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On Leather Wings


Within 24 hours of all of these final straws occuring, all of the Fallen Angels were at a fairly good hotel, with high security. Jinxx kept looking around worriedly, as if whatever had been tormenting him had followed him here. Sandra was noticeably shaken after seeing the 2 angels plummeting to the ground with chopped off wings. Andy, like Jinxx, looked paranoid and terrified. CC looked pissed as fuck. Ashley was using a sheet as a toga. But most terrifying of all, was Jake. He looked like a walking skeleton.

Finally, CC piped up. "Status Report?"

"Something kept attacking at me an' Sammi. Throwin' shit at us, and it ain't no pillows either!" Jinxx spat.

"Every chick I met, whenever I took her somewhere private, and tried getting intimate, was a fucking succubus!" Ashley whined.

Everyone snickered.

"Figures." CC mumbled.

"It's not so funny when they try killing you!"

"Through sexual exhaustion?"

"Through fangs ad claws! I think my balls have gone permanently blue!"

CC rolled his eyes. "Sandra?"

"Saw 2 more dead to the Angel Killer. One landed right next to me on the roof."

"Whoever the fuck this guy is, I need to kick his ass!"

"The one who landed next to me said 'archangel' before he died."

"Which one?"

"No clue."

"Then let's kill em all! Andy?"

"Been getting vandalized. They're writing shit like emo fag and go die on my house... It's just like high school all over again. Then, this morning, they killed my cat, and left a note saying I'm next!" The singer said, before breaking into tears over the loss of his beloved pet. Sandra petted his back comfortingly.


"Everything I eat ends up being poisoned." The skeleton said. He looked like he would die at any moment.

"CC?" the Destroyer asked, before realizing that he was talking to himself. "Shit's been escaping out of hell like crazy, and the barriers are weakening."

"Like the condom that's been in my wallet for a month?" Ashley asked.

"Holy shit, long time there, Purdy." Sandra said, biting back a snicker.

Ashley glared.

"It's not funny if every time you try getting laid, you almost get killed!"

"Guys!" Jinxx yelled.

Everyone paused in shock. Since when did Senor Smellybones talk, yet alone yell?

"We have to work together." He said, before resuming his usual silence.

"Plan of action?" CC asked. He rarely, if ever, assumed a leadership position. He preferred screwing around and being a general overgrown kid most of the time.

"Food that won't kill me." Jake croaked out.

"Exorcism." Jinxx said.

"Catch the Angel Killer."

"Get laid." Of course, that had to come from the Purdy. Seeing everyone glaring at him, he said, "My goddamn balls are shriveling to death here!"

"Find a new house." Andy whispered somewhere in between a sob and a hiccup.

"Go to hell!" CC said, triumphantly.

"To stop the barrier from breaking, of course!" He added quickly, defensively, seeing the same looks that had been directed at Ashley now pointed dead his way.

"Yup, the barrier's breakin' like my condom might break if I don't use it soom!" Ashley said.

The Fallen Angels now knew where they stood, and what had to be done. Now, it was time to put that information to good use.

Ok, I need a vote here. Who should the devil, ruler of hell, which our fallen Angels may or may not have to visit be? Your choices:

Ronnie Radke

Gerard Way

Davey Havok

Dahvie Vanity


Brilliant story and Ronnie he's the evilest I think he'd be perfect <3
Dahvie!!! o3o idk why yelled that o-o
I think Ronnie or Dahvie
AbbyLove AbbyLove
you are very welcom
Mak-a-doodle Mak-a-doodle
@makenzie demuth
Quite welcome, and thanks :D