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Nobody's Hero

Chapter thirty-eight.

"So...you want me to come to the party tonight?" Blake asked, butting his cigarette out in the ash tray. Tonight the guysBlake to come.

"Yes! I want you to meet the rest of the band, and meet some close friends of mine, you know? It'll be fun, trust me," I reassured him, making my way into his house. Over the past few weeks Blake and I have become amazing friends, and when I'm not with Ashley, I'm with him. And I've been with him a lot lately. The guys have been working on "BVB III" and they have been in the studio 90% of the time. So when the guys are home they are tired and not wanting to do anything.

But, the album process is coming to an end, and this weekend is the last weekend they can just hang out and have a good time. After this, it's finishing up the album, and then touring with the new album out. And touring takes a lot of preparation too. The guys could be asked to be an opening act, or they could headline it. But, if they headline it they would need to reach out to other bands to find out who can open them up. And lastly would be making the setlist. They would have to pick out a reasonable amount of songs, and it's just a whole long process that they dread going through.

"Alright, I'll go," Blake said. "But I don't know what to wear."

"Oh stop acting like a girl! Just wear what you usually wear, black skinny jeans and a tank top or something, that's what all the guys wear at parties."

"What are you wearing?"

"Probably shorts and a tank, I don't have any dresses cleaned."

He nodded his head, we still had time until we had to head over to my house. The guys told me to be home to help for seven, and the party would start at nine. It was currently five thirty, and my house wasn't a long drive from Blake's. But, due to the fact that Blake hasn't passed his driving test yet, and one of the guys is most likely driving my car, we have to wait for his mom or his sister to get home to drive us.

Andy dropped me off, and I didn't want to bother him to pick me back up. "My mom will drive us, it's all good," Blake said.

"Come on! You take forever to get ready!" I yelled through the door.

"Oh shut up," Blake muttered. He grabbed his wallet and phone and we met his mom downstairs. We all piled into the car and I made conversation with his mom.

"So this party is being held by your brother and his band?" Carrie, Blake's mom asked.

"Yeah, it's like a kick back thing, but knowing my brother it'll be something a little more. But, don't worry, I'll keep Blake and I under control," I laughed. She smiled at me. At this point the drive to my house was practically etched into her mind, and it made me happy.

When we pulled up, Blake kissed his mom on the cheek and let her know that he was probably staying the night, and as I was about to get out, she told me to stay. "Addisan," she began. She undid her seatbelt and turned to face me. "Thank you so much for being here for Blake. He's been through a lot and you make him really happy."

For some reason, that made my heart flutter. "It's no problem, he makes me really happy too, it's nice knowing I have someone to confide in that understands." She smiled.

Then she sighed. "Watch him, I know you will, just I want him to stay sober."

"Of course," I said. "See you later, Carrie!"

I left the car and met Blake on my front porch, he didn't ask about what me and his mom talked about in the car, and I don't think he was worried. "I'm home, losers!" I yelled. I got some responses back and they all sounded like they were coming from the same place--the back. "come on." Blake followed me to the back patio where all the guys were.

"Well, here is the famous Blake," I introduced him. "And, Blake, you know the men of Black Veil Brides."

They all introduced themselves to him and they automatically started talking. I went inside to help start putting stuff in the coolers. "Addie, baby!" A voice said from behind me, I turned around to meet my boyfriend, pulling him close and kissing him.

"Ashy," I said, in a baby voice. He hated it when I called him Ashy, so I always did it. He smiled and groaned and grabbed another box of beers.

"I'm working the bar tonight," he said proudly. "And I'm hoping to get fucked up, but not too fucked up. I don't want to feel it that much in the morning."

I agreed with him. I didn't want any hard liquor maybe a couple beers, but probably not because I don't want to do any sort of drinking in front of Blake so he doesn't feel as if he had too. "So that's Blake from group?" Ashley asked, snapping me out of my thoughts. I nodded. "Seems like a nice kid. He really loves BVB?"

"Fuck yes. When he introduced himself on the first day of group he mentioned how his favorite band was Black Veil, and he even made Andy cry a couple months ago."

Ashley nodded his head proudly. "It's crazy how big we've gotten,"

"I know, and I've been there with you guys every step of the way...even when you hated me."

He laughed, "I never hated you, Ads. I just didn't know how to show my love for you."

"That's understandable," I said. Ashley always had a problem with getting his emotions out. He never knew how to do it. "But look at us now," I smiled. I leaned in and we kissed.

"And I wouldn't want it any other way."


wowza I suck at life.

sorry I made you wait for such a bad update! Blake is going to be a huuuuuge character in the sequel, so make sure you pay attention to him.

I wish I could promise updates, but I'd be lying ): but, I will try to update as much as possible!!

comment, vote, sub!!!
love yous xoxox

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Still in love

Tei-pac Tei-pac

*tear rolls down my cheek* Chapter 24

Just finished chapter 6 and I'm already on the verge of tears

OMG!!!!!! That hangover fart bit made me laugh so hard. I swear I have the mind of a teenage boy sometimes.


txke-me-dxncing txke-me-dxncing