Jinxx's and mine is right across from you."
I giggled and replied "So... If you guys are doing... things... will I hear you?"
"It depends." She said in a serious tone. After about 5 seconds of staring at each other, we burst out laughing and started unpacking my things.
"We haven't painted your room or anything yet so maybe we could do that as a family and then we can buy you some new clothes if you want."
"Isn't that to much? Maybe we could jus-" I was cut off when mom wrapped her arms around me and said "If anything, it's not enough. You've been through so much, I just want you to be happy and healthy."
"I am happy as long as you and dad are here."
Yep, que the water works... I didn't know she would start crying! I just spoke my mind but... I hugged her and said thank you. She sniffed and said. "Ok honey lets start unpacking."
"Finally we're done!" Sammi shouted as she flopped down on the bed. I followed her actions and closed my eyes. While we were unpacking, one thing kept bothering me. The song, Lost it All. Something was wrong with the way we did it, but I couldn't figure it out... The door suddenly shot open, snapping me out of my thoughts, and I heard dad say "Lunch is ready!" I groaned and said "Carry me?" Whilst holding out my arms to Dad. I laughed and said "Sure thing kiddo." He picked me up like a baby so I instinctively wrapped my legs around his waist and arms around his neck. Once we got to the table he set me down in my seat while mom sat across from me. Dad disappeared into the kitchen and mom asked me if anything was going on, so I told her about the Misconceptions. "Aw your just like me and your daddy!" She said while dad walked in with three sandwiches, and put one in front of both of us, leaving one for himself. He sat down and said, "Isn't she?" I giggled to myself.
"Babe, she's gonna be preforming at the Misconceptions! I'm so excited! I get to see you and your band!"
"Raven, I knew you were in a band but I didn't know you were going to be in that! Me and the guys are coming."
"Really? You guys would do that?"
"Yeah sure our next Concert is in a month so we're free." He said like it was no big deal. "Plus, I'm your dad, I would do anything to see you preform.When is it?"
"Thanks dad, that means the world to me. It's in 1 week."
"I'm coming to! I can't wait to see my baby girl." I smiled at my new mom and dad. They were so kind loving. We finished up our lunch and mom said, "Hey Jinxxy can you and Raven do the dishes? I still haven't unpacked from our tour."
"Okay hun." He said as he kissed her forehead. She walked upstairs, leaving me and dad alone. He picked up one of the plates and walked into the kitchen. Then I heard a crash. "Dad! Are you ok?!" I shouted as I ran into the kitchen. I stopped in the doorway to see the plate in pieces on the floor and dad looking embarrassed. I gave him a questioning look and he said, "I was trying to balance the plate on my head and..." He trailed off looking at the shards on the ground.
"Make way for the master." I said as I walked up and put the plate on my head.
Let's just say that didn't end well. "Good going, master." Dad said teasing me. I laughed and said, "Hey I was just warming up."
"Are you ok guys! I heard two crashes!" mom said running into the kitchen. "Jinxx...?" She said in a low tone. "Uh- we were- uh,"
"Trying to balance plates on our heads." I finished.
"Oh! why didn't you say so? lemme show you how it's done." She said pushing through both of us. She picked up a plate and put in n her head, band it fell off almost instantly. Jinxx chucked and said, "Oh so that's how it's done."
Mom punched his arm and said, "Yes."
"Ow that actually hurt!" I whined whilst rubbing his arm.
"Good." He gave her the pouty face and she said, "Aw, baby, I still love you!" and then she pecked him on the lips. "Ew! PDA!" I yelled and covered my face with a dish towel. They laughed and then Jinxx went over to clean up the remaining dishes while mom and I got a dust pan and a broom to pick up the plate shards.
Once the glass was picked up dad started to finish the other dishes and mom grabbed a dish rag and rat tailed him. (A/N: For those of you who don't know what that is, look it up.)
He then turned around and sprayed her with the little spray hose thingy, getting me wet in the process. I then went up and hugged him, getting him all wet. I was about to pull away when he grabbed me said "Get her Sam!" I screamed a little and then mom ran over the the spray hose thingy and sprayed me. I managed to turn us a little so now dad was the one being sprayed. He's still about 8 inches taller than me so he just picked me up and held me in front of Sammi. I giggled and said, "This water is NOT warm!"
"I'm so evil!" mom screamed followed by evil laughter. I squirmed out of dad's grasp and quickly grabbed the spray hose thingy and sprayed mom. She screamed a little and ran behind Jinxx
"Karma's a bitch!" I yelled. They both laughed and I started to walk closer to them, when I slipped on the water...
"Raven!" dad yelled "Are you ok?" I held my hands up, each of them taking one to help me up. While they were off guard, I pulled them down with me. Now all three of us were laying in a huge puddle of water.
I heard the door open and then footsteps getting closer and closer. All three of us turned to the doorway and there stood the rest of dad's band. With their girlfriends. Mom, dad and I exchanged glances and then we started laughing. "Ok, Raven, Sammi and I are gonna go upstairs and get changed and you guys can do whatever." Dad said as we stood up. I trailed water all the way upstairs.
When I was done changing I walked downstairs with mom and looked at the clock. It was now 3:30 and the boys were downstairs playing black ops while the girls were chatting at the kitchen table. The song. Lost It All. Andy can help. I walked over to Andy who was just watching. "Heeeeeeeey Andy..." I said sitting next to him. "Hey Raven."
"I was wondering... Can you help me?" I asked shyly.
"With what?"
"Lost It All. It's just this one part, and it won't take long, I just need help and I know you wrote the song and all so maybe you could...." I trailed off. He chuckled and said, "Sure I'd be glad to help." He smiled at me and stood up. Ok, what the fuck. He's like a foot taller than me. No fair. I heard a chuckle come from Andy. "Did I say that out loud...?"
"Yes." He replied. I pushed my hair behind my ear and then I saw Ashley pause the game and look at us. "What're you guys doin?"
"Oh I was gonna help Raven with the song."
"I wanna Help!" CC screamed while raising his hand. Ashley nodded his head as if agreeing and then Jake said, "Only if I get pizza. Just kidding I'll help."
"Anything for my little girl." Dad said. I smiled at him and CC said "AW!" I giggled and then Jinxx looked at Sammi and said "Sweetie, We're gonna go downstairs and help Raven."
"Ok babe."
"Then let's go!" Andy said as he picked me up and ran down the stairs to the basement. "Put me down, gazelle legs!" I screamed at him. I heard a muffled laugh from the girls upstairs. "In your dreams short stack!"
"Hey!" The boys laughed and Andy put me down in front of my guitar. I pulled out my song book and opened up the the page with Lost It All. Andy looked over my shoulder, as did the rest of the guys.
"Hm. Well your voice is a lot higher than mine so, I think this is the problem..."
"Guy's come on up stairs!" We heard Lauren yell from the top of the stairs. We were almost done, but that can wait. We all walked up the stairs and Sammi said, "Ok guys, go get dressed. We're going out to dinner for Raven. Wear nice clothes. Raven." She said looking at me. All the girls surrounded me and I said, "Umm..." While looking at them. All three of them lunged forward and picked me up. "Ok girls! To Sammi's bathroom." The boys we stifling laughs while I reached my arms out hoping one of them would grab me and pull me free. "Daddy?" I pleaded. He simply shook his head and laughed. I groaned and Ella said, "Oh come on, we don't bite."
"Well I do!" I yelled and bit moms hand lightly. "Ew!" She let me go and I managed to scramble free. "Freedom!" I yelled and made a beeline for the living room "Oh no you don't!" Juliet yelled.
"Got her." Ashley said while grabbing my waist and throwing me over his shoulder. I pounded on his back and said, "Let me go you man whore!"
"Eh. I've been called worse." I eventually slumped over and he set me down in mom's bathroom.
"Ok girls." Sammi said. "Ella and Juliet, you work on hair and makeup while Lauren and I pick out some clothes." They all nodded and Juliet sat me down in front of the mirror. "Ella can you do makeup while I work on her hair?"
"Yeah." Ella walked over to Sammi's makeup drawer and pulled out some stuff whilst Juliet picked up some bobby pins, hair bands, a comb, a brush, and hair spray.
"Ok close you eyes." Ella instructed me. I did as I was told and sat back a little. About ten minutes later mom and Lauren walked in holding a beautiful dress and shoes. After another 10 minutes Ella and Juliet were done and they all told me to put on the dress and shoes while they go get ready.
We walked down stairs to see the buy waiting by the door. "You picked good ones." Ashley murmured to Jinxx. Dad smiled and hugged me. "You look beautiful."
"Thanks dad." I said with a blush.
"You too." He said to mom as he pecked her lips. She smiled and then we were off to dinner.


Hey so here are le outfits
Ella, Sammi, Juliet, Lauren

Ok guys! The story is now set, and things will start happening.


P.S. I know I changed the date of the Misconceptions, I just needed too.


Update maybe?

Update maybe?


Never_Give_In Never_Give_In

This is a really fantastic story cant wait for the next chapter xxx

ChelBvBarmy ChelBvBarmy


yay! i'm glad